OSM Routing Evaluation
2020-07-04 , Track 1

This talk will present an evaluation of different OSM routing software and its impact on the journey. Several popular OSM routing software results will be evaluated on its route-cost (distance and or time) and different modes of transportation (from walking to motor-vehicle). Additional evaluation on the ground will also evaluate which route is a good (or bad) one and what may cause this impact.

There have been multiples OSM routing services that are available, from offline to online. While this situation gives people many options to choose from it may also confuse people on which service they should choose or use.

This talk is an effort to evaluate these services on different modes of transportation. The evaluation is not only on the routing result but also on when the route is used in real-life scenarios. It tries to answer practical questions such as what is the routing service that provides the best result for walking? Or is it better to use Graphopper or OSRM for car navigation? Different OSM routing services will be evaluated using several start-end points and what do the results look like. How do different routing service results in shorter or longer distance/time and what may have caused it? Surely the journey in the real situation will be presented as well. While the answers highly depend on several factors (such as road tag completeness, local road rules, and time of traveling), this talk will be a good overview for the audience that wants to know more about routing services in OSM. No technical knowledge is necessary.

Talk keywords:

routing, routing service, OSM routing



I have been using OSM since 2012. Since 2013, I have joined HOT and become an active OSM promoter, not only in my home country, Indonesia but also in regional and international events. While I no longer work for HOT, I want to keep on promoting OSM to people and institutions. I believe that as the biggest open geospatial data platform, it is also important for OSM to be diverse. It needs to allow as much participation as possible to map our world.