خبز ونت 2022

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Khattab Hamad is a Sudanese media researcher and digital rights advocate. He is interested in Sudan issues.


10:30 ص
30 دقيقة
اتجاهات المعلومات المضللة / الخاطئة في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي السودانية - Disinformation/Misinformation Trends in Sudanese Social Media

This session will present the research done by Beam Reports - a Sudanese media platform specialized in verification of news and investigative journalism - to analyze the trends of misinformation and disinformation within the most popular social media sites for Sudanese people, along with some of the actors associated with these activities. The research also aims to display some of the techniques used by the most influential actors with the intention of spreading false information or manipulation of public opinion.

خطاب الكراهية والمعلومات المغلوطة/المضللة أونلاين
4th Dimension
4:30 م
60 دقيقة
The Unfreedom Monitor: Tracking the Rise of Digital Authoritarianism Worldwide - مرصد لا-حريّة: تعقّب ارتفاع الاستبداد الرقمي حول العالم
Alexandra Esenler, Nanjala Nyabola, Khattab, Ameya Nagarajan, Sindhuri, Deleted User, Sencer Odabasi

In 2022 Advox, the digital rights project of Global Voices, gathered researchers from 17 different countries around the world to explore the political and social context that fuels the the emergence of digital authoritarianism. This panel will present the multi-country research and expand our collective understanding of the rise of digital authoritarianism. Researchers will present a summary of the global situation as well as specific country contexts in Sudan, Egypt and Morocco. The panel will summarise the transnational nature of digital authoritarianism and therefore a more expansive plan of action to respond to its rise.

الاستبداد الرقمي