2021-10-31 –, Room 2
Outreachy is a diversity initiative that offers paid internships to work on open source software for three months each summer and winter. The Wikimedia Foundation participates in Outreachy, typically offering around four internships. This year, I have been working with several Outreachy students to write pywikibot scripts to synchronise content between Wikipedias and Wikidata. I will give a brief summary of Outreachy; describe the contribution period that leads to the selection of the interns (no CVs are involved!); and the outcomes from two internships from earlier this year.
What Outreachy is; how interns are selected; and what they do. Would hopefully lead to more Wikidata-related internships being offered in the future by attendees of this talk (community members can propose and supervise them!).
Link to notes:https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataCon2021-OutreachyInternshipstocreateWi