WikidataCon 2021

Decolonizing the Internet's Structured Data follow up
2021-10-30 , Room 3

What would structured data with multiple epistemic frames look like? And how do we get there? Wikimedia Deutschland, Wiki Movimento Brasil and Whose Knowledge? in early October, invited thinkers and practioners from different locations and backgrounds to reflect on how to decolonize the Internet's structured data in a conversation that must continue! Join this discussion about the challenges and opportunities of structured data from the perspectives of different systems of knowledge and identities.

Link to notes

What will the participants take away from this session?

There's a hegemonic way of how structured data says we can exist in the world. In this conversation, we'll make room for new imaginations!





I hold a PhD and Master degrees by the Post-Graduate Program in Communication at Federal University of Minas Gerais – Brazil. I am also a journalist with a degree from the same University. Researcher at the R-EST – Studies of Sociotechnical Networks (UFMG) and GAIA – Group of Arts and Artificial Intelligence (C4AI-Inova USP). I am interested in researching platforms, algorithms, artificial intelligence and digital media in relation to communication. I also serve as a Production Manager of the WikidataCon 2021 at the wikimedia user group Wiki Movimento Brasil

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Adele Godoy Vrana is an Afro-Brazilian feminist, social justice activist, and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?, who joined the Wikimedia movement in 2012. As the former Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Wikimedia Foundation, she led initiatives to help increase access to Wikipedia in the Global South. Wikimedian against-all-odds, she decided to stick around to make the point that black women belong everywhere, with or without an edit count. She first learned of Wikipedia in her mid-twenties when she couldn’t afford to buy books, and remains determined to make the knowledges of people like her visible, heard, and affirmed in this movement.

Anasuya Sengupta is an Indian feminist activist, scholar, and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?, who lives and works across multiple continents and online as a Wikipedian. She joined the Wikimedia Foundation in 2012, became Chief Grantmaking Officer, and then began in earnest to edit and amplify marginalised knowledges on Wikipedia as a volunteer. She has led and supported social justice initiatives in India and the United States, particularly against caste- and sexuality- based discriminations, religious fundamentalisms, and gender-based violence. She acknowledges the multiple positions of power and disempowerment she holds, especially as an “upper caste” savarna brown woman from the Global South.

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Sabine Müller is Advisor for Participation and Learning in the Digital World at Wikimedia Deutschland. She is committed to opening up education, cultural heritage and the research system.
Before she was Senior Advisor for the Humanities and Learning sciences as well as career development at the Leibniz Association. With an academic background in literature, (embodied) narratology and philosophy, she is enthusiastic about learning more and discussing the preconditions of our knowledge(s), cultural narratives and epistemological frameworks.