Polish language and culture specialist, cultural activity organizer, trainer, active participant in education and the NGO environment. She has coordinated projects involving film education (Filmoteka Szkolna. Akcja!), reading education (Miłosz OdNowa) and cultural education (Sztuka Zaangażowana). At Centrum Cyfrowe she is responsible for the “SpołEd” Open Education Cooperative and introducing openness to schools and among teachers. She does workshops and training sessions on open resources and using new technologies in schools. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw.
- Online course as a community-building and engagement tool

Dr. Alexandra Okada is a Senior Research Fellow in Education for Responsible Research and Innovation at the Open University UK. She is also an Honorary Associate Professor in Brazil and Portugal. Previously, she worked as a consultant to the Association for Science Education UK, to the Secretary of Continuing Education, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion of Brazilian Government; and a computer scientist at Johnson & Johnson and IBM. She holds a BSc in Computer Science (Hons); MA (Education: Curriculum); MBA (Knowledge Management and Communication); Ph.D. Educational Technology. She has over twenty years of experience in technology-enhanced learning and assessment, working in fifteen international funded projects, and the Principal Investigator led three large European projects in ICT and Science with and for Society. She has been awarded by Brazil Government, Microsoft, and Open Education Consortium. Currently, Dr. Okada is the principal investigator of two international research networks CONNECT – inclusive open schooling with engaging and future-oriented science and OLAF – Online Learning and Fun engaging communities of 10,000 educators and 30,000 students. Her interests focus on Scientific Literacy (Responsible Research and Innovation, Open Science and Open schooling), Collaborative Learning (Knowledge Media Technologies, Open Educational Resources, and Mixed Realities artifacts), and Collective Intelligence (knowledge mapping, peer production, and participatory media). Her Open Research Online includes more than 130 peer-reviewed papers.
- CONNECT with 2030 Agenda: We Can't Leave Girls Behind

(Session Chair: The role of Students - Mon 14:00 & Lightning talks - Wed 11:00)
Alexandre Enkerli est conseiller technopédagogique chez Collecto où il accompagne les professionnels de l'apprentissage dans leur appropriation technologique selon leurs contextes spécifiques, comme il le faisait en tant que technopédagogue pour la Vitrine technologie-éducation de 2014 à 2016. Alexandre occupe de nouveau ce rôle après des incursions à Ottawa (conception de parcours d'apprentissage en cybersécurité et d'une expérience d'apprentissage en ligne massive et ouverte à tous (CLOM) sur la participation publique en partenariat avec l'EFPC) et au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean où il a travaillé au COlab sur un projet recherche-action participative.
- Une feuille de route collaborative, transcontinentale, pour étendre l’éducation ouverte et libre par un dialogue pluriel

Anaïs Røed Malbrand, Norway, is Senior Advisor at the International Council for Open and Distance Education – ICDE. She is the key contact at the ICDE Secretariat for the ICDE Francophone OER working group, ENCORE+ project and the OER Advocacy Committee. She has previously held positions in New York and Santiago de Chile at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in Madrid at UN-Habitat, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) and at Oxfam in Spain and Guatemala. She holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from NEOMA Business School in France and a Master’s Degree in International Cooperation from the Basque Country University in Spain.
- Pour un renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la politique de transformation numérique de l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique francophone

As the longest-standing Minister of Knowledge of Ecuador, Andres Arauz implemented policies for “Buen Conocer”. It implied the long-term planning of our education policies, new wiki-built legislation for open knowledge, a review of international treaties, new universities, free open software, a biodiversity-focused agenda, and open knowledge procurement policies for access to medicine.
- Keynote 2 (Andres Arauz): Buen Conocer: socially oriented policies at the Ministry of Knowledge of Ecuador

Anna Vater is project manager for the Spanish education portal CREA (Centro de Recursos Educativos Abiertos) at the international foundation Siemens Stiftung.
- Strengthening the OER movement for STEM education in Latin America – Using the example of Siemens Stiftung's new Centro de Recursos Educativos Abiertos (CREA)

Anna Vater is a project manager at the international Siemens Stiftung in the area of education.
Her work focuses on Open Educational Resources (OER) for STEM education and the Siemens Stiftungs's OER portal for Latin America CREA.
She holds a Master's degree in Communication and Intercultural Cooperation from the Munich University of Applied Sciences and a Bachelor's degree in International Cultural and Business Studies from the University of Passau and the University of Curitiba.
- Plataformas abiertas para movilizar prácticas STEAM en el marco de la complejidad

Axel Klinger, CTO at Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) in Hannover, Germany, supports the development of open infrastructures for Open Science and Open Education.
- OER Search Index for international repositories
Barbara Class is a research and teaching collaborator at Tecfa, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Her research interests include teaching and learning research methodology; Open Education and its interaction with an Open ecosystem (e.g Open Science); designing and implementing learning programmes with a design based research approach; active learning and teaching strategies. https://tecfa.unige.ch/perso/class/
- Une feuille de route collaborative, transcontinentale, pour étendre l’éducation ouverte et libre par un dialogue pluriel

Currently conceptualizing and building openness infrastructure in a teacher education project (Coworking, Open Education and Open Science initiatives).
- The road to the open university - A teacher education project as a driver of innovation?

