Aaron works at the Goethe University Library in Frankfurt on problems related writing systems of natural languages. Most of the work is in Python, but he enjoys sneaking in bits and bobs in Julia and OCaml when no one is looking. Outside of work, he has contributed to a refreshed C-calling interface for Julia 1.5 and answers way, way too many questions about Julia on Quora.
- Dispatching Design Patterns
- Introducing the @ccall macro
Adam Gerlach is a Research Aerospace Engineer in the Control Sciences Center of Excellence at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). His research interests are in intelligent systems, decision making under uncertainty, decentralized cooperative control.
Adam received his Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from the University of Cincinnati in 2014 focused on Controls, Dynamics, and Intelligent Systems.
- Probabilistic Optimization with the Koopman Operator

IT professional working at the intersection between Web Development, Data Science, and Machine Learning. 20 years of experience leading agile teams in developing real-time, data-intensive, web and mobile products.
Public speaker and enthusiastic contributor to Open Source projects, with a focus on high-performance web development. Creator of Genie, the highly-productive Julia web framework. Author of "Julia Programming Projects" (Packt, 2018) and co-author of “Julia Programming Complete Reference Guide” (Packt, 2019).
MSc. Advanced Computer Science. MSc. Computing. Certified ScrumMaster.
- Highly productive Julia web development with Genie 1.0
- Interactive data dashboards with Julia and Stipple

I am a 14-year-old student, currently attending the City of London School. I have always had a deep interest in programming, first starting with Scratch when I was quite young, then moving onto Python, then finally, a few years ago, Julia. I have since presented at JuliaCon 2018 and 2019 and therefore have some experience with the language.
- No-overhead Game Development in Julia

A. SEKHARI Seklouli is currently member of DISP laboratory. Aicha Sekhari Seklouli is a co-leader of “System Lifecycle Modeling and Optimization” axis in DISP and a Head of the RTI knowledge Transfer and innovation pole. Her research activities deal with Product and Production Sustainability, including Product Life cycle Management and Supply Chain Management. She co-advice PhDs AND Masters Students in these fields. Dr Sekhari Seklouli was technical manager of EASYIMP FP7 FoF ICT NMPB, working on the development of an MBSE method for smart Product. As a member of EcoSD (Eco Conception de système durable) research and industry association, She has many contribution in the field of Eco-PLM and Suitanaible product development. Dr. Sekhari Seklouli has been and currently coordinator/member of several international research and collaboration projects: FP7 ICT FI-PPP FITMAN, Erasmus mundus (eLink, cLink, eTourism, Fusion), Hubert Curien, ARC8, ...
A. SEKHARI Seklouli teaches in the fields of Production Management , Methods and Tools for Quality Management and Norms for Postgraduat and undergrad degrees.
A SEKHARI Seklouli was a head of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) department. She received her Engineering Degree in Electronic in 1994 from Algerian University of Engineering Science in Setif. After three years of industrial experiences in Engineering maintenance, she joined INSA Lyon for her M. Sc. (DEA) degree in 1999. She obtained her Ph.D degree in Production System from University of Joseph Fourier of Clermond Ferrand in France in 2004. Dr. Sekhari Seklouli is currently collaborating on various EU and International teaching Projects (FSP; Transport II; ...).
- Julia for Knowledge Mining in Industry 4.0
- JuliaLang Survey Results

Andrew received a BSc in control engineering from PUC-RIO and a BSc in general engineering from École Centrale de Marseille. He also holds a master's in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on Operation Research, focusing on Power Systems and Energy markets. Some of his previous projects revolve around energy economic dispatch analysis and simulation, financial data classification and portfolio optimization. His main interests are optimization, decisions under uncertainty and machine learning.
Currently, Andrew is part of the Research team at Invenia Labs.
- HydroPowerModels.jl: Impacts of Network Simplifications
Dr. Anthony Blaom conducted his PhD at Caltech in Mathematics and has expertise in Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Fluid Mechanics, Machine Learning and Applied Statistics. An erstwhile academic, Anthony is now primarily involved in software development for machine learning.
- MLJ: a machine learning toolbox for Julia
I studied Physics at Humboldt-University Berlin and I am currently doing my PhD at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. My research is focussed on the modelling and analysis of power grids with fluctuating power infeed.
- NetworkDynamics.jl - Modeling dynamical systems on networks

Arnav is a Predoctoral Researcher at the UBC Vancouver School of Economics, where he works primarily with Jesse Perla. He is also a team member at QuantEcon, contributing to Julia projects and lectures.
- Dependency-Aware Jupyter Notebooks
Projection Analyst, Bank of Canada.
- State Space Modeling for Macroeconomics with StateSpaceEcon
Genomics Data Scientist at Brown University, Providence, RI.
- Moving forward on diversity&inclusion in the Julia community

Avik Sengupta is VP Engineering and head of Julia Computing's European headquarters in London. Avik is the head of product development and software engineering at Julia Computing, contributor to open source Julia and maintainer of several Julia packages. Avik is the author of Julia High Performance, co-founder of two artificial intelligence startups in the financial services sector and creator of large complex trading systems for the world's leading investment banks. Prior to Julia Computing, Avik was co-founder and CTO at AlgoCircle and at Itellix, director at Lab49 and head of algorithmic solutions at Decimal Point Analytics. Avik earned his MS in Computational Finance at Carnegie Mellon and MBA Finance at the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore.
- NumFOCUS and Julia project finances

Undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science and Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
- Natural Language Processing in Julia

