WikidataCon 2021

Houcemeddine Turki

Houcemeddine Turki is a long-term Wikimedian working since 2009 and contributing to Wikidata and sister projects. He is also an open science advocate promoting the use of Wikidata as a free resourceto develop real-life computer applications at a low cost from the perspective of science policy and scholarly research. As a Wikimedian, Houcemeddine has been among the first members of Wikimedia Tunisia User Group in 2014 serving as GLAM and Education Coordinator for the affiliate between 2018 and 2019 as the Vice-Chair of the group since 2019. Moreover, he has been involved as a member of the Programme Committee of the WikiIndaba Conference, the Premier African Conference of Wikimedia Community, in 2018 and 2019. Furthermore, he currently serves as a member of WikiIndaba Streering Committee, of Wikimedia and Libraries User Group Steering Committee, and of Wikimedia Foundation Affiliation Committee. In real life, Houcemeddine is a medical student and a research assistant at the University of Sfax, Tunisia. He is affiliated to Data Engineering and Semantics Research Unit, a local research structure that focuses on the development of knowledge-based systems based on freely available computer resources.


Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia: Community Perspectives
Houcemeddine Turki

Featured as the new project of Wikimedia Foundation, Wikifunctions aims to create an open database of scientific, logical and linguistic functions. These functions can be exploited later to create new information systems and projects, including Abstract Wikipedia, which combines semantic information in Wikidata with open linguistic functions to automatically generate Wikipedia articles about all Wikidata items in all supported languages. In this presentation, I will present both projects and describe the stages of the development of the two initiatives and their modus operandi, in addition to the importance of the two projects for the Wikimedia Community. After that, I will highlight the critical concerns about the two projects that were raised by the Wikimedia Community in WikiArabia 2021 and that should be efficiently solved to ensure the success of the initiatives.

Projetos irmãos
Room 2
Languages discussion
Houcemeddine Turki, Alicia Fagerving, Sadik Shahadu, Mahir Morshed, Maria Heuschkel

Discussion of the languages sessions

Projetos irmãos
Room 2
Systematic Review Automation driven by Wikidata
Houcemeddine Turki

Nowadays, systematic reviews have become a major piece of scientific information providing a snapshot about the multiple insights of a given research topic. The creation and revision of such scholarly publications requires the analysis and synthesis of various research papers according to predefined guidelines. Doing this manually is an exhausting and time-consuming task. That is why the creation of computer systems to automate systematic reviews can be very useful to let the development of such an output easier. Here, Wikidata as a semantic resource can be efficient in enhancing many tasks ranging from the formulation of search queries to identify relevant research evidences to the recognition of patterns for representing research findings. In this short presentation, I explain how I succeeded to develop several Python codes that efficiently automate systematic review creation tasks based on Wikidata statements and common libraries and I show how this can bring scholarly publishing to the next stage later.

Educação e ciência
Room 2
Wikidata & Education: A Global Panel
Shani Evenstein Sigalov, LiAnna Davis, João Alexandre Peschanski, Martin Poulter, Houcemeddine Turki, Mike Peel

A chance to globally discuss the state of Wikidata & Education.
With 2 years passing since our panel in WDCon19, this panel would offer an opportunity to the community working on implementing WD into Education a chance to connect and discuss burning issues. What are some interesting initiatives globally? What has changed? What are some of our current challenges, especially during COVID? and what can we do, globally, to enhance this global effort? These will be some of the questions we will be discussing with invited panelists from around the world and the audience attending this session.

Educação e ciência
Room 2