Imports and Bulk Edits, Community Style: MapRoulette Cooperative Challenges
07-10, 15:00–16:00 (UTC), Track 2 - Panels and Workshops

Martijn van Exel will demonstrate in an interactive workshop how you can make use of MapRoulette's advanced capabilities to create tasks that mappers can solve with as little as one click.

What if you could combine the best parts of data imports, bulk edits and the power of the OSM community? MapRoulette lets you do this with two new Challenge types: Tag Change Challenges and Cooperative Challenges. With a Tag Change Challenge, you can propose one or more tag changes on existing OSM features. Mappers simply need to confirm the changes from right within MapRoulette. With a Cooperative Challenge, each Task is a pre-made OSM Change that gets pre-loaded in JOSM, where mappers can easily confirm the edits. In this Workshop, MapRoulette creator Martijn van Exel will show you how these Challenge types work, and how you can create them.

Talk keywords


Workshop requirements

Familiarity with MapRoulette and creating challenges is a plus but not required. If you want to follow along, you will need a laptop connected to the internet, an OSM account, JOSM, and installed.

Martijn van Exel has been contributing to OSM since 2007 as a mapper, community leader, organizer, coder, and board member. He is originally from The Netherlands and moved to the United States in 2011. He is the creator of MapRoulette. He currently sits on the Board of Directors of OpenStreetMap US. He has worked with OSM professionally at Telenav from 2011 to 2019, helping create Kartaview and leading one of the first organized mapping teams. He currently works at HERE Technologies.