
Steven! Ragnarök

Steven! is a software developer and Linux system administrator who has been steadfastly running Linux through his computer science and mathematics education, web development career, and now as a Software Engineer leading the computer infrastructure team at Open Robotics. Steven!'s experience with Linux began on Slackware 9, where package management was a feature conspicuously absent from the installed system.


Welcome + Keynote
Wolf Vollprecht, Todd Gamblin, Steven! Ragnarök, Matthias Meschede

Wolf will welcome everyone and say a couple of words about PackagingCon and how we are going and how the virutal conference is going to work


Todd Gamblin, Steven! Ragnarök and Matthias Meschede are going to talk about "The Taxonomy of Package Managers" – expect a fun talk about the history of package management and an overview of the different species of package managers out there

Room I
Automated packaging for multiple platforms: Successes and lessons learned while packaging ROS
Steven! Ragnarök, Tully Foote

We have developed a system which will automatically generate packages for deb based packaging systems such as Debian and Ubuntu, RPM based packaging systems such as Fedora and RHEL, as well as source based packaging/distribution systems such as Gentoo or OpenEmbedded. This talk will delve into how and why we’ve done it. We will cover lessons learned over the course of more than ten years of experience and then discuss where we’re going next and what tools and approaches we’ve developed that others may find useful.

Metadata & Building things
Room I