Bart Janssens is a military associate professor at the mechanics department of the Royal Military Academy, with a passion for computer graphics, high performance computing and fluid mechanics. For performance reasons, he used C++ until being introduced to Julia. His current work focuses on making scientific C++ libraries such as Trilinos interoperate with Julia, with the ultimate objective of developing CFD code for Julia.
- Wrapping a C++ library using CxxWrap.jl
- Julia and C++: a technical overview of CxxWrap.jl
- Easy and fast desktop GUIs with QML

I am a researcher in the fields of operations research and computational social science.
For development work I mostly use the Julia language.
You can find more information about me and my work on my personal website or GitHub.
- A deep dive into DataFrames.jl indexing
- Complex graphs in transportation networks with OpenStreetMapX.jl

Boyan is a Senior Data Scientist at the Bank of Canada in the Digital Economy and Advanced Analytics division. He is interested in scientific computing. His PhD is in Applied Mathematics from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- State Space Modeling for Macroeconomics with StateSpaceEcon
Currently a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University, my research focuses on developing state-of-the-art algorithms for doing real-time motion planning for nonlinear robotic systems. I started using Julia a little under 2 years ago and am the primary developer of TrajectoryOptimization.jl.
- Adventures in Avoiding Allocations

Caroline Hughes is an Energy Data and Simulation Analyst at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Her research focuses on computational modeling and decision-making under uncertainty. A data scientist and user experience designer, she sees the terminal as an interface and has strong opinions about leveraging coding best-practices to write clever and user-friendly code.
- Intertwined Economic and Energy Analysis using Julia

Chad Scherrer is a Senior Research Scientist at RelationalAI.
Chad's work in probabilistic programming began in 2010, leading to the development of Passage, a Haskell-based language to generate parallel C/OpenMP code for Gibbs sampling. Following this, he served as technical lead for the language evaluation team for the DARPA program "Probabilistic Programming for Advancing Machine Learning".
- Probabilistic Programming in Julia

Charles is a software engineer at Caltech, working on a new climate model, CLIMA, intended to learn from a diverse set of data. This climate model is implementing novel sub-grid scale models for resolving turbulence and cloud processes. The code, developed by a distributed team, will be made capable to run on CPU and GPU architectures.
Previously, during his Ph.D., Charles developed a liquid-metal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) solver and framework for simulating liquid-metal MHD flows for fusion energy applications, in particular, for accident scenarios involving loss of plasma confinement, resulting in electromagnetic interactions between the plasma and liquid-metal breeding blanket.
Charles has a passion for developing HPC software for simulating physical phenomena.
- A fast atmospheric radiation code for global circulation models

16 year old ML enthusiast, aspiring CV researcher, intern at NVIDIA's AI Tech Center
- Julia Track Google Code In and Beyond

Statistician at Eli Lilly.
- Loop Analysis in Julia
- Accurate and Efficiently Vectorized Sums and Dot Products

Chris is the organizer of the SF Bay Area Julia users group.
- Number Theory and Computer Algebra in Julia

Christopher Rackauckas is an Applied Mathematics Instructor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Senior Research Analyst at University of Maryland, Baltimore, School of Pharmacy in the Center for Translational Medicine. Chris's research is focused on numerical differential equations and scientific machine learning with applications from climate to biological modeling. He is the developer of over many core numerical packages for the Julia programming language, including DifferentialEquations.jl for which he won the inaugural Julia community prize, and the Pumas.jl for pharmaceutical modeling and simulation. He is the lead developer for the SciML Open Source Scientific Machine Learning software organization, along with its packages like DiffEqFlux.jl and NeuralPDE.jl
- Doing Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) With Julia
- Auto-Optimization and Parallelism in DifferentialEquations.jl
- What's Next For Dynamical Modeling In Julia?
- Crash Course in Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis with Julia

Head of Development at Invenia Technical Computing
Has been using Julia since 2015
Main author of TimeZones.jl and Mocking.jl
- Julia in Production

Daniel Karrasch graduated in 2012 with a PhD in Mathematics from TU Dresden, Germany. After a postdoctoral fellowship at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, he now works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Scientific Computing group at TU Munich, Germany. His research interests are in applied and computational mathematics, with a focus on dynamical systems theoretical approaches to the study of fluid motion. He is an enthusiastic contributor to the Julia language, mostly in the area of linear algebra.
- Concatenation and Kronecker products of abstract linear maps

Like many before and after him, Dave started hacking on Julia to procrastinate finishing his dissertation. Despite his best efforts he finished his PhD in Brain and Cognitive Sciences in 2016. In his day job as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Rutgers New Brunswick, he works on understanding how people understand spoken language with such apparent ease, combining behavioral, computational, and neural approaches. Otherwise he's committed to promoting open, reproducible science, and designing tools that empower researchers and lower the barrier to entry for data analysis and statistics.
- StatsModels.jl: Mistakes were made/A `@formula` for success

David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used widely in academic research and in policy analysis. His research has appeared in Science, the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Environmental and Resource Economics, the Oxford Review of Economic Policy and other academic journals. He contributed a background research paper to the Stern Review and has advised numerous organizations (including US EPA and the Canadian National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy) on the economics of climate change.
He is an assistant professor in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley. Previously he was an assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment of the University of Michigan, a postdoc at the University of California, Berkeley and a postdoc at the Economic and Social Research Institute in Ireland. He also was a visiting research fellow at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford.
He holds a PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) in economics from the University of Hamburg (Germany) and the International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling, a MSc in Environmental Change and Management from the University of Oxford (UK) and a M.Phil. in philosophy, logic and philosophy of science from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Munich, Germany).
- The Queryverse
- The Julia Vega and Vega-Lite ecosystem
- Using VS Code for Julia development
My name is David Poole, and I am a graduate research assistant in Dr. Mark S. Gordon's research group at Iowa State University. I perform research in developing and improving the popular General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System (GAMESS) quantum chemistry software package. These developments include writing code to enable GAMESS to take advantage of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), and enabling GAMESS to build and run on the most modern high-performance supercomputers. Additionally, I develop and maintain the JuliaChem.jl quantum chemistry software package, which aims to combine high performance with high programming productivity by taking advantage of Julia's features.
- Bringing Julia to the Realm of Electronic Structure Theory
Full professor in the Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and visiting professor at MIT.
Julia user, tutorial developer and package author since 2014. Co-creator of the JuliaIntervals suite of tools for interval arithmetic in Julia.
- Learn Julia via epidemic modelling
- Calculating with sets: Interval methods in Julia

