Art/Peace | Kunst/Frieden – 40 Jahre W&F bebildert... (eng)
07.10, 10:45–11:45 (Europe/Berlin), Zentralasien

W&F has featured many artists over the course of the last 40 years – this panel aims at bringing together a number of those writers, photographers, painters etc. in a fruitful discussion about the value and challenges of art in peace and conflict.

W&F has featured many artists over the course of the last 40 years – this panel aims at bringing together a number of those writers, photographers, painters etc. in a fruitful discussion about the value and challenges of art in peace and conflict.

The artists and researchers have tried to approach questions of brutality and reconciliation, harm, violence and peacemaking, as well as trauma and healing in various ways in their art. This art has been reproduced alongside the texts in W&F and allows for additional depth, for alternative ways of grappling with what is lost in words - and makes for a productive tension between imagination and text. The panel will explore those relations searching for the contribution of the arts to the transformation of conflicts, to healing and to peacemaking.

Moderation: Brad Evans

Chantal Meza
Andreu Ginestet
J Henry Fair
Vitalis Neufeld
Christine Andrä

Ginestet works for peace since 1978. Artistic intuition led him to the paradoxical examination of peace through violence. Since 1988, he publishes artworks and texts for the understanding of violence, its use and best substitution with strategies. His ideas are further developed in transdisciplinary and international organizations. As a silent diplomat he works on increasing cooperation in society based on gains of empathy and on the regression of individual and collective trauma.

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David Scheuing ist seit 2021 verantwortender Redakteur von W&F. Mit viel Freude und Feuer redigiert er Texte von Autor:innen und hat dafür gesorgt, dass die Veranstaltungen zum 40. Jubiläum stattfinden können. David ist zudem in vielen friedenspolitischen Zusammenhängen und Organisationen aktiv und Mitglied im Executive Committee der War Resisters' International.

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