Malisa Zobel

Malisa Zobel is the program director of the Municipal Integration and Development Initiative (MIDI) in Berlin and coordinates the project “Integration of Refugees as a Joint Municipal Development” at the HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform. She holds a doctorate in comparative political science.

Malisa Zobel ist Leiterin der Kommunalen Integrations- und Entwicklungsinitiative (MIDI) in Berlin und koordiniert das Projekt „Europäische Flüchtlingsintegration als kommunale Entwicklung“ an der HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform. Sie promovierte in vergleichender Politikwissenschaft.


(293) [EN] Politics of proximity without proximity ONLY 11-12:30 !!! (1/2)
Melanie Kryst, Malisa Zobel, Xavi Ferrer, Sophie Bloemen
How can politics of proximity function without spatial proximity? Urban spaces can foster political proximity/participation and labs of designing innovative societies. How is it possible to participate in times of social distancing? Which approaches do we see for participation and co-creation of cities and municipalities in a post-pandemic future? Do we need to rethink? In which direction? We invite three perspectives from Barcelona, Amsterdam and Berlin.
Organizing Society
room 26
(340) [EN] Politics of proximity without proximity CANCELED: ONLY 11-12:30 !!! (2/2)
Melanie Kryst, Malisa Zobel, Xavi Ferrer, Sophie Bloemen
How can politics of proximity function without spatial proximity? Urban spaces can foster political proximity/participation and labs of designing innovative societies. How is it possible to participate in times of social distancing? Which approaches do we see for participation and co-creation of cities and municipalities in a post-pandemic future? Do we need to rethink? In which direction? We invite three perspectives from Barcelona, Amsterdam and Berlin.
Organizing Society
room 26