Case Study: Yocto / OpenEmbedded in All Scenarios OS
05-26, 18:10–18:40 (UTC), Presentation Room

We are about six months in from kicking off All Scenarios OS (former OpenHarmony), and Yocto/OpenEmbedded was a core building block from the start. We consider today to be an excellent time to sit down and look at what we are currently using and our plans for the future.

We are about six months in from kicking off All Scenarios OS (former OpenHarmony), and Yocto/OpenEmbedded was a core building block from the start. We consider today to be an excellent time to sit down and look at what we are currently using and our plans for the future.

The project aims at unifying various OS, BSP and software stacks layers under the same ecosystem dealing with interoperability and scalability. On the Linux side, working on a poky-based distro, using dunfell for the build meta-data layers is a pretty typical setup. The more exciting parts will be using musl as the libc provider and llvm as the default toolchain. Besides the building infrastructure for Linux, we also do it for Zephyr and FreeRTOS through their relevant layers.

In our CI system, we run every merge request through an IP compliance toolchain which feeds back into our needs for the included layers and recipes. That puts governance in a central position as part of our development cycles.

When starting this journey, we had a broad range of experiences, from not exposed to Yocto/OE to being a very experienced layer maintainer. Combining the project's bring-up feedback with some of the more unique requirements will result in a list of topics we want to discuss in the second part of the presentation. Hopefully, these topics will provide helpful feedback for the project by unwrapping the pain points we stumbled on.

See also: Slides (4.4 MB)

Stefan Schmidt is a FOSS contributor for 16+ years by now. During this time he worked on different projects and different layers of the Linux ecosystem. From bootloader and Kernel over build systems for embedded to user interfaces. He was serving as technical steering committee member of OpenEmbedded during the merge with the Yocto project, helped porting a 2.6 kernel to some early smartphones and is the release manager of the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries as well as co-maintainer of the Linux IEEE 802.15.4 subsystem.

After many years as freelancer and long time member of the Samsung Open Source Group he recently joined Huawei's newly founded Open Source Technology Center.

Andrei has been embracing FOSS for almost 10 years now. During his professional life, the FOSS aspect was either rooted in his day-to-day work or handled as a separate thread, part of personal projects. He has been an OpenEmbedded member since Yocto's inception and played maintainer and contributor roles in various parts of the ecosystem.

When he doesn't type, he hikes, boardgames'es (yes, that is a verb) and tries to be a dad.

Director of the Open Source Technology Center at Huawei, Davide has spent a 15+ years career in open source participating in initiatives such as the Yocto Project, Zephyr, ... and driving their adoption by key industry players and projects.