30/10/2021 –, Room 2
With both structured copyright data in Commons and copyright status of creators in Wikidata we could assist users and GLAM partners with uploading and improve and verify public domain works in Commons. Use cases are to assist users in the wizard when uploading a work, to detect errors or set warnings in mass uploads from GLAM partners, and to assist automatic public domain uploads with Wikidata as hub for artworks, currently in use for the Sum of all paintings project. One of the difficulties is that Commons uses the copyright determination of a work in the US and the source country of a work, as well as works with multiple contributors like books. Both not implemented yet in Wikidata.
In this session we would like to discuss the modelling of structured copyright data in WIkidata and Commons and discuss what we could automate with bots and wizards.
Knowledge about copyright models in Wikidata and Commons
Link to notes:https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataCon2021-Sisterprojects-SDC
Working with Dutch museums to detect the copyright status of works by using WIkidata.