Research Associate - University of Passau - Germany
Chair of Education/Primary and Pre-Primary Education
Project Collaborator "SKILL.de"
- The road to the open university - A teacher education project as a driver of innovation?

Researcher and consultant on social, economic, organisational, ethical, fair, and inclusive aspects of the digitalization of education and learning. He has advised governmental and non-governmental organizations and companies in technical vocational education and training (TVET) and in higher education (HE), nationally and internationally. With his forty years of experience, he helps in designing, implementing, and evaluating educational strategies and policies, with a focus on open education and Open Educational Resources.
- The Future Learning track 2021 of the Falling Walls Foundation (Germany) as crowd-source of what the future might hold for learning
- Some thoughts about sustainable OER. It’s all about ownership!

Bonnie Stewart is an educator and social media researcher interested in what digital networks mean for institutions and society. Soon-to-be Associate Professor of Online Pedagogy and Workplace Learning in the Faculty of Education, University of Windsor, Canada, Bonnie was an early MOOC researcher and ethnographer of Twitter. Bonnie's current research interests include the data literacies of educators, and what it means to know, to learn, and to be a citizen in our current information ecosystem.
- The Open Digital Classroom: Prioritizing Open Educational Practice Post-Pandemic

Dr. Bryan McGeary is the Learning Design and Open Education Engagement Librarian at Penn State. In this role, he helps advance the University’s initiatives that support the creation and use of open and affordable course content and associated teaching practices. He co-leads the Affordable Course Transformation (ACT) grant program, which supports faculty in creating and adapting open educational resources, and he previously started a grant program at Ohio University to support student creation of OER. He is also a member of the advisory and review board for PA GOAL, a program funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education that offers mini-grants to create open and affordable learning projects at institutions across Pennsylvania. Additionally, he is a SPARC Open Education Leadership Fellow, a member of Affordable Learning Pennsylvania’s steering committee, a graduate of the Open Education Network’s Certificate in OER Librarianship, and co-editor of the peer-reviewed open access journal Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice. Prior to joining Penn State Libraries, he worked in libraries at Dickinson College, Ohio University, and the University of Pittsburgh. He earned a PhD in American Culture Studies and a graduate certificate in Public History from Bowling Green State University, an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh, an MS in Journalism from Ohio University, and a BA in Journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
- Mapping a Course for Open Pedagogy Success
- Supporting Latin American researchers in Open Education through the Collega mentoring program

Lawyer, specialist in intellectual property law, she obtained her doctorate in 2000 and was appointed lecturer, then professor of law (in 2013) at the University of Nantes. In 2008 she became an expert in intellectual property for the STDICE (Sous-Directeur des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Education). Following this, in 2012, she was appointed 1st Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science and created the Intellectual Property diploma in distance learning, of which she took over the management. She then became a member of the regulatory control commission of the CNC (Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée – National Center for Cinema).
Between 2014 and 2017, she directed the Institute for Research in Private Law (IRDP), a research laboratory at the university. In 2017, she became vice-president in charge of university reform, then first vice-president in 2019, before being elected President in July 2020. Since January 1, 2022, she is the first President of Nantes University.
- Keynote 3 (Carine Bernault): Why and how are we opening up Nantes Université?

With a PhD in social sciences about Orientation and Higher Education, Carole Schorlé-Stefan is a Higher Education professional with a background in Sociology, Management and Educational Sciences. She animates L’Université Numérique, the French national digital university, and coordinates the projects for the humanities. Carole works to promote the Open Education in France and Francophonie since 2007. She manages, with Ollivier Haemmerlé, L’Université Numérique’s President, a national project to develop students' written French skills. She’s involved in several other projects to develop e-learning in Higher Education and to make the teaching practices evolve. She is an experienced manager, especially in relationships between technology (digital culture, e-learning) and Universities.
- Inter-professional synergistic contribution to the development of policies and strategies for the inclusion of OER in the pedagogical and documentary schemes of French public higher education

(Session Chair: Pathways to Opening Up Education - Tues 14:00)
Caroline has a PhD in Education and she is a Senior Lecturer in Education and Technology Enhanced Learning at the School of Education. She has a particular interest in open education and social justice framed under a critical pedagogy approach.
Her research focus lies on the intersection of sociology, philosophy, technology and education. She is interested in how technology-driven solutions can be meaningfully integrated into development contexts so that different ways of knowing and beings are respected. This interest stems from her doctoral research, where she examined students’ daily entanglement with digital tools and platforms, particularly open and participatory ones at university. She is particularly interested in the interplay between culture, structure and agency from a critical realist perspective. Her latest research project has been together with a team of 3 co-researchers designing and implementing an OER that fosters critical data literacy.
- The cartography of an OER. Towards a more permeable and organic OER ecosystem.