Dr. Dewan Md. Farid is a Postdoctoral staff in the Decision and Information Systems for Production systems (DISP) Laboratory, IUT Lumière – Université Lyon 2, France, and Associate Professor (on leave), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, United International University, Bangladesh. He worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the following research groups: (1) Computational Modeling Lab (CoMo), Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium in 2015-2016, and (2) Computational Intelligence Group (CIG), Department of Computer Science and Digital Technology, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK in 2013. Dr. Farid was a Visiting Faculty at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal in June 2016. He holds a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh in 2012. Part of his PhD research has been done at ERIC Laboratory, University Lumière Lyon 2, France by Erasmus-Mundus ECW eLink PhD Exchange Program. He has published 84 peer-reviewed scientific articles, including 28 journal papers in the field of machine learning, data mining, and big data. Dr. Farid received the following awards: (1) JuliaCon 2019 Travel Award for attending Julia Conference at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA, and (2) United Group Research Award 2016 in the field of Science and Engineering. He received a2i Innovation Fund of Innov-A-Thon 2018 (Ideabank ID No.: 12502) from a2i-Access to Information Program – II, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Dr. Farid received the following Erasmus Mundus scholarships: (1) LEADERS (Leading mobility between Europe and Asia in Developing Engineering Education and Research) in 2015, (2) cLink (Centre of excellence for Learning, Innovation, Networking and Knowledge) in 2013, and (3) eLink (east west Link for Innovation, Networking and Knowledge exchange) in 2009. Dr. Farid also received Senior Fellowship I, and II award by National Science & Information and Communication Technology (NSICT), Ministry of Science & Information and Communication Technology, Government of Bangladesh respectively in 2008 and 2011. He is a member of IEEE.
- Julia for Knowledge Mining in Industry 4.0
Dhairya is currently a Data Scientist at Julia Computing Inc. and maintains and develops Julia's ML stack with Flux and Zygote.
- On the State of Flux
- Write a WebApp in Julia with Dash.jl

Dheepak is an energy system research engineer working at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He is interested in energy, optimization and high performance computing.
- Crash Course in Energy Systems Modeling and Analysis with Julia
- Terminal User Interfaces in Julia
Dmitry Bagaev received his MSc degree in computational mathematics and computer science from Moscow State University in 2019. Currently he works as a PhD student in the BIASlab group (http://biaslab.org) at the electrical engineering department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
- Rocket.jl: A Julia package for reactive programming
Don works at Oak Ridge National Lab on projects in artificial intelligence, high performance computing, remote sensing, and mathematics. He started using Julia the day it was first publicly announced.
- Generating automatically labelled ML datasets with Lattice.jl

Elliot Saba is a Senior Research Engineer at Julia Computing, where he develops new tools to bolster the Julia community's collective productivity. From machine learning algorithms to web services, build environments to debugging tools, his greatest weapon against the impossible is patience.
- BinaryBuilder.jl — The Subtle Art of Binaries that "Just Work"
- Creating a multichannel wireless speaker setup with Julia
- What's new in Pkg: artifacts, binaries & the Pkg protocol

PhD student studying quantum information theory at Cambridge University
- Convex.jl: where are we and where do we want to go?
- How similar do two strings look? Visual distances in Julia

Erik has been programming in a variety of programming languages for the last two decades, primarily C/C++, Objective-C and Swift but has become a big fan of Julia and is currently doing Julia training videos and educational material.
He has spent many years in the Norwegian oil and gas sector working on 3D modeling software for reservoir modeling and simulation. Some of his interests include UX design, space exploration and colonization, micro controllers and green tech.
- Creating an XML parser from scratch
Market Risk Manager at the Brazilian Development Bank.
- When compiler technology meets Market Risk Management
received his diploma in mathematics
from the University of Leipzig in 2014. He is a PhD student at the
Friedrich-Schiller University Jena where he works on the analysis
of hyper-temporal SAR time series from Sentinel-1
- Handling large geospatial raster data with the Earth System Data

- Interactive notebooks ~ Pluto.jl

I am a research software engineer at Invenia Labs (Cambridge, UK). I help researchers use machine learning, constrained optimization, and generally tools from the technical computing domain to optimize the power grid. I get to do all the best parts of being a software developer and all the best parts of being a researcher, its great. I am a long-term contributor to the open-source JuliaLang ecosystem. I am passionate about building the tools to do research better.
- Fancy Array Indexing
- ChainRules.jl

Francesc Verdugo, PhD, is Assistant Research Professor at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, where he collaborates at the "Large-Scale Scientific Computing" group. His main research interest is the development of advanced finite element techniques such as embedded finite element methods able to exploit the power of modern distributed-memory supercomputers.
- Solving partial differential equations in Julia with Gridap.jl

PhD student in biological sciences in the computational ecology lab of Timothée Poisot (University of Montreal) and the integrative ecology lab of Dominique Gravel (University of Sherbrooke).
- Analyzing species interaction networks in Julia

