Yocto Project® Summit 2021

The Yocto Project will be running its 3rd Summit in May 2021.

DATE:​ Tuesday, May 25 - Wednesday, May 26, 2021
TIME:​ 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM (GMT)
LOCATION:​ Online, Virtual Experience


The Yocto Project Virtual Summit is a virtual technical conference for engineers, open source technologists, students and academia in the OSS space. This 2-day event is where individuals will learn about Yocto Projects’ direction -- including, but not limited to, new releases, development tools, features -- get training on the next wave of embedded Linux technologies (segment previously known as Yocto Project Developer Day), and network with their industry peers, Yocto Project maintainers, OpenEmbedded maintainers and experts.

Formerly known as the Yocto Project Developer Day, the Yocto Project Virtual Summit has an expanded scope which includes both workshops for engineers building customized Linux distributions and applications, as well as an open forum where maintainers, trainers, and users present papers on how the project is evolving and how they are using it.

There is also a Beginners Track for people who are new to Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded.

Why Attend?

Learn how Yocto Project-based software and new features, never seen before in the community, can help harness the power of automation and cross-compiling to overcome development barriers and formulate efficient approaches to follow CI/CD models, DevOps practices, cyber security requirements and more.

Summit attendees will:
* Hear from Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded maintainers about current release topics such as automated testing, optimized builds, automated CVE analysis, SPDX license identifiers, automated recipe upgrades
* Attend sessions on DevOps, cyber security, containers, edge computing
* Gain hands-on experience with the Yocto Project infrastructure and tools

Attending the Yocto Project Virtual Summit will provide you with a strong base of knowledge around the Yocto Project developer tools and how they are being used in the industry.

Registration Cost

The registration cost for the whole event is set to $40, register here.

Who Can Benefit

  • System/Software Developers
  • Tech Leads / Development Leads
  • Software Architects
  • Chief Engineers
  • System Engineers
  • Development Engineers
  • Embedded Engineers / Programmer
  • DevOps / System Administrators
  • Application Engineers
  • Open Source Technologists

Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

Refer to the Yocto Project Code Of Conduct for additional information. Please bring any concerns to the immediate attention of Yocto Project event staff,


If you have any questions about the Yocto Project Virtual Summit or are considering becoming a sponsor please contact us at conferences@lists.yoctoproject.org .