Open educator & open researcher
- Defining and Developing ‘Enabling’ Open Education Policies in Higher Education

Catherine Lachaîne est bibliothécaire de la réussite scolaire à la Bibliothèque de l'Université d'Ottawa. Elle complète présentement une thèse de maîtrise en éducation sur les pratiques de l'éducation ouverte et les minorités linguistiques francophones au Canada.
- Pratiques de l’éducation ouverte au postsecondaire en milieu minoritaire francophone au Canada
- Favoriser une culture REL francophone pancanadienne

Cécile Swiatek is Director of the library of the University of Paris Nanterre, France. She is interested in accessible knowledge, information skills, pedagogy and digital innovation in higher education. Member of the Executive Board of the European league of research libraries (libereurope.eu) and SPARCEuroope, former Secretary General of the French academic libraries association ADBU (adbu.fr, 2016-2021), she takes a curious and critical look at Open Education issues through her work at SPARCEurope, OERGlobal Francophone and with the UNESCO. From 2020 to 2022, she participated in the French EDUCAUSE delegation. Since 2021, she has been mandated as a permanent national expert on Open Educational Resources (OER) in the French International Open Science Network (ReiSo) for the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).
- Inter-professional synergistic contribution to the development of policies and strategies for the inclusion of OER in the pedagogical and documentary schemes of French public higher education
- A smart way of visualizing your learning paths with existing OER.
- Institutional pedagogical integration of information and communication technologies at the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis

- A creative approach to project design for Open Education Practitioners

Christina Riehman-Murphy, Assistant Librarian, is the Penn State Libraries Sally W. Kalin Librarian for Learning Innovations and the Open and Affordable Educational Resources Librarian at Penn State Abington College. She is the co-program manager of a faculty open and affordable resources (OAER) adoption grant at Abington, which supports faculty in transitioning their courses to OAER course materials. The endowment funded program, now in its third year, has impacted hundreds of Abington students, saving them over $90,000 and ensuring they have permanent access to their educational materials from day one of their classes. She was awarded a grant to fund her work as an embedded librarian in an upper-level English class where the faculty and students are collaboratively authoring an open textbook on early modern literature.
She also has an interest in global humanities and open initiatives and works closely with an undergraduate research project on a historical recipe manuscript transcription project. That project inspired a collaboration with Monash University Library to enhance Penn State’s global partnerships by starting the award-winning annual international “Great Rare Books Bake Off.” In addition, she is a faculty co-lead for a short-term study abroad program to Ghana. She has her M.S. in Library Science from Clarion University and a BA in English and Secondary Education from The Catholic University of America.
- Mapping a Course for Open Pedagogy Success
Christine Jacqmot; PhD in Applied Sciences from the Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain and lecturer at UCLouvain (chargé de cours invité).
Her interests are related to the quality of teaching and student learning as well as to pedagogical innovation, including technologies to support teaching and learning.
Since 2015, she has been leading institutional projects at UCLouvain, among which the deployment of Digital University of UCLouvain, (Open Education and Open Sicence). She is also in charge of strengthening the international aspect of the missions of the Louvain Learning Lab (LLL) of the UCLouvain, notably within strategic institutional partnerships.
Christine Jacqmot provides training for higher education teachers wishing to practice active pedagogy and group tutoring; she is the author of publications on the themes of tutoring, active pedagogy, evaluation and quality (https://dial.uclouvain.be/pr/boreal/fr/search/site/jacqmot).
- Développement d’OER au travers d’un Open Learning Lab
- Être acteur de l’Open Education : atelier

- OTOPO : une nouvelle activité d'autoévaluation pour Moodle

Professeur des Universités, Christophe Fournier enseigne à l'IAE Montpellier
Il est Président d'AUNEGE, l'Université Numérique en Economie-Gestion qui réunit des universités et des grandes écoles francophones pour mutualiser des ressources éducatives libres, développer la recherche en innovation pédagogique et participer à des projets de R&D européens autour de l'éducation ouverte et à distance.
- L'enseignement supérieur de gestion au défi de la pandémie

