2020-08-29 –, room 3
Language: English
Worin liegt der Unterschied zwischen Hilfsaktion und Solidarität? Wie reproduzieren wir Stereotypen in unseren Partnerschaften? Wie können wir unterschiedliche Machtverhältnisse vermeiden? Wie sieht die ideale Partnerschaft aus? Ziel des Workshops ist (un)sichtbare Machtstrukturen in (Schul-)Partnerschaften zwischen dem globalen Süden und Norden zu hinterfragen. Auch werdet ihr in unterschiedliche Rollen schlüpfen und gemeinsam wollen wir erste Schritte zu einer idealen Partnerschaft erarbeiten
Traversing Power Structure in Partnership between Global South and Global North. (2/2)
What is the difference between charity and solidarity? When do we reproduce stereotypes in our partnerships? How can we streamline power structures in partnerships? How can the ideal partnership look like? We will question and discuss the relationship between partners of global south and north by taking a closer look at (in)visible power structures in the context of (school) partnerships. You will also take on different roles and work on first steps towards an ideal partnership.
Menschen mit Vorwissen zum Thema, Menschen, die bereits intensiv zum Thema arbeiten
Tracks:Bildung: Schule Macht Zukunft
Duration:180 min (2 Slots)
Language(s):Deutsch, Englisch
A teacher of English and business studies at Lulu Girls School, South coast, Kenya. Patron, Junior Achievement club which trains students to become entrepreneurs hence transform the economy. This has driven my interest in our program because of correlation with power structure transformation.
Masterstudentin in Erziehung- und Bildungswissenschaften (Universität Bremen); seit 2011 Teilnehmerin, Teamerin und Organisatorin von Jugendbegegnungen zwischen jungen Menschen aus afrikanischen Ländern und Deutschland. Mitgründerin des Vereins Partner*innen über Grenzen e.V..
Masters student in educational science at the University of Bremen. Taking part, leading and organizing exchange programs between youth of African countries and Germany, since 2011. One of the cofounders of the organization partners across borders e.V..
Founder/Director –MYFF, youth leader, changemaker, community leader, creatives and innovative ambassador by using media art to change lives. I train/mentor youths of the slums and surrounding in skills of photography & filmmaking and empowering them with leadership through exchange programs.
Joseph Wairimu "Babu" is Kenyan Creative , Award Winning Actor, Acting Coach, Writer, Director and Trainer. Wairimu attended Durban Talent Campus and Berlinale Talents., UNHCR, Film Aid. Babu has shared in different platforms, notably Sponsored Arts For Education, Annos Africa, One Fine Day, Kenya Actors Guild, Dayster University, Films Without Borders, Slum Film Festival and other platforms as a trainer and mentor in art programs. He works as a trainer where he teaches fine arts, drama and puppetry in Kenyan slums and schools.
In Kamerun geboren; seit 2003 in Deutschland; Mitglied von Partner*innen über Grenzen e.V.; Empowerment u. Diversity Trainer; 7 J. für ENSA (Entwicklungspol. Schulaustausch-Programm) gearbeitet; in internationaler Begegnungen seit 2004; Bildungsreferent an der Jugendbildungsstätte LidiceHaus Bremen
Born in Cameroon; since 2003 in Germany; member of Partner*innen über Grenzen e.V.; Empowerment and Diversity Trainer; worked 7 years long for ENSA (Entwicklungspol. Schulaustausch-Programm); in international exchanges since 2004; now educator officer at LidiceHaus Bremen (Youth Education Centre)
Landeskoordinator der UNESCO-Projektschulen Bremen, Lehrer an der Gesamtschule Bremen Mitte, Gründungsmitglied und Vorstand von Partner*innen über Grenzen e.V., führt seit 2011 Begegnungen zwischen jungen Menschen aus afrikanischen Ländern und Deutschland durch (schulisch und außerschulsich)
County coordinator of the UNESCO ASPnet Bremen, Teacher at Gesamtschule Bremen Mitte, founding member and board of Partner*innen über Grenzen e.V., has been organizing meetings between young people from African countries and Germany since 2011 (school and extracurricular)
A teacher of English and literature at Mekaela Lulu Boys High school in South coast of Kenya. I have actively participated in exchange program with our partners GSM-BREMEN necessitating the desire to have the congress forum and discuss how power structure can be leveled.