Camila Nobrega
Camila Nobrega Rabello Alves aus Rio de Janiero ist Journalistin und Aktivistin, promoviert derzeit in Berlin. Sie arbeitet zu Mediendiskursen, ist beeinflusst von Perspektiven sozial-ökologischer Gerechtigkeit und lateinamerikanischer Feminismen.
(60) [EN] Territories, Commoning and Care Work - Feminist Perspectives on a Caring Future
Christa Wichterich, Wendy Harcourt, Anna Katharina Voss, Rosa de Nooijer, Samantha Hargreaves, Camila Nobrega
The session brings together experiences and agency from South Africa, Brazil and Western Europe. The focus is on everyday practices of resistance and politics of reclaiming and transforming territories and narratives vis-à-vis mining, large dam construction and industrialised food production. The speakers put the care for each other in a community, and care for nature at the centre of their strategies of a just transition towards a future free of extractivism and exploitation
Solidarisch Wirtschaften
Raum 3