François Févotte is co-founder and Chief Scientist of TriScale innov, a start-up dedicated to technical and scientific computing. Prior to that, he graduated in 2008 with a PhD in applied mathematics from the CEA and spent more than ten years with a team dedicated to numerical analysis and modeling in the R&D division of EDF (France's main electric utility). François' approach aims at achieving high performance in scientific software by focusing the effort where it matters most. This includes using state-of-the art numerical techniques in combination with FP-aware algorithms and implementations targeting modern hardware architectures.
- Accurate and Efficiently Vectorized Sums and Dot Products
I am a PhD student in computational material mechanics and use Julia both for research, procrastination and as a hobby. Long time contributor to Julia and various packages.
- Display, show and print -- how Julia's display system works
- Julia for scripting

Mr. Gajendra Deshpande holds a master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering and working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi, Karnataka, India. He has a teaching experience of 12 years and Linux and Network Administration experience of one year. Under his mentorship teams have won Smart India Hackathon 2018 and Smart India Hackathon 2019. He is the Technical Director for Sestoauto Networks Pvt. Ltd. and Founder of Thingsvalley. His areas of Interest include Programming, Web Designing, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Brain-Computer Interface, Internet of Things and Virtual Reality. He has presented papers at NIT Goa, Scipy India 2017 IIT Bombay, JuliaCon 2018 London, Scipy India 2018 IIT Bombay, Scipy 2019 USA and PyCon France 2019.
- Julia in Education for Generation Z
- Computation Techniques for Encrypted Data
- Inventing Curriculum with Julia and Pointer-Generator Network
- Multi-Physics 3-D Inversion on GPU Supercomputers with Julia

By day I am a scientist and by night I am a software developer and a drummer.
My areas of research are: quantum transport, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, music timeseries analysis, climate physics.
- JuliaMusic: doing cool science and becoming a better drummer
- DrWatson - The perfect sidekick to your scientific inquiries

Gregor Kappler carries out psychometric research and data science consulting, and is founder of FilingForest, a julia-focused startup developing solutions for fast unbiased measurement in graph data.
Gregor was initially trained as a mathematician and psychologist, has implemented solutions for semantic text analytics for his PhD in 2007, and developed psychometric models for measuring with texts.
He has worked as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Vienna and the University of Jena and worked on a series of predictive analytic projects for software vendors and customers.
Gregor has switched to Julia from R in 2018, and is creator of the IterableParsers package which provides parser combinators for fast, recursive and type-save parsing in pure Julia.
- Iterable Parser Combinators for fast parsing in pure Julia

Together with Station B at Microsoft Research Cambridge and the Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics at King's College London we aim to create tools that can make biochemical manufacturing more efficient, with efforts towards combating Eroom's law of drug discovery and addressing the reproducibility crisis in biotechnology. My current research focus is the development of novel parameter inference procedures for differential equation models where data had been obtained by flow cytometry or fluorescence microscopy.
- Inference of Bifurcations with Differentiable Continuation

I am a Master's student at PUC-Rio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I have contributed to some packages from the JuliaOpt and participated in GSOC'19 with the project Dualization.jl. I am also one of the developers of StateSpaceModels.jl.
- Modeling non-Gaussian time series with ScoreDrivenModels.jl

Huda Nassar is a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University specializing in computational immunology. Her work is currently focused on early disease prediction and specifically building low-rank models for these problems. She is an enthusiastic Julia user and has built the MatrixNetworks.jl package which is a graph algorithms package that treats graphs as matrices and utilizes linear algebra concepts to solve many standard graph problems.
- Moving forward on diversity&inclusion in the Julia community
- Make your Julia code faster and compatible with non-Julia code.

A long-time Julia user, developer, and enthusiast, Jacob works at Domo on large data analytics tasks.
- Julia & Data: An Evolving Ecosystem
- Building microservices and applications in Julia
James is a Research Engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in the High Performance Computing and Data Analytics Branch. His current research involves mathematical and computational formalisms in scientific computing. Where his lab applies techniques from Machine Learning, Numerical Methods, and Applied Category Theory to analyze scientific and engineering systems.
- AlgebraicJulia: Applied Category Theory in Julia
- Building and analyzing graphs at scale with LightGraphs
Mathematician and Julia enthusiast working in medical physics.
- Changing the immutable
CTO @ Beacon Biosignals
- Transitioning Code From Closed To Open

- The State of Julia

Jeremie is an actuary by trade (FCAS). He most recently joined the portfolio management firm Evovest as their Head of Science following his work as an applied research scientist at Element AI, where he expanded his deep learning acumen. He spent over 8 years at Intact in various R&D roles where he pushed the development of analytical solutions in various areas, including risk assessment, price optimization, and telematics.
- EvoTrees for Flexible Gradient Boosting Trees
Graduate student in Machine Learning at University of Toronto
- Boids: Dancing with Friends and Enemies

Jiahao Chen is a senior Vice President and Research Lead at JPMorgan AI Research in New York, with research focusing on explainability and fairness in machine learning, as well as semantic knowledge management. He was previously a Senior Manager of Data Science at Capital One focusing on machine learning research for credit analytics and retail operations.
When still in academia, Jiahao was a Research Scientist at MIT CSAIL where he co-founded and led the Julia Lab, focusing on applications of the Julia programming language to data science, scientific computing, and machine learning. Jiahao has organized JuliaCon, the Julia conference, for the years 2014-2016, as well as organized workshops at NeurIPS, SIAM CSE, and the American Chemical Society National Meetings. Jiahao has authored over 120 packages for numerical computation, data science and machine learning for the Julia programming language, in addition to numerous contributions to the base language itself.
- Enterprise data management with low-rank topic models

