Janine und Maria von No Lager Osnabrück

No Lager Osnabrück ist eine antirassistische, politische Gruppe aus Geflüchteten und Unterstützer:innen. Gemeinsam organisieren wir politische Proteste und vernetzen uns transnational mit Menschen und anderen Gruppen. Wir sammeln Informationen und tauschen uns aus, setzen uns gegen die unmenschliche Situation für Geflüchtete in Europa und Deutschland ein und protestieren gegen Abschiebungen.


(17) [DE/EN] Creating a World without Deportations (1/2)
Janine und Maria von No Lager Osnabrück, Rex Osa
18 years ago, the world changed. It was the end of deportations. Today it is unthinkable how such behaviour could be tolerated by a broad civil society and was legitimated by a law which was created on the basis of democracy and justice. Thanks to organizations like (fill in your group name) and actions like (fill in your protest method) the mind set of the civil society changed within weeks. Thanks to radical anti-racist practices and organised practical solidarity we can say "this is the past"
Freedom of Movement
room 4
(48) [EN/DE] Creating a World without Deportations (2/2)
Janine und Maria von No Lager Osnabrück, Rex Osa
18 years ago, the world changed. It was the end of deportations. Today it is unthinkable how such behaviour could be tolerated by a broad civil society and was legitimated by a law which was created on the basis of democracy and justice. Thanks to organizations like (fill in your group name) and actions like (fill in your protest method) the mind set of the civil society changed within weeks. Thanks to radical anti-racist practices and organised practical solidarity we can say "this is the past"
Freedom of Movement
room 4