Robert Riemann

Robert Riemann holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Physics from the University of Berlin. In 2017, he received the degree of a doctor in computer science from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Lyon for his research on the subject of distributed communication systems. Since then, he works at the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in Brussels in the IT Policy unit. He covers mainly web technologies and P2P and follows up on recent technological developments.


OSM data: Privacy Risks and GDPR compliance
Robert Riemann

OSM publishes with its geodata also meta data describing the contribution process and contributor. This talk gives an overview of the actual privacy prospects for OSM consumers, potential privacy risks for OSM contributors, and attempts a preliminary compliance check with respect to the EU’s general data protection regulation (GDPR).

Data Analysis & Data Model
Track 1 - Talks