A quantum computing geek!
My recent work is: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.04617
I am going to QuEra (https://www.quera-computing.com/).
- Julia For Quantum Physics
JOHAN VAN KERCKHOVEN graduated from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in Brussels as a Master in Mathematics (Licentiaat in de Wiskunde), with specialisation in statistics, in 2002. He worked as a university researcher, specialising in variable selection methods in predictive modelling and robust statistics, and teaching assistant at various Belgian universities (2002-2012), obtaining his PhD in Applied Economics in 2008 at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. From 2012-2016 he worked as market risk modeller at KBC. He joined the department MWMW of the Royal Military Academy as a researcher in 2016, specialising in (discrete event) simulation, in particular using SimJulia.
- Generic Manpower Simulation Engine: a SimJulia case study
Born in Mexico City. Studied a Bachelors in Chemical Engineering at UNAM. M.Sc. on Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. Studied PhD at TU Eindhoven on Applied Physics.
Worked for Philips Research 1 year.
Working at ASML for 7 years on algorithms.
- The ups and downs of convincing to switch to Julia in a company
Josef Heinen is the head of the group "Scientific IT–Systems" at the Peter Grünberg Institute / Jülich Centre for Neutron Science, both institutes at Forschungszentrum Jülich, a leading research centre in Germany. The design and development of visualization systems have been an essential part of his activities over the last twenty years. Most recently his team is engaged with the further development of a universal framework for cross-platform visualization applications (GR Framework).
- Effectively Using GR

Josiah is an optimization engineer in the Modeling and Analysis Group in the Integrated Applications Center. He has experience in engineering analysis, data-driven decision support, and applied operations research. Josiah performs techno-economic analysis with REopt, an optimization model focused on integration and distributed energy resources.
Josiah is an advocate for furthering the usage of operations research techniques in engineering disciplines and is a member of the Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).
- Migrating to JuMP: Leaving Behind Domain Specific Languages
- Keynote: Juan Pablo Vielma
- Poster Session 1
- Poster Session 2

I am the founder of Julia's AMDGPU stack, and interested in helping users make use of every bit of computing power they have available. I am interested in using GPUs to accelerate real-time execution of spiking neural networks, as well as other machine learning algorithms.
- AMDGPU Computing in Julia
Jürgen Fuhrmann was born in 1961 in Erfurt, Germany. He received his Diploma in mathematics from Moscow State University in 1984 and his Ph.D.
from Technical University Chemnitz in 1995. He is with Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics resp. its predecessor institution since 1984. He is deputy head of the research group "Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing". His present research interests focus on discretization methods, algorithms and software development for drift-diffusion systems in electrochemistry and semiconductor physics.
- Minisymposium on Partial Differential Equations
- Keynote: Karen Willcox
- Julia For Quantum Physics

Co-founder at KEF Robotics. Formerly R&D at Astrobotic. B.S. in Computer Science and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University.
- Rapid Commercialization of Drone Autonomy using Julia

- Contributor to Base and many packages (Pkg.jl, OhMyREPL.jl, PGFPlotsX.jl, TimerOutputs.jl, JuAFEM.jl, NearestNeighbors.jl, etc)
- Release manager for Julia.
- Software engineer at Julia Computing.
- PhD-student in mechanical engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
- Pkg.update() or What's going on in Pkg-land?
- SIMD in Julia - Automatic and explicit
- Shippable apps and custom sysimages with PackageCompiler.jl
Chem grad student, interested in imperative and functional programming.
- Using Julia and group theory to describe Molecular Vibrations
- Keynote: Linda Petzold

Community Manager for the Julia Language. Harvard and Oxford class of 20'. CU Boulder Class of 23'. Future Software Engineer at Apple starting October of 2020.
- Diversity and Inclusion Efforts in the Julia Community

Computer Nerd
- When compiler technology meets Market Risk Management

Why to perform serial tasks while nature is mostly parallel? I am geoscientist with strong interest in high-performance computing (HPC), two-phase flow and ice dynamics. GPUs and supercomputers permit to investigate previously unsolvable problems at unprecedented resolutions.
- Multi-Physics 3-D Inversion on GPU Supercomputers with Julia

Martijn Visser is a hydrologist working at the Deltares applied research institute in the Netherlands. He has been an active developer of the JuliaGeo community effort since the beginning, and wants to make Julia a great choice for geospatial workflows.
- GeoInterface: bringing geospatial packages together

Mathieu is a PhD candidate in a double program between Polytechnique Montreal & INRIA Lille. His research focuses on mathematical optimization models and applications for power grids. Outside research, he also works on open-source projects around mathematical optimization, graphs and statistics.
- Lessons learned on trait-based descriptions of graphs
- Building and analyzing graphs at scale with LightGraphs
Software Developer at Invenia Computing
- Design documents are great, and here’s why you should consider w

- Julia For Quantum Physics

Glaciologist at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- BITE, a Bayesian glacier thickness estimation model

Bio-engineer and PhD student at the bio-science engineering department of mathematical modeling and data-analysis of Ghent university.
- Evolutionary algorithms for electrical circuit design

Maxime Mouchet is a PhD student at IMT Atlantique, France, from which he also holds a telecommunications engineering degree.
His work focuses on detecting and locating faults on the Internet, as well as optimizing routing and quality-of-service measurements in large networks, using artificial intelligence methods.
He is interested in practical implementations of his work, using Julia and Python.
- Integrate Julia and Javascript using Node.js extensions

Meghan Ferrall-Fairbanks received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a Biomechanics minor at the University of Florida in 2012. She earned her PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2017 from the joint Georgia Tech and Emory program under the guidance of Dr. Manu O. Platt. In her graduate dissertation work, Meghan focused on integrating wet-lab experimental and computational methods to tease apart complex enzyme-on-enzyme interactions in proteolytic networks up-regulated in tissue destructive diseases. In August 2017, she began her postdoctoral studies in the Department of Integrated Mathematical Oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute with Dr. Philipp M. Altrock. In her postdoctoral work, Meghan has focused on applying mathematical and computational methods to model cancer evolution in hematopoietic malignancies.
- Interrogating intratumor heterogeneity dynamics with Julia

