How to make Python faster: AOT, JIT and noGIL technologies
06-14, 13:15–13:50 (Europe/Prague), D0206 (capacity 154)

One of the drawbacks of Python is that applications run relatively slowly written in this language. However, nowadays the situation is not bad at all, because there are both JIT (Just In Time) and AOT (Ahead of Time) Python compilers. What's more, the classic CPython is constantly being improved, with a relatively big performance leap taking place with Python version 3.11. There is also a variant of CPython without Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). In this lecture, we will introduce Numba (JIT), mypyc (AOT) and Python technologies without GIL.

See also:

Pavel is famous for his in-depth articles he writes on various technical topics for the Czech Linux magazine He taught computer graphics at Brno Technical University and worked as a C, C++, and Java developer in various companies before he joined Red Hat where he was a quality assurance engineer in the OpenJDK team. In last several yeast he works as SW developer and tech lead using Python and Go programming languages to develop microservices for OpenShift Insights. He also teaches professional Java, Go, Python and Apache Kafka courses.

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