WikidataCon 2021

Lydia Pintscher

Product Manager for Wikidata at Wikimedia Deutschland


What happened and what’s coming around Wikidata and Wikibase
Lydia Pintscher, Sam Alipio

A lot of great things have happened around Wikidata over the past year and the Wikibase Ecosystem has made great strides. We will take a look at the most important developments of the past year and great things people have done in and around Wikidata. We will also give a sneak-peak at what’s coming next.

Main track
Livestream room
Scaling Wikidata Query Service - unlimited access to all the world’s knowledge for everyone is hard
Mike Pham, Guillaume Lederrey, Adam Shorland, Lydia Pintscher

Wikidata has grown in all dimensions since its start 9 years ago. In this talk we will have a look at one of the biggest technical scaling challenges that Wikidata currently faces: the Wikidata Query Service. We provide a high level overview of the technical challenges of scaling Wikidata Query Service (which were also outlined in the August 2021 update) and the current results of the WDQS user survey. Based on this, we introduce some of our current strategies/plans for scaling and how you can help make them reality.

Main track
Livestream room
A world in which 99% of Wikidata’s editors never come to
Lydia Pintscher

As Wikidata’s data is used in more and more technology we use every day, the vast majority of the people who are benefiting from our data never come to and join the project.
We will need to do what we can to enable them to contribute to Wikidata regardless, for example, to correct mistakes or update outdated data. The alternative would be an ever-increasing amount of work and expectation resting on the shoulders of too few people on, which is neither healthy nor sustainable. This means we need to prepare for more and more contributions being made by people through special-purpose apps, 3rd-party websites, the Wikidata Bridge and more without ever having visited That brings with it a number of fundamental questions we’d like to discuss in this session. Here are some of them:
* How can we ensure equity in making some of the fundamental decisions that shape Wikidata and that are being made on
* What does it mean for Wikidata to shift more towards being the place of final decision making and arbitration instead of everyone coming there to edit?
* What processes, tools, guidelines, etc do we need to have in place to make this work?

Sustainable future
Room 3
Taking in feedback from re-users at scale
Lydia Pintscher

Many large companies and organizations are relying heavily on Wikidata and the data treasure we offer as a commons. As they are exploring and using our data they encounter mistakes, inconsistencies, outdated information, vandalism and more. In addition, they get reports from their users about issues in the data. They are willing to give back, even on a large scale. Making this work is crucial for the long-term health and sustainability of Wikidata. In this session, we’d like to discuss how this can work. Which feedback do we want? How do we want it? What tools, processes, guidelines, etc do we need to have in place?

Sustainable future
Room 3
Wikidata pink pony session
Mohammed Sadat Abdulai (User:Masssly), Lydia Pintscher

The Wikidata pink pony session is a meetup where you can share your wishes and feature requests about Wikidata to the development team. It's not only about technical things, some great ideas like the WikidataCon started during a pink pony session! This is also the moment where you can discover tools that answer your needs, scripts to enhance your editing experience, and other great things related to Wikidata.

Sustainable future
Room 3
Overview of ontology issues
Lydia Pintscher

One of the hurdles to re-using our data more is issues in Wikidata's ontology. We looked into different types of ontology issues in our data and tried to come up with a classification. We'll present the current state and would love your feedback and input. In the future we will use the insights here to build better tools to prevent and fix ontology issues.

Reusable data
Room 1
Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges
Mike Pham, Lydia Pintscher, Guillaume Lederrey, Adam Shorland, David Causse, Zbyszko Papierski, Aisha Khatun

This session provides a forum to discuss the scaling challenges of Wikimedia Query Service (WDQS), including the short term disaster mitigation and long term strategies, such as migrating to an alternative of Blazegraph.

Sustainable future
Room 3
Measuring and monitoring data quality
Lydia Pintscher

The quality of Wikidata’s data matters. To ensure that we serve the world with reliable and verifiable data, we need to really understand how high or low the quality of our data is and how it develops over time and in different areas of Wikidata. In this session, we want to look at the ways we already measure data quality and what that does and does not tell us about our data. We’d then love to discuss which aspects of data quality we are still missing and how we could get a better understanding of those aspects.

Reusable data
Room 1
Wikidata birthday presents lightning talks
Chico Venancio, Lydia Pintscher

What would be a birthday celebration without presents? Every year, people involved in Wikidata prepares presents to celebrate the work and dedication of the Wikidata community. This session will be the occasion for a few people to present their gift. If you'd like to present something, please add your project in this Etherpad until 1 hour before the start of the session.

Main track
Room 3