Micah E. Halter is a research scientist at the Information and Communications Laboratory of the Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta, GA. He has worked on several projects since he joined the Georgia Tech Research Institute in 2016, centered on using category theory, machine learning, databases to advance scientific and engineering applications. His research interests include high performance computing, database design and application, and category theoretic scientific knowledge representations.
- AlgebraicJulia: Applied Category Theory in Julia
By training a chemist, who got more and more twisted towards the "dark side" of numerical analysis. Now working as a PostDoc at CERMICS, the Applied Math lab of Ecole des Ponts, Paris, developing a Julia code for mathematical research in quantum chemistry (DFTK).
- DFTK: A Julian approach for simulating electrons in solids
Michael Kyesswa is a Ph.D student at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. His main areas of research are computational methods for power system analysis, and parallel and real-time simulations.
- A Parallel Time-Domain Power System Simulation Toolbox in Julia
Hi, my name is Michael Lindner. Currently, I am working on my PhD project on "Exploring network dynamics with machine learning". I am a member of the non-linear dynamics and control group at TU Berlin and of the complex energy networks (COEN) group at PIK.
- NetworkDynamics.jl - Modeling dynamical systems on networks
Michel Schanen is Computational Engineer at the Mathematics and Computer Science division at the Argonne National Laboratory. His background is automatic differentiation and large-scale numerical simulations. His group's research revolves around optimization algorithms for power systems.
- Optimization Algorithms in Julia for GPUs
Michiel Stock is a postdoctoral researcher, studying computational intelligence for synthetic biology and ecology.
- Computational tools for designing modular biosystems
Mike is a software engineer at Julia Computing, where he works on Julia's machine learning stack.
- Advanced Metaprogramming Tools

Sun is shining
- Climate models in 16bit: Arithmetic and algorithmic challenges

PhD student at Charles university in Prague, Dept. of SW engineering. Assistant researcher at Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry in Prague. Working on various computationally intensive problems in bioinformatics and cheminformatics.
- GigaSOM.jl: 1 billion cytometry events and beyond with Julia

I am a PhD student at UNSW Canberra working on topology optimization. I have 2 seemingly unrelated interests that I hope to combine one day: topology optimization and Bayesian inference. This talk is all about the latter, so let's focus on that. I joined the TuringLang development team 1-2 years ago. Since then, my main goal has been to make Turing as fast as possible without sacrificing usability. In this talk, I share some of the work I have done towards that goal and give an overview of the present and future of Turing and DynamicPPL including features, short-term goals and bottlenecks.
GitHub: https://github.com/mohamed82008
- DynamicPPL: Stan-like Speed for Dynamic Probabilistic Models
Molham Aref is the Chief Executive Officer of RelationalAI. He has more than 28 years of experience in leading organisations that develop and implement high value machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions across various industries. Prior to RelationalAI he was CEO of LogicBlox and Predictix (now Infor), Optimi (now Ericsson), and co-founder of Brickstream (now FLIR). Molham held senior leadership positions at HNC Software (now FICO) and Retek (now Oracle).
- A Cloud Relational Database System for Knowledge Graphs in Julia

Research Software Developer at UCL during the day, binary builder during the night.
- BinaryBuilder.jl — The Subtle Art of Binaries that "Just Work"
Nathan Daly is a Software Engineer at RelationalAI. He was first introduced to the idea of contributing to JuliaLang as one small way to help fight climate change by making scientific computing a little bit easier: http://worrydream.com/ClimateChange
- Salsa.jl: A framework for on-demand, incremental computation
Nicholas Labelle St-Pierre is a Principal Economist in the Projection Division of the Canadian Economic Analysis Department at the Bank of Canada. His research interests include macroeconomics and computational economics. Nicholas holds an MSc in Economics from the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM).
- State Space Modeling for Macroeconomics with StateSpaceEcon
- GigaSOM.jl: 1 billion cytometry events and beyond with Julia
Oscar A. Esquivel-Flores received his Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics and Computing from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). M.S. degree in Computer Sciences from Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México and PhD degree in Computer Engineering from UNAM in 2013. He has working on parallel and high performance computing as part of a posdoctoral position at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center as an international agreement with National Council of Science and Technology of México. He currently helds a research position in Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México developing parallel algorithms regard matrix computations, machine learning and optimization.
- Parallel Implementation of Monte Carlo-Markov Chain Algorithm

Degree in physics. Currently studying data science and interested in AI, high-performance computing, and computational physics.
Studying at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
- Parallel Implementation of Monte Carlo-Markov Chain Algorithm

Pamela Bustamante is a PhD student from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She has been using Julia since her undergraduate days at Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. Co-author of IntroAJulia.jl
- Introducing the Hispanic community to Julia

Paulito Palmes is a Research Scientist in IBM Research (Dublin Research Lab). He is working on the following research themes: AutoAI/AutoML, Interactive AI, Explainable AI, AI Planning, and ML Pipeline optimization.
- AutoMLPipeline: A ToolBox for Building ML Pipelines

- Student at Graz University of Technology
- Member of TuringLang
- Beyond Overdubbing: Building a Generic IR Tracker

Phillip was a struggling mathematician, then a linguist and now a cognitive neuroscientist, but always a hacker.
- Parallelization, Random Numbers and Reproducibility

I am a PhD student in Neuroscience at the Champalimaud Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal). During my PhD, I have mostly worked on behavioral task design, and computational models of behavior of biological and artificial agents. I have been using julia for a few years for my research, and have contributed to several julia packages for data analysis and visualization.
- Interactive data visualizations with AlgebraOfGraphics

