OEcore features and challenges Packaging modern languages
05-18, 18:45–19:15 (UTC), Kirkstone

Many modern languages (such as go, rust, nodejs) include their own dependency
management components that are responsible for ensuring the correct source is
available for the build. While this addresses many of the issues with dependency
management and packaging at the source/build level, it causes issues when
several core OE features are considered: reproducibility, licensing/SBOM,
offline builds, sstate/hash equivalence, etc. There are also indirect issues
such as CVE management, debugability, recipe transparency, code sharing, that
are sources of maintenance challenges.

The approach/implementation to solving these issues are largely language
specific, but have the common themes of OE fetcher integration, dependency
packaging (and reuse) versus per-recipe source code management, dependency
specification, etc. Balancing reuse, build performance, scalability and other
issues are also challenges that remain with the different solutions.

Using golang as an example, this talk will cover these issues in more detail,
and use meta-virtualization's go recipes as an example of one way to solve the
problem. It will also summarize the issues with other languages and discuss what
should be considered when doing an OE core fetcher implementation for a given

This presentation is a survey of the modern languages and the problems they pose
to OE core functionality. It should be considered as broadly informational
versus presenting a completely solution to any of the issues. The goal is to
spur discussion and get more eyes on the challenges faced with packaging these
sorts of applications.

See also: presentation slides (53.9 KB)

Bruce has been working professionally with Linux since 2000, and a user since
1995. He currently works as a Principal Systems Engineer for AMD, spending
time as maintainer for the Yocto project reference kernel, meta-virtualization
and meta-cloud-service slayers. Although most of Bruce's effort is spent in the
kernel and virtualization, his experience ranges from build systems and shell
scripting, to userspace and graphics toolkits. Bruce has spoken at ELC in the
past, at internal conferences/showcases and technology presentations to smaller

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