Tiago Lubiana
Wikidata community awards ceremony
Tiago Lubiana, Veronica Stocco
The Wikidata Community Awards celebrate the work of people and groups involved in Wikidata, and highlight some projects nominated by the community. Join us for the ceremony to discover some great projects!
Tema principal
Livestream room
Scientific greetings
David Abián, Tiago Lubiana, Gabriel Maia
What aspects of Wikidata do you research? Which ones do you find challenging? In this condensed session each researcher will have the opportunity to introduce themselves and their work to other colleagues in just around 5 minutes. They will also be able to ask for help, offer collaboration and find out what other colleagues are working on.
Due to time constraints, please sign up for the session on Wikidata as soon as possible if you want to speak.
Educação e ciência
Room 2