Przemysław Szufel is an Assistant Professor in Decision Support and Analysis Unit at Warsaw School of Economics, an Adjunct Professor in The Cybersecurity Research Lab, Ryerson University, Toronto and a member of Computational Methods in Industrial Mathematics Lab in Fields Institute, Toronto. He is also a Management Committee member of the European Social Simulation Association.
Przemysław Szufel main research focus is in applying advanced analytics methods, and in particular, machine learning, simulation and optimization in modelling and automating decision business processes. He is a co-author of "Julia 1.0 Programming Cookbook: Over 100 Numerical and Distributed Computing Recipes for Your Daily Data Science Workflow" that has recently been translated by O'Reilly to Japanese. He is a co-author of over 30 publications, including handbooks and journal papers, in the area of applying advanced analytics, machine learning and simulation methods to making optimal business decisions.
Przemysław Szufel has delivered several workshops showing advanced analytics and simulation in Julia including Canada (University of Toronto, Ryerson University), Ireland (University College Dublin), Sweden (Stockholm University) and Central Bank of Poland and top consulting copmpanies. He is also a regular presenter for Julia hands-on-workshop at the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe conference. He also teaches Julia programming and advanced analytics PhD course in the Information Technology Department at Salerno University and he teaches several post graduate and PhD simulation and data science courses at Warsaw School of Economics, Poland.
He has also been working as an auditor for venture capital companies - he specializes in assessing technology of data-oriented startups. Dr Przemyław Szufel has been also co-managing SilverDecisions.pl project (that aims for representing and supporting business decisions and was part of a larger grant financed by the H2020 European Union grant), which has been elected by the European Commission to the Innovation Radar programme grouping the best European innovations financed by the EU funds.
- Complex graphs in transportation networks with OpenStreetMapX.jl
I'm an ecologist, spending a lot of my time building spatial ecological models of plant and insect growth and population dynamics, at cesar (Melbourne), UNSW, and the University of Melbourne.
- DynamicGrids.jl: high-performance spatial simulations in Julia

PhD student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
- SciML: Automatic Discovery of droplet fragmentation Physics
Professor of EECS at University of Michigan
- A Computational Textbook for Teaching Data Science with Julia
Roberto Bernal received his Bachelor in Science in Physics from Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), and his his PhD in Physics from Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos-Nuclear Sciences Institute(UNAM) Mexico (2006). He was postdoc at the Departamento de Fisica of the UAEM (2006-2007) and in the Theoretical Chemistry Group - University of Turin in Italy from 2007- 2008. Actually he is full professor at the Departamento de Matematicas Aplicadas y Sistemas, of the UAM-Cuajimalpa in Mexico.
His research interests are mainly focus on algebraic methods in chemical-physics, mathematical-physics, nonlinear dynamics, and complex networks.
- Using Julia and group theory to describe Molecular Vibrations
Physics PhD student at University of Texas at Austin
- SymbolicTensors.jl -- high-level tensor manipulation in Julia
- Simulating the Early Universe with Inflation.jl

I am an applied mathematician working on optimization on manifolds.
- Manifolds in Julia – Manifolds.jl & ManifoldsBase.jl

Computational Scientist and responsible for Julia Computing at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), ETH Zurich
- Multi-Physics 3-D Inversion on GPU Supercomputers with Julia
- Solving Nonlinear Multi-Physics on GPU Supercomputers with Julia
Sarah Gibson is a Research Software Engineer at the Alan Turing Institute. She is passionate about best software practices and reproducible research and helps the open source community reach these gold-standards by contributing to The Turing Way (https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way) and operating mybinder.org (https://jupyter.org/binder)
- Project Binder and the Julia Community: How can we help each oth
- Project Binder and the Julia Community: Planning for the Future
Physics student from Cologne, Germany.
- Developing an exercise-based Julia curriculum

I am a Ph.D. student with the Vision and Image Processing Group at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. My research interests are Computational Cameras and Machine Learning. Apart from my research, I work on side projects on Automation and Visualization.
- Solving Practical Allotment Problems with Julia
Studied Physics in Berlin, has been involved with Julia since 2014. Main maintainer of Juno, a popular Julia IDE.
Currently working for JuliaComputing.
- Juno 1.0

- Bio: graduated from kyoto univ. this spring with a liberal arts degree, and currently working as a ML engineer at a Japanese tech company
- Julia: a maintainer of Juno, a Julia IDE, and actively developing various packages around its ecosystem
- GitHub: https://github.com/aviatesk
- Juno 1.0
Dr Simon Byrne is the lead software engineer on the CliMA project, and has been using and contributing to Julia since 2012.
- MPI.jl: Julia meets classic HPC

Simon has been working with Julia for around 7 years by now. Some of the packages he created include:
- GeometryTypes
- GPUArrays
- Makie
- PackageCompiler
- JSServe
And lots of others!
Noways, Simon works for Beacon-Biosignals on visualizing EEG data!
- SmartHomy: Julia controlling your home and life!
- JSServe: Websites & Dashboards in Julia
- Makie.jl
Simon is a software developer from Switzerland, he programs Java during the day and Julia at night.
Currently he is mainly involved with the JuliaGraphs organization.
- Building and analyzing graphs at scale with LightGraphs

Stefan is a co-creator of Julia and a co-founder of Julia Computing. He has previously worked as a software engineer and data scientist at Etsy, Akamai and Citrix Online. In addition to running Julia Computing, he has a part-time appointment as a Research Engineer at New York University.
- The State of Julia
- What's new in Pkg: artifacts, binaries & the Pkg protocol

