WikidataCon 2021

Brazilian culture session: let's celebrate!
2021-10-29 , Livestream room

Let’s celebrate Wikidata with Brazilian culture! We’ll have music performed by a female samba group, a tour of the cities of Salvador and São Paulo through afro tourism lenses, and a Brazilian traditional birthday recipe that you can do at home with a few ingredients. Join us!

Samba de Dandara: Samba de Dandara is a women's samba circle whose lyrics deal with the female sociopolitical struggle and the valorization of black Brazilian traditions. "Dandara" is a symbol of black resistance in the country: the group is named in honor of the warrior leader who stood out in the struggle for the freedom of the enslaved black people in colonial Brazil.

Guia Negro: Guia Negro produces independent content about travel, black culture, afrotourism and black business. The platform was created in 2017 to tell stories, inspire and guide you through the most diverse experiences in tourism in Brazil.

What will the participants take away from this session?:

Discover many aspects of Brazilian culture



Link to notes:



I hold a PhD and Master degrees by the Post-Graduate Program in Communication at Federal University of Minas Gerais – Brazil. I am also a journalist with a degree from the same University. Researcher at the R-EST – Studies of Sociotechnical Networks (UFMG) and GAIA – Group of Arts and Artificial Intelligence (C4AI-Inova USP). I am interested in researching platforms, algorithms, artificial intelligence and digital media in relation to communication. I also serve as a Production Manager of the WikidataCon 2021 at the wikimedia user group Wiki Movimento Brasil

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