29/10/2021 –, Livestream room
A lot of great things have happened around Wikidata over the past year and the Wikibase Ecosystem has made great strides. We will take a look at the most important developments of the past year and great things people have done in and around Wikidata. We will also give a sneak-peak at what’s coming next.
A lot of great things have happened around Wikidata over the past year and the Wikibase Ecosystem has made great strides. We will take a look at the most important developments of the past year and great things people have done in and around Wikidata. We will also give a sneak-peak at what’s coming next.
Link to notes:https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WikidataCon2021-WhatHappenedWikidataWikibase
Product Manager for Wikidata at Wikimedia Deutschland
- Wikidata birthday presents lightning talks
- Overview of ontology issues
- Scaling Wikidata Query Service - unlimited access to all the world’s knowledge for everyone is hard
- Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges
- Wikidata pink pony session
- Taking in feedback from re-users at scale
- A world in which 99% of Wikidata’s editors never come to Wikidata.org
- Measuring and monitoring data quality
Product Manager for Wikibase Ecosystem at Wikimedia Deutschland