Bread&Net 2022

Bread&Net 2022

Deleted User


The Unfreedom Monitor: Tracking the Rise of Digital Authoritarianism Worldwide - مرصد لا-حريّة: تعقّب ارتفاع الاستبداد الرقمي حول العالم
Alexandra Esenler, Nanjala Nyabola, Khattab, Ameya Nagarajan, Sindhuri, Deleted User, Sencer Odabasi

In 2022 Advox, the digital rights project of Global Voices, gathered researchers from 17 different countries around the world to explore the political and social context that fuels the the emergence of digital authoritarianism. This panel will present the multi-country research and expand our collective understanding of the rise of digital authoritarianism. Researchers will present a summary of the global situation as well as specific country contexts in Sudan, Egypt and Morocco. The panel will summarise the transnational nature of digital authoritarianism and therefore a more expansive plan of action to respond to its rise.

Digital Authoritarianism
Preserving Truth to Power: A Participatory Demo of Save by OpenArchive – Share, Archive, Verify, Encrypt Evidentiary Media - قول الحقيقة أمام السلطة: عرض توضيحي تشاركي حول مشروع "سايف" (Save) من منظمة
Natalie Cadranel, Alexandra Esenler, Deleted User

We are interested in sharing and learning with the hope that Save can be a useful tool for those interested in creating a more secure media preservation ecosystem. We aim to get them to think more about their physical and digital safety when capturing and preserving mobile media as well as the importance of creating robust, secure, verifying digital archives to help preserve truth to power and bring more accountability and justice.

Alternative techs & Open Source
The Beyond