Adopting Bitcoin 2022

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Looking back to move forward
11-15, 09:00–09:15 (America/El_Salvador), Bitfinex Stage
Language: English

Gerson Martinez is a Salvadoran living in the USA. His story and background represent the millions of Salvadorans fleeing in the 1990s, only to find hope again in their country's future in 2021.


Bitcoin TV:

Gerson is the founder and president of New Equity Group LLC, a bitcoin mining and early stage investment company based in Easton, MD. New Equity Group has a wholly-owned subsidiary in El Salvador named Brand New Equity Group El Salvador, S.A. de C V through which he plans to mine bitcoin and invest in Salvadoran businesses that support the bitcoin ecosystem. Gerson began his career as a LatAm equity derivatives trader for Morgan Stanley in New York where he was a market-maker, helping to develop and execute hedging strategies for institutional clients such as hedge funds, pension funds, and mutual funds. Following his time at Morgan Stanley, he served for eight years in the education and non-profit spaces as CFO of a NYC public charter school and subsequently as Chief Executive of Talbot Mentors, a youth mentoring organization in his hometown of Easton, Maryland. His professional experience combined with his core formal education in Economics, Statistical Analysis, and Game Theory led him to explore and become a student of the Bitcoin monetary network. His exposure to and understanding of the value of bitcoin’s incorruptible nature and perfect supply inelasticity led him to become a bitcoin miner and investor in bitcoin companies.

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