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Sophia Bazile (she/her)

Cosmos Experience Wrangler |
Futures Thinking & Foresight | Facilitator
Curator | Convener | Sometimes Speaker | Perpetual Seeker

Learner, Companion, Guide — on journeys of individual & collective inquiry.

Perpetually curious, I have curated, convened, shared and helped broaden perspectives in a range of contexts, around many different topics - and now AI Cosmologies is the latest adventure!

What began as a nascent idea, has evolved into this MozFest moment's synthesis of what is an ongoing, ever-evolving, life-long and life-wide (un)learning project(s)/inquiry grounded in decoloniality, feminist, and Black/African diaspora pasts/presents/futures-focus

At the end of a world as we've known it, this liminal and emergent space in which we find ourselves is potent: together we can collectively dream and liberate not-yet-known possibilities of safety, justice, equity, and wellbeing for all.


Cosmos Experience: Rituals for Liminality
Sophia Bazile (she/her), Bonita Oliver, inabel Uytiepo (they/siya), Tada Hozumi (they)
AI Cosmologies
AI Cosmologies