Claude Potvin est conseiller pédagogique à la fabriqueREL en tant que représentant de l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada). Il est aussi associé à l'Université TÉLUQ comme chargé d'encadrement au 2e cycle, coordonnateur de l’Observatoire du numérique en éducation (ONE) et coordonnateur à l’édition de la revue Médiations et Médiatisations. /
Claude Potvin is a pedagogical advisor at the fabriqueREL as a representative of Laval University (Quebec, Canada). He is also associated with Université TÉLUQ as a graduate students' tutor, coordinator of the Observatoire du numérique en éducation (ONE) and coordinator of the journal Mediation and Mediatization.
- Optimiser l’impact du soutien à la création et à l’utilisation de REL en enseignement supérieur
- S’initier au processus de création de REL de la fabriqueREL : une approche structurante qui stimule la créativité pédagogique
- Valoriser les productions étudiantes : apprendre à produire et diffuser des REL, un levier pour favoriser la motivation et la persévérance

As a project manager, Claudia Hackl advises universities on the institutional anchoring of Open Educational Resources within the framework of "Open Education Austria Advanced" ‐ a digitalisation project for the development of attractive solutions for Open Educational Resources in the Austrian higher education sector. She is also part of the Digital Teaching Team of the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Vienna, which offers media didactic qualification and support services for teachers.
- FAIRO (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable and open) - Various perspectives and requirements on OER
Constance Blomgren is an Associate Professor of Education at Athabasca University, Canada’s Open University. Her background as a K-12 teacher in rural, remote, and northern Canadian locations informs her research and interest in open educational resources and open pedagogy for K-12 teachers and learners. She curates the Blended and Online Learning and Teaching (BOLT) multi-authored website that houses videos and podcasts regarding open pedagogy and Open Educational Resources (OER) for primary and secondary teachers. Her research regarding strengthening K-12 teacher awareness and use of OER and open practices has been published in various journals and book chapters. She also contributes to open scholarship in her role as associate journal editor with the International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning an open access journal that publishes international peer-reviewed research, theory, and practice in open and distributed learning. In addition to researching OER, she studies visual and multi-literacies, participatory technologies, teacher professional learning, and open pedagogy. Contributing to the development of a culturally responsive OER teacher network, from local to global, informs her long-term commitment to high quality and equitable learning opportunities for learners of all ages.
- Engaging Youth in OER Animation Co-creation to Accelerate Vaccine Confidence

- Defining and Developing ‘Enabling’ Open Education Policies in Higher Education

Je suis ingénieur pédagogique dans le service TICE de Nantes Université.
- Pour une ouverture des ressources à travers le prisme de l’accessibilité

A linguist by training and Associate professor in the department of French Studies at York University, Dominique Scheffel-Dunand's research focuses on the concepts of conversation and speech analysis, language acquisition, intercultural and plurilingual competencies, language and culture contact. As the Academic Lead of the Globally Network Learning initiative at York University and Co-lead of the Recruitment, Training and Research Project for FSL teaching in Ontario at Glendon College (The FSL Hub Camerise) she is currently fostering research initiatives and developing teaching and learning environments that support Open Education and the production of OER to be shared between researchers and instructors through international networks and community-driven learning spaces. For more info visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominique-scheffel-dunand/, https://yorkinternational.yorku.ca/gnl/, and follow @camerisefslhub.
- Les ressources éducatives libres (REL) en enseignement supérieur : une mise en application concrète et collaborative du développement durable
- De l’expression des sentiments dans la sphère publique twitter aux regards croisés d’une communauté d’intérêt sur la place des REL dans l’enseignement supérieur francophone

Dr. Sian Proctor is a geoscientist, explorer, space artist, and astronaut. She was the mission pilot for the SpaceX Inspiration4 all-civilian orbital mission. She is the first black female to pilot a spacecraft and the first black commercial astronaut. She is also one of The Explorer’s Club 50: Fifty People Changing the World. Her motto is called Space2inspire where she encourages people to use their unique, one-of-a-kind strengths, and passion to inspire those within their reach and beyond. She believes that we need to actively strive for a J.E.D.I. space: a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive space as we advance human spaceflight.
She uses her afrofuturism space art to encourage conversations about women of color in the space industry. She believes that when we solve for space, we also solve issues on Earth and she promotes the adoption of space technology in regards to issues such as food waste and climate change.
Dr. Proctor spent 21 years as a professor teaching geology, sustainability, and planetary science at South Mountain Community College, in Phoenix, Arizona. She is currently the director of the Global Futures Institute for the Maricopa Community College District.
- Opening Ceremony and Keynote 1 (Dr. Sian Proctor) Space2inspire: fostering an open, creative, and J.E.D.I. space!

