Making your own MapComplete theme
07-11, 20:00–21:00 (UTC), Track 2 - Panels and Workshops

In this workshop, I will assist you on how to create your own MapComplete theme.

MapComplete is an easy to use web editor, suitable for desktop and mobile. It can be seen as the spiritual offspring of both StreetComplete and MapContrib.

This workshop is a follow-up of my talk about MapComplete, and it aims to give an introduction in how you can create your own theme with MapComplete. In this format, you will be provided an introductory tutorial video and the necessary documentation which you should be able to follow along. I am standby in a video conference, so that questions can be asked live.

This workshop serves three goals:
- I want the community to learn how they can create and share there own thematic maps/editors
- I want to have some more, qualitative themes into MapComplete (and have some more contributors)
- I want to test and improve the documentation

If you want to join, you:
- will need to have made at least 500 changesets with your OpenStreetMap-account
- will need a thorough understanding of how tagging works in OpenStreetMap
- will need some knowledge on how to edit a .json-file
- will need to have access to a computer
- will need what MapComplete is, have tried it at least once. My other talk is a good introduction


Make your own easy-to-use, thematic map editor in under an hour

Workshop requirements

If you want to join, you:
- will need to have made at least 500 changesets with your OpenStreetMap-account
- will need a thorough understanding of how tagging works in OpenStreetMap
- will need some knowledge on how to edit a .json-file
- will need to have access to a computer
- will need what MapComplete is, have tried it at least once. My other talk is a good introduction

If you have some time, you can prepare a theme:
- which objects do you want to show?
- Which questions do you want to ask about them?
- Which icons do you want to use with them?

If you have experience with Git and Github, and your finished theme is qualitative, I will guide you to get you theme into the live with a pull request

Pieter Vander Vennet works for, a small compan using OpenStreetMap to provide route planning and custom mobility scenarios. As freelancer and partly as volunteer, he developed MapComplete.

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