
Welcome + Keynote
2021-11-09 , Room I

Wolf will welcome everyone and say a couple of words about PackagingCon and how we are going and how the virutal conference is going to work


Todd Gamblin, Steven! Ragnarök and Matthias Meschede are going to talk about "The Taxonomy of Package Managers" – expect a fun talk about the history of package management and an overview of the different species of package managers out there

Wolf Vollprecht is a Technical Director at QuantStack. QuantStack is a small open source software consulting company that mostly works on scientific open source software.
Wolf spends most of his time working on the mamba package manager, and as part of the conda-forge core team. Mamba is a fast, cross-platform and language agnostic package manager that works with conda packages.

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Todd Gamblin is a Senior Principal MTS in Livermore Computing's Advanced Technology Office at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He created Spack, a popular open source HPC package management tool with a rapidly growing community of contributors. He leads the Packaging Technologies Project in the U.S. Exascale Computing Project, LLNL's DevRAMP project on developer productivity, and an LLNL Strategic Research Initiative on software integration and dependency management. His research interests include dependency management, software engineering, parallel computing, performance measurement, and performance analysis.

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Steven! is a software developer and Linux system administrator who has been steadfastly running Linux through his computer science and mathematics education, web development career, and now as a Software Engineer leading the computer infrastructure team at Open Robotics. Steven!'s experience with Linux began on Slackware 9, where package management was a feature conspicuously absent from the installed system.

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