Elisabeth joined Grasple because of its social mission, combined with a strong commercial funding. I work for Grasple because data and numeric developments within our daily lives are increasing. More and more decisions are made based on data and data insights. Therefore the importance of understanding data and data insights is a key capability for all students just as the ability to read and write.
Elisabeth worked for; e.g. General Electric, Accenture, Funda, Bol.com, two fast growing Dutch Edtech scale ups: Snappet and Studytube. Elisabeth has ~25 years of experience in ‘prospect and customer experience management’ and implementing strategic changes. After finishing her degree at the Technical University of Delft in industrial design engineering. Elisabeth worked with great enthusiasm and energy; optimizing processes, sales and marketing organizations and translating business strategies into sales and marketing approaches. All focusing on; customer satisfaction, motivating employees, growth and effectiveness of the business. Elisabeth is very passionate about learning and sharing. At home this is challenged daily by two great teens, and balancing dinners, sport, family and friends.
- How to implement OER collaboration in practice: challenges, hurdles and successes before, during and after implementation
- OTOPO : une nouvelle activité d'autoévaluation pour Moodle

What if each human being could live decently and in good health?
I mobilise teams around co-creation / research initiatives based on solidarity, subjectivity and creativity in order to counteract an economy of impoverishment.
My experience in the private sector, in institutions, and then with commons allowed me to model how to foster large scale cooperation.
Today, I explore how we can again become actors of our healing processes and how to re-constitute our social body by reclaiming the law.
I speak French, German, Italian, English.
- Une feuille de route collaborative, transcontinentale, pour étendre l’éducation ouverte et libre par un dialogue pluriel

Florence Devouard has been a wikipedian since 2002 and is a founding member of Wikimedia France. She served as Chairwoman of the Wikimedia Foundation, the US-based non-profit organization operating Wikipedia and the other wikimedia projects.
She was born in France where she currently lives. Initially trained as an Agricultural Sciences Engineer, she transitioned 20 years ago to non-profit leadership, intercultural project management, community building and skills transfer roles.
Florence is a free knowledge and advocate, a public speaker, and a consultant. She cares for gender diversity and promote language multicultural dialogue, and is a supporter of open-source movement.
Since 2013, Florence is the co-leader on projects related to Wikipedia and Africa, as part of the WikiAfrica movement.
- WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique
- Workshop WikiFundi, the offline open source editing plateform

Dr. Gema Santos-Hermosa (ORCID: 0000-0002-2776-871X) is a full time lecturer at the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media at University of Barcelona (Spain). Previously, she was a (part-time) lecturer at the same university and at the Faculty of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University. She has also worked at Open University of Catalonia (UOC), as part of the affiliated teaching staff (in the doctoral school and in the degree of Information Science) and as the Research Support Training coordinator at UOC Library.
She hold a Ph.D in Information Science and Communication. Her doctoral thesis discusses the development and reuse of open educational resources (OER) in higher education. She has a series of articles about OER and Open Education published in indexed journals and several book chapters.
She is a researcher at the Center for Research in Information, Communication and Culture (CRICC) at UB and a member of the Research Group on Digital Documentation and Interactive Communication (DigiDoc) at UPF. As a researcher, she has participated in four National R&D&I Plans for Fundamental Research projects and in three European projects; focused on Open Science and Open Education. In 2012 she did two research stays at the Open University (UK) and University of Madison-Wisconsin (US).
She is member of the OER Dynamic Coalition of UNESCO, the Open Organizations network and the ENOEL (European Network of Open Education Librarians) of SPARC-Europe. She has chaired the group of experts EMPOWER Knowledge Resources of the EADTU university network (2015-2020) and has coordinated the OER action within REBIUN (Spanish network of Universities libraries) (2017-20).
- Building capacities in open knowledge for the Library Information Science (LIS) sector
- A little less conversation, a little more action, please! Turning SPARC Europe's report “Open Education in European Libraries of Higher Education” recommendations into reality.
Dr. Ghada El Khayat est professeure titulaire et directrice du Département des systèmes d'information et d’informatique de la Faculté de Commerce de l'Université d'Alexandrie. Elle a travaillé à temps plein dans différents grands projets internationaux où elle avait à la fois des tâches techniques impliquant la mise en place et les tests de nouveaux systèmes et des tâches de gestion de projets impliquant la planification, l'estimation et le contrôle des coûts. Elle a encadré la recherche de plus de 20 doctorants et étudiants de master. Elle a publié plus de 40 publications scientifiques, en plus de quelques chapitres de livres publiés à à l'échelle internationale et chercheure (PI) d'un certain nombre de projets de recherche . Elle est la directrice de l'unité "Innovation pédagogique Apprentissage à Distance" de l'Université d'Alexandrie et experte régionale auprès de l'AUF Moyen Orient.
- Vers des scénarios ouverts pour une pédagogie numérique égalitaire
- نحو سيناريوهات مفتوحة للتربية الرقمية القائمة على المساواة

