Maximilian Jung

Ist Mitglied im Organisationskreis für das Zukunft für Alle, interessiert sich für gelingende Gruppenprozesse und wie dieser Kongress digital für die Utopie begeistern kann. Arbeitet im Studium zu Globalisierung, Postwachstum & Rechtsradikalismus. In seiner Utopie wird per Anhalter gefahren.

Is a member of the Organizing Committee for the Future for All, is interested in successful group processes and how this congress can digitally inspire enthusiasm for utopias. Studies i.a. globalization, postgrowth & right-wing radicalism. In his utopia people still hitchhike.


(240) [DE/EN/ES] Internet access, a vehicle for social justice
Dominik Piétron, Claudia García Ramírez, Maximilian Jung
The existing digital divide in countries like México, prevents access to other rights such as access to freedom of expression, to knowledge, education, among others. Especially in times of crisis, so it’s reduction is a priority issue for the next years.
Raum 4