Daniel Mietchen
Biophysicist and data scientist whose contributions to Wikimedia projects center around topics related to research, sustainable development and disaster management.
In this presentation, I will review developments since the WikiCite 2020 conference from three main angles by considering its community, content and platform aspects, in particular in terms of how they relate to the sustainable future scenarios discussed on Saturday.
The way Wikidata bridges across many domains of knowledge makes it interesting as a component of education. Here, I will look at this from two main use cases: (i) basic digital and data literacy and domain-general knowledge, (ii) domain-specific literacy and knowledge. Use case i will be mainly discussed at about high school level, and use case ii at undergraduate university level. Zooming in on the latter, I will further distinguish between use cases that are closely related to data science (ii-a) or not (ii-b).
This presentation will provide an overview about recent developments at and around Scholia, a tool to visualize Wikidata-based information about WikiCite-related data. It will pay special attention to how Scholia integrates with WikiCite workflows.