(Session Chair: Publishers and EdTech Providers - Tues 11:00)
Gino Fransman is the founder and project leader of the Open Education Influencers project (https://openedinfluencers.mandela.ac.za), and an Academic Developer at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa. As a project author in the UNESCO Open Education for a Better World Programme, his highly collaborative open online course for student empowerment and advocacy is titled Becoming an Open Education Influencer (BOEI). BOEI is now freely available for all to use, remix, revise or even remake. He is a member of the OE4BW Advisory Board as well as a mentor to a project author for the course: Peacebuilding in High-Risk Communities in SA. Gino is the most recent winner of the 2021 OEGlobal Emerging Leader Award, which is an "Award granted to an enthusiastic individual displaying promising leadership qualities. Someone whose advocacy and use of open education is inspiring, making them an effective spokesperson. Someone who has demonstrated a strong commitment towards its ideals or has achieved significant accomplishments." https://awards.oeglobal.org/awards/2021/emerging-leader/gino-fransman/
- Open Education Influencers and Capacity Building with OER

(Session Chair: Sustainability - Wed 11:00)
Dr Glenda Cox is a senior lecturer in the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (CILT: http://www.cilt.uct.ac.za/) at the University of Cape Town and her portfolio includes Curriculum projects, Teaching with Technology innovation grants, Open Education Resources (OER) and Staff development. She holds the UNESCO Chair in Open Education (2021-2024). She has an NRF C rating and is recognised as being an established researcher in the field of Open Education. She is passionate about the role of Open Education in the changing world of Higher Education. Dr Glenda Cox is currently the Principle Investigator in the Digital Open Textbooks for Development (DOT4D) initiative, funded by the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Her current research includes analysing the role of open textbooks for social justice.
- Open textbook authorship, quality assurance and publishing: Social justice models of participatory design, engagement, co-creation and partnership

Teacher at the University of Education in Valais Switzerland (Haute école pédagogique du Valais, HEP-VS) in the field of digital education and in charge of e-learning support.
- Une feuille de route collaborative, transcontinentale, pour étendre l’éducation ouverte et libre par un dialogue pluriel

- The influence of International Organisations on Governmental Open Educational Resources Policies.
- Defining and Developing ‘Enabling’ Open Education Policies in Higher Education

Ilmari Jauhiainen works as Senior Specialist of a secretariat facilitating Finnish Open Science and Research Coordination. His duties include being a secretary of the national Expert Panel for Open Education.
- Open education in open science framework - creating Policy for Open Education to Finnish research community

Jacques Dang est responsable des relations internationales à L'Université Numérique (France). L'Université Numérique fédère les actions de mutualisation de ressources éducatives libres (REL) des universités françaises dans les champs de l'économie, de la gestion, des sciences de l'ingénieur, de la santé, du sport, des humanités, des technologies et du développement durable.
Elle est engagée dans des actions de la francophonie dans plusieurs pays d'Afrique sub-saharienne, en coopération avec des universités traditionnelles, des universités virtuelles, des ministères de l'enseignement supérieur et des entreprises du secteur de l'edtech.
Elle anime avec ICDE et le ministère français de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation, le groupe de travail francophone sur la mise en oeuvre de la recommandation de l'UNESCO sur les REL.
Elle est aussi partenaire d'ICDE, d'OER Foundation, de Merlot et un "sustaining member" d'Open Education Global.
- Pour un renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la politique de transformation numérique de l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique francophone
- Réunions des participants au groupe de travail francophone sur les REL animé par ICDE, le MESRI et L'Université Numérique (France)

Jan-Bart de Vreede works at Kennisnet (the public organization for Education & ICT in the Netherlands) as the Domain Manager responsible for the Dutch public infrastructure for Learning Materials and Metadata. One of the products in that portfolio is Wikiwijs, an OER platform used to create, share and develop interactive online OER materials. Kennisnet also spends a lot of energy in creating transparency in the learning materials market and facilitating the use of OER materials in combination with more traditional materials used in schools.
- Some thoughts about sustainable OER. It’s all about ownership!

