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Tada Hozumi (they)

Tada Hozumi is a spiritualist, artist, and philosopher of Japanese ancestry whose work is dedicated to bringing harmony between the New Earth and Metaverse.

They are a descendant of the Hozumi clan, one of Japan and the world's longest documented and unbroken shamanic lineages.

Their newly launched project Lunmu (龍夢/Dragon's Dream), a collaboration with psychic and artist Rein Lo, weaves together esoteric cosmologies of various ancient cultures into an open-source user-friendly modern spiritual science - a labor of love in preparation for the coming initiatory age of Singularity and ecological collapse.


Cosmos Experience: Rituals for Liminality
Sophia Bazile (she/her), Bonita Oliver, inabel Uytiepo (they/siya), Tada Hozumi (they)
AI Cosmologies
AI Cosmologies