Bashar M. Zeitoon

Bashar works in partnership with institutions and community groups to translate sustainable development concepts into practices. Over the past two years, he advised the Government of Jordan on climate change policy. He co-developed the country’s climate change by-law, prepared a climate change action plan, and authored a report assessing the country’s climate change policy.

Bashar has delivered multiple capacity building workshops on climate change and environmental issues to youth, professional, and community groups, seeking to change collective mindsets and behavior. In his interventions, Bashar advocates commitment to systems thinking, leadership, governance, and stakeholder collaboration.

Bashar received his academic training in Chemical Engineering from MIT and holds a Master degree in Public Policy from Harvard University.


(267) [EN] Energy behavior transformation - Thinking about everyone
Abdallah Alshamali, Bashar M. Zeitoon, Sarah Jean Cunningham
While an energy transformation to renewable energy is happening, a behavioral transformation for energy use must occur as well. It will enable societies to lower their energy consumption and reduce the need for energy intensive items, be more energy efficient, careful and considerate while using energy, while sourcing whatever energy we use from Eco-friendly and sustainable sources. It is important to be aware of behaviors we want to keep and what we must let go and who should apply them.
Energy and Climate
room 4