- Building capacities in open knowledge for the Library Information Science (LIS) sector
- Defining and Developing ‘Enabling’ Open Education Policies in Higher Education
- A creative approach to project design for Open Education Practitioners

Joanne can be found at the intersection of teaching, learning and technology as Lead Educational Developer, Digital Pedagogy, with the MacPherson Institute at McMaster University. In this role, Joanne provides pedagogical advice and support to the McMaster teaching community on how to create enriching open and technology-enhanced learning experiences. Her passions lie in open education practices, inclusive learning design, faculty development, digital literacies and thoughtful use of technology. She is co-chair of the McMaster OER Committee which is involved in building awareness and capacity around open education and oversight of an annual OER grant program. She has over 22 years’ experience in various roles at McMaster, and recently held a two-year secondment with eCampusOntario where she collaborated with Ontario post-secondary communities on advancing open, tech-enabled, and inclusive teaching and learning strategies.
- The Liberated Learner
- Beyond the exam: alternative assessment toolkit

Jöran Muuß-Merholz holds a master in educational management. In 2009 Jöran started his agency “J&K - Jöran und Konsorten” (“Jöran and fellows”) to strengthen the connections between the educational and the digital world.
Jöran is consulting educational organizations on how to use digital media in their work. He is writing articles both for specialized press and consumer press and sometimes for academic journals too. He is giving lectures and running workshops mostly in German-spoken countries but as well in Boston, Brno, Tokyo or Stockholm. More on Jöran’s publications, events and projects can be found on www.joeran.de.
- Community-based Capacity Building – Learning from 10 years of OERcamps

Judith Bartels, M. Sc., learning designer at Universität Stuttgart, started out by studying biology. After completing her studies she wanted to go into the area of education. She first worked as an editor for biology textbooks at a big publishing house to secure the quality of learning material. Today she shapes together with her colleagues online teaching at the university of Stuttgart. Additionally, she is the OER expert at the university and contact person for support in publishing and using OER.
- OER and publishing houses complement each other! A German view.
Juliane Granly is the project and development manager in International Council for Open and Distance Education, ICDE, the leading international organization for open, flexible and distance learning. As project manager for ENCORE+ (https://encoreproject.eu/) she is coordinating the work on building the European OER Ecosystem. She has worked with education in a variety of countries, and has previously spent several years in East-Africa working with NGOs on inclusive and innovative education.
Juliane holds a Bachelors in Business Economics from BI Norwegian Business School and a Masters in International Business and Development from the University of London.
- The future OER Ecosystem - On building a community for OER in Europe

Dr. Karen Cangialosi is the Program Director of the Regional Leaders of Open Education (RLOE), an OE Global/CCCOER network designed to build OE leadership in postsecondary institutions across North America. She is also a co-founder of the Institute for Racially Just, Inclusive and Open STEM (RIOS) and serves as the RIOS Director of Open Ed and Open Science. She is frequently invited to present and consult about open education in the U.S. and abroad. A biology professor and fierce student advocate, she incorporates open pedagogy into all her courses, and she leads faculty development efforts in open and critical digital pedagogy. Because she believes that scientific investigation should be transparent, widely collaborative and designed to serve the public, she advocates for integrating the principles and practices of Open Science into the undergraduate STEM curriculum.
- Exploring Possibilities for Global Open Education Networking

(Session Chair: K12 - Tues 16:00)
Kathy’s background is in music education, where she enjoyed over fifteen fantastic years making music with MS/HS band students (including her own two kids). She is an Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University, where she works with the Research and Learning Services department to support and advocate for open practices. Kathy was 2019-2020 Open Ed Group Research Fellow, is a member of the GO_GN Global OER Graduate Network, and is co-designer of the ACRL Open and Affordability Roadshow. Her research interests include open practices, academic library publishing, instructional design and educational technology, and creativity. She holds Masters degrees in trumpet performance and educational technology, and PhD (Learning, Design and Technology) from OSU.
- Academic Libraries and OER

Kelly Arispe (Ph.D. UC Davis), is an Associate Professor at Boise State University where she teaches upper-division Spanish Linguistics courses and Teacher Education courses in methods, literacy and assessment for pre-service language teachers. She is Program Coordinator for French, German and Spanish Secondary Education Majors and Director of the Graduate Certificate in Computer Assisted Language Learning. Her primary research focuses on L2 pedagogy and OER-enabled Pedagogy (OEP) and Computer and Mobile Assisted Language Learning. Her current projects include using video tagging software to impact best practices in language teaching and an OER repository, “Pathways”, that hosts over 800 ancillary and classroom ready materials that support standards-based pedagogy centered on critical human inquiry for ten world languages and cultures. Activities are task based and foster interpersonal speaking and intercultural competence which are two critical competencies often lacking from textbooks and areas where teachers need a lot of support. She was recently awarded an NEH Digital Humanities Advancement Grant to evaluate the impact of OER/OEP on K-12 urban and rural teacher practices.
- Partnering Higher Education and K-12 Institutions in OER: A Sustainable Model for Engaging K-12 Teachers in OER-Enabled Pedagogy

