2020-07-04 –, Track 2
In Cusco, Peru, during the last 2 years, GAL Center worked with students using OSM and associated tools, such as Kobo as educational tools, mainly for research into social problems that the students themselves identify in their locality. Projects such as “Sexist advertising mapping”, “Sexual health” and “Garbage mapping in Larapa” were the result of this work.
This year, MapImpact is one of the HOT Microgrants and we will work with high school students and YouthMappers Chapters that we help to create in universities. In this talk, I will tell you more about how we work MapImpact in GAL: our objectives, our methodology, our results and why we would like it to be replicated in other places.
MapImpact is a GAL Center project in Cusco, Peru, which aims to make more students aware of the problems that afflict their locality, to achieve this they will have to investigate these problems using OSM and associated tools such as Kobo Collect, as the main research tool.
To develop this project GAL had a previous experience of 2 years, in which we work with high school students in different provinces of Cusco and help in the creation of the first YouthMappers Chapters in Peru, projects such as “Sexist advertising mapping”, “Sexual health” and “Garbage mapping in Larapa” were the result of this work.
This year we will work MapImpact also with university students and our intention is for students to understand digital maps not only as a tool to generate geospatial data, but also as a tool of social impact, that is, the process not end when they save the changes in OSM, they have to use that information to make visible a problem that afflicts their location.
In this talk we would like to share with you the whole process we follow to reach this point.
Ward, Pete (GAL Center)
Talk keywords:Education, Social Impact, Youth
Affiliation:GAL Center
I'm Regina!
I live in Cusco, Peru, I am 22 years old and I studied Communication Sciences. Since 2019 I work in GAL Center, an innovative consultancy that develops projects to improve education and development of Cusco.
To date, I worked on projects related to education and technology. Last year I participated in the Women Connect Challenge project, where my main role was to train high school and university students at OSM, digital mapping in general and associated tools, such as KoboCollect. This year I am responsible for the MapImpact Project.