Language: English
08-27, 15:00–16:30 (Europe/Berlin), room 9
**Event for Refugee Women only**
location: Tipi (Karl-Heine-Str. 93)
We will look at the day to day challenges when refugees step in European soil and the daily fights from initiatives and solidarity groups such as the accommodation in camps, deportations and everyday racism. The discriminatory reality have become more visible than ever during the corona pandemic. We want to talk about experiences that we as refugees have made and your ways of living solidarity in this crisis. How can we build new alliances and other activism if the old one is not working?
**Veranstaltung nur für Frauen mit Fluchterfahrung**
Ort: Tipi (Karl-Heine-Str. 93)
Wir werden uns mit den alltäglichen Herausforderungen befassen, die entstehen, wenn Flüchtlinge europäischen Boden betreten, und mit den alltäglichen Kämpfen von Initiativen und Solidaritätsgruppen wie der Unterbringung in Lagern, Abschiebungen und dem alltäglichen Rassismus. Die diskriminierende Realität ist während der Corona-Pandemie sichtbarer denn je geworden. Wir wollen über Erfahrungen sprechen, die wir als Flüchtlinge gemacht haben, und über eure Formen, Solidarität in dieser Krise auszuleben. Wie können wir neue Bündnisse und weiteren Aktivismus aufbauen, wenn die bisherigen Strukturen nicht funktionieren?
Einsteiger*innen in das Thema, Menschen mit Vorwissen zum Thema, Menschen, die bereits intensiv zum Thema arbeiten
Format –Diskussionsworkshop
Tracks –Bewegungsfreiheit für alle
Duration –90 min (1 Slot)
Phase –Utopie
Language(s) –Englisch
Two activists of Women in Exile; an initiative of refugee women founded in Brandenburg state in 2002 by refugee women to fight for their rights. We decided to organize as a refugee women’s group because we made the experience that refugee women are doubly discriminated against not only by racist laws and discriminative refugee laws in general but also as women. The struggle against these laws is usually supported by mixed-sex refugee self-organizations and in our experience; these are often dominated by men who look at other issues as more important.
We have managed to build a national network with refugee women and feminist groups, a platform which we use to plan national wide actions such as demonstration, giving interviews to the media in order to to let society know of the problems faced by refugee women and their demands. We organize empowerment workshops for refugee women to develop perspectives to fight for rights in the asylum procedure and to defend against sexualized violence, discrimination and exclusion.