The Yocto Project Reference Binary Distro effort
05-19, 18:30–19:00 (UTC), Kirkstone

The yocto project has long supported package feeds, recently the project has
gained more capabilities around binary artifacts and how they can be reused.
There is also an effort to create and support a reference package feed as part
of the outputs of the project.

This presentation will introduce the components that underpin package
capabilities, and show how they work together to enable workflows based on
binary artifacts. Package feed extension, and target update will be discussed,
as well as how containers can be used in a 'docker build' like manner to package
and deploy applications.

It will then give an overview and status update on the "5 Year" planning and
binary distribution effort. Distinctions between core project capabilities, and
what can be leveraged from the wider ecosystem will also be discussed as part of
this presentation.

This presentation is an overview of the various workflows and components that
make up a modern package/container based distribution. It is intended to
highlight the capabilities of the project and how it solves problems that many
don't even know they have.

It will be suitable for both beginners (packages) and advanced users
(containers), as well as managers/developers.

See also: presentation slides (92.9 KB)

Bruce has been working professionally with Linux since 2000, and a user since
1995. He currently works as a Principal Systems Engineer for AMD, spending
time as maintainer for the Yocto project reference kernel, meta-virtualization
and meta-cloud-service slayers. Although most of Bruce's effort is spent in the
kernel and virtualization, his experience ranges from build systems and shell
scripting, to userspace and graphics toolkits. Bruce has spoken at ELC in the
past, at internal conferences/showcases and technology presentations to smaller

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