Researcher on deep learning with medical data at the Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics at the University Medical Center in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany). After studying mathematics, I have now worked for six years in the fields of medical informatics and statistics. My special interests are programming and software design.
- Integrating Julia in R with the JuliaConnectoR

Steffen Ridderbusch is a doctoral student of the 2018 cohort of the Centre of Doctoral Training in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems. Holding degrees in Mathematics and Engineering, he is now part of the Control Department.
- Reproducible environments with Singularity

Stephan Sahm is senior consultant at Machine Learning Reply for Data Science and Data Engineering. As an outstanding
master of cognitive science, master of stochastics, as well as a
passionate professional programmer he strives towards bringing tomorrow’s Data Science into today’s business.
He launched and organizes the Julia User Group Munich, the main driver for establishing Julia within Munich's Data Science community.
- Continuables.jl: Python yield in Julia in blazingly fast

Dr. Shatabda is Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Co-ordinator of Computer Science and Engineering Department.
He achieved his Ph. D degree from the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems (IIIS), Griffith University in 2014. His thesis is titled “Local Search Heuristics for Protein Structure Prediction”. He completed his BSc. in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2007.
Research interest of Dr. Shatabda includes bioinformatics, optimization, search and meta-heuristics, data Mining, constraint programming, approximation Algorithms and graph theory. He has a number of quality publications in both national and international conferences and journals.
He has worked as Graduate Researcher in Queensland Research Laboratory, NICTA, Australia. Prior entering the teaching line he worked as a Software Engineer in Vonair Inc, Bangladesh.
- Julia for Knowledge Mining in Industry 4.0
Tamás Cserteg is a developer at SZTAKI EMI (Institute for Computer Science and Control, Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence). He received his MSc in mechatronics engineering at BME (Hungary). During his studies, he was a demonstrator several times at different departments of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He participated in numerous national competitions (organised for teams of engineering students), and he finished twice in the top five places. His main research interests are robotics - including human-robot collaboration - and digital shape reconstruction.
- Efficient RANSAC in efficient Julia

PhD Student at TU Berlin with Pr. Opper. I am interested in Bayesian methods and more particularly in approximate inference and Gaussian Processes. I am developing AugmentedGaussianProcesses.jl and KernelFunctions.jl
- KernelFunctions.jl, machine learning kernels for Julia
- AugmentedGaussianProcesses.jl, a full Gaussian Process toolkit
- MLJ: a machine learning toolbox for Julia

Hey. My name is Tor, like the onion browser or the norse god. Neither are fitting; I'm not a man of many layers nor am I long-haired and muscular. I'm currently working as a research assistant in the Machine Learning group at University of Cambridge where I spend time doing research and working on Turing.jl and it's related packages, e.g Bijectors.jl. It's all related to probabilities, and it's all good fun.
And like you, I of course loooove Julia!
- Bijectors.jl: Transforming probability distributions in Julia
Travis DePrato is an Experiential Learning Software Developer at the University of Michigan, working on developing new ways to teach courses in computer science, computational mathematics, and data science.
- A Computational Textbook for Teaching Data Science with Julia
PhD Student at MIT
- JuliaGPU
- How not to write CPU code -- KernelAbstractions.jl
Valeri is a PhD student in the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley and a Moore/Sloan Fellow at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science. She applies ordinary differential equations to study the dynamics of biological systems.
- Exploring Disease Vector Dynamics Under Environmental Change
Vandy Tombs is an Applied Mathematician in Geographic Data Science group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. She enjoys applying group theory to develop new machine learning architectures and utilizing differentiable programming to improve existing scientific algorithms.
- Applying Differentiable Programming to the Dark Channel Prior

I am a PhD student in systems neuroscience at the Portugues Lab at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology and Technical University of Munich studying sensorimotor control in larval zebrafish using VR and whole-brain imaging.
- Whole-brain systems neuroscience with Julia
- JuliaLang Survey Results

Hello! I am a PhD student at the Machine Learning Group at the University of Cambridge, supervised by Dr Richard Turner.
- NeuralProcesses.jl: Composing Neural Processes with Flux
William Chen is a senior Research Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) and works on the DSGE team of the Macroeconomics and Monetary Studies Function in the Research and Statistics Group. His research interest are in macroeconomics and financial theory. Chen is a graduate of Williams College with a B.A. in Economics and a B.A. in Mathematics.
- Estimation of Macroeconomic Models

Will is a PhD student in the Machine Learning Group at the University of Cambridge. His research focuses on the scalability of Gaussian processes, how software should be implemented to make using them a pleasant experience, and how they can be utilised in climate science.
- Fast Gaussian processes for time series
- Julia For Quantum Physics
- Julia for Knowledge Mining in Industry 4.0

I am doing my bioinformatics PhD project with machine learning/deep learning approach in Academia sinica, Taiwan. Host and founder of Julia Taiwan community.
- GeometricFlux.jl: Geometric Deep Learning on Flux
I'm an MD/PhD candidate investigating predictive biomarkers for developmental psychopathology. I use magnetic resonance imaging, neurophysiology, and psychometrics to perform my research.
- Solving Neuroinformatics' Three Language Problem With Julia

Educational Background
- 2008–2013 Bachelor of Science, Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Izmir, Turkey.
Thesis: Attack on a chaos-based random number generator. - 2014–2016 Master of Science, Dokuz Eylül University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Izmir
Thesis: Secure communication via partial synchronization of nonlinear systems. - 2016–
Doctor of Philosophy, Dokuz Eylül University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences,
Izmir, Turkey.
Thesis: Design and optimization of clustered synchronization systems.
Research Activity and Interests
- Dynamics of Coupled Systems
- Synchronization in Complex Networks
- Chaos Communications
- Jusdl.jl - Julia Based System Description Language