WikidataCon 2021

Shani Evenstein Sigalov

Shani is an educator, lecturer, researcher and Free Knowledge advocate, interested in the intersection between education, Technology, Innovation and Openness.
She has been incorporating WD into the academic curriculum since 2015, both in her elective courses at Tel Aviv University, as well as by supporting other lecturers and faculty in integrating WD into their courses in various institutions both in Israel and worldwide.
In 2018 she opened the first, for-credit course in the world to feature Wikidata, called "From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, from Wikipedia to Wikidata".
Shani is a PhD candidate at the School of Education, TAU, where she focuses on researching the Semantic Web as a learning platform, focusing on Wikidata as a case study.
Since 2019, she also serves as member of the Board of Trustees, Wikimedia Foundation.


A Wikidata university course? Lessons learned from featuring Wikidata in an elective course at Tel Aviv University.
Shani Evenstein Sigalov

In 2018, a new course opened at Tel Aviv University -- the first for-credit course to feature Wikidata worldwide, called "From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, from Wikipedia to Wikidata". The course is available to all undergraduates at TAU, from all disciplines, and was approved by the University's Rector Office.
Its structure is based on a course model previously designed, developed and implemented at TAU since 2013, in the hopes of scaling up, not only addressing issues such as Data Literacy, but also focusing on more social impact.
After 3 iterations of the course, this presentation will focus on:
* The course design and structure
* The course outcomes, including students' learning experience
* Lessons learned so far, including challenges and opportunities for both learners and faculty

Educação e ciência
Room 2
Wikidata & Education: A Global Panel
Shani Evenstein Sigalov, LiAnna Davis, João Alexandre Peschanski, Martin Poulter, Houcemeddine Turki, Mike Peel

A chance to globally discuss the state of Wikidata & Education.
With 2 years passing since our panel in WDCon19, this panel would offer an opportunity to the community working on implementing WD into Education a chance to connect and discuss burning issues. What are some interesting initiatives globally? What has changed? What are some of our current challenges, especially during COVID? and what can we do, globally, to enhance this global effort? These will be some of the questions we will be discussing with invited panelists from around the world and the audience attending this session.

Educação e ciência
Room 2