Kelly McKenna is the IEEE REACH (Raising Engineering Awareness through the Conduit of History) Program Manager with the IEEE History Center and is responsible for the program’s development, implementation, and distribution. Kelly’s goal is to share stories that matter through all forms of multimedia as a way to inform, educate, and inspire. She is thrilled to have an opportunity to work with both teachers and IEEE historians on this innovative multimedia journey that provides a different lens for students to think about the consequences of change, particularly in relation to the role technology and innovation plays in global events and in addressing social problems. Self-described as passionately curious, Kelly aims to bring the same type of elevated inquiry and interest to students through the open education resources (OER) provided by the IEEE REACH program with the goal to improve students’ technological literacy skills and engagement in the diversity of the human experience.
Kelly has an M.F.A. in Documentary Film from Wake Forest University and a B.A. in Broadcasting from the University of Dayton. While at Wake Forest, Kelly worked as a Teaching Assistant for two years. She has created and produced numerous short documentaries that have screened in both National and International Film Festivals and in classrooms across the country. In addition to overseeing the REACH Program, Kelly produces the videos for the program and holds a certificate from the NCSS and C3 Teacher’s Inquiry Design Model (IDM) 2017 Summer Institute.
- Enhancing Secondary Teacher STEM Engagement and Increasing Access to Underserved Communities through International Collaboration, with IEEE REACH
- Collaboration is key! Advancing OER in the Netherlands
- L'innovation technologique au service de l'innovation pédagogique dans l'enseignement supérieur: de la recherche à la généralisation de l'usage
- Community-based Capacity Building – Learning from 10 years of OERcamps

- Laboratorio Educativo Abierto - LEA: Aprender haciendo
- Laboratorio de aprendizaje: Ideación de proyectos colaborativos empleando los REA y los ODS

She is a publishing professional and Editor, with extensive previous experience in commissioning Science books and full book project management (at Cambridge University Press), and also in digital content creation and curation (at an independent online company). Her background is in English Literature studies. Laura Henderson studied for her Masters in Medieval Literature at Cambridge University (supervisor: Professor Helen Cooper).
- Frontiers for Young Minds' groundbreaking open education - Global science for kids, edited by kids

Project supporter and researcher at Fontys Hogescholen & Zone Towards digital (open) educational resources, Acceleration plan - Educational innovation with ICT
- Wheel of insight - Connecting learning materials to support learning objectives

Educational advisor, project manager on open educational resources at SURF and connector of the collaboration Towards digital (open) education resources.
- Collaboration is key! Advancing OER in the Netherlands

(Session Chair: Pathways to Opening Up Education - Tues 16:00)
Speaker 1: Dr. Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi, Maître de conférences Habilitée à diriger des recherches en Informatique à l’Université de Sousse, Tunisie. Elle est ingénieur, diplômée de l’Université de Braunschweig en Allemagne et sa thèse de doctorat préparée en codirection avec l’Université de Hannovre en Allemagne. Elle est chercheure en Technologies éducatives au laboratoire de recherche PRINCE, Université de Sousse, Tunisie, auteur de plus que 70 publications scientifiques. Elle a eu un prix présidentiel Tunisien pour le meilleur diplôme étranger et un prix de l’Université de Braunchweig pour ses résultats académiques. Elle a été membre de plusieurs projets nationaux et internationaux en E-learning et co-auteur du premier MOOC en informatique en Tunisie déployé sur FUN (France Université Numérique). Elle a été directrice du département d’enseignement en ligne au sein de son université. Elle est actuellement, directrice des stages au sein de son institution et coordinatrice de la Cellule d’Innovation Pédagogique et du Numérique de l’université de Sousse.
- Vers des scénarios ouverts pour une pédagogie numérique égalitaire
- نحو سيناريوهات مفتوحة للتربية الرقمية القائمة على المساواة

Dr. Lisa C. Young has nearly 30 years of experience in higher education. She has had the opportunity to serve in a number of roles including faculty, program director, and the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at colleges within the Maricopa Community College District. She has been designing and teaching online classes since 1997. In addition to her expertise in eLearning, she has also led initiatives in Open Education, Online Program Development, Learning Management System Transition, Student Success Strategies, and Strategic Planning. In regard to open education, Lisa has served as a founding member of the Maricopa Millions/Open Maricopa project, served on the executive board of the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) as President and Vice President of Professional Development, and currently serves on the Board of Directors of OE Global. Dr. Young has earned a B.S