Adele Godoy Vrana
Adele Godoy Vrana is an Afro-Brazilian feminist, social justice activist, and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?, who joined the Wikimedia movement in 2012. As the former Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Wikimedia Foundation, she led initiatives to help increase access to Wikipedia in the Global South. Wikimedian against-all-odds, she decided to stick around to make the point that black women belong everywhere, with or without an edit count. She first learned of Wikipedia in her mid-twenties when she couldn’t afford to buy books, and remains determined to make the knowledges of people like her visible, heard, and affirmed in this movement.
What would structured data with multiple epistemic frames look like? And how do we get there? Wikimedia Deutschland, Wiki Movimento Brasil and Whose Knowledge? in early October, invited thinkers and practioners from different locations and backgrounds to reflect on how to decolonize the Internet's structured data in a conversation that must continue! Join this discussion about the challenges and opportunities of structured data from the perspectives of different systems of knowledge and identities.