Érica Azzellini
Communications Manager at Wiki Movimento Brasil and organization lead for the Brazilian team of the WikidataCon
Welcome to the WikidataCon 2021! The organizing team will introduce you to the event, its main themes, and provide practical information about how you can follow and get involved.
Reimagining Wikidata from the margins is an effort to reflect upon and to address the inequalities in knowledge representation and in contributors from the Global South in the Wikidata ecosystem. The project started with the organization of WikidataCon 2021, and in this session, you’ll find more about the vision of the project, its process and how to collaborate.
Let’s celebrate Wikidata with Brazilian culture! We’ll have music performed by a female samba group, a tour of the cities of Salvador and São Paulo through afro tourism lenses, and a Brazilian traditional birthday recipe that you can do at home with a few ingredients. Join us!
Samba de Dandara: Samba de Dandara is a women's samba circle whose lyrics deal with the female sociopolitical struggle and the valorization of black Brazilian traditions. "Dandara" is a symbol of black resistance in the country: the group is named in honor of the warrior leader who stood out in the struggle for the freedom of the enslaved black people in colonial Brazil.
Guia Negro: Guia Negro produces independent content about travel, black culture, afrotourism and black business. The platform was created in 2017 to tell stories, inspire and guide you through the most diverse experiences in tourism in Brazil.
In this space, the Latin America and Caribbean grantees will gather to share experiences on how they organized capacity building events on Wikidata before the conference and to discuss possible ways for the empowered agency on Wikidata’s ecosystem from their local contexts. This is a moment to share learnings and build connections! The session is open for everyone.
What would structured data with multiple epistemic frames look like? And how do we get there? Wikimedia Deutschland, Wiki Movimento Brasil and Whose Knowledge? in early October, invited thinkers and practioners from different locations and backgrounds to reflect on how to decolonize the Internet's structured data in a conversation that must continue! Join this discussion about the challenges and opportunities of structured data from the perspectives of different systems of knowledge and identities.
What "reimagining Wikidata from the margins" means to you? Bring your thoughts and let's discuss some reflection points from the project!
- How can Wikidata help you solve real problems in your community?
- Where does the data you add to Wikidata come from? How is the access to other local databases?
- What is the profile of Wikidata contributors in your community?
- Are there main themes in your activities on Wikidata?
- How is your relationship with other language communities?
- How do you feel navigating the broad Wikidata community? Is it different from other Wikimedia projects?
- Have you ever faced systemic biases in both contributors and content on Wikidata?
- What community and technical resources would be needed to make Wikidata be more equitable in reflecting the full breadth of human knowledge?
- What kind of local knowledge aren’t you able (yet) to model on Wikidata?
- How do you think adding oral history or unpublished knowledge to Wikidata would support the representation of your culture on Wikidata?
- Is there any notability or source policies that does not support adding your local community's knowledge on Wikidata?
- What prevents people in your community that edit other Wikimedia from contributing to Wikidata?
- What major knowledge gaps regarding your culture do you encounter on Wikidata?
- Is your community working on covering specific knowledge gaps on Wikidata?
- How can we ensure that Wikidata doesn’t replicate solely colonial knowledge?
- How do local institutions contribute to Wikidata? And what are the challenges they face doing so?
Closing of the WikidataCon 2021, saying goodbye, and see you next year for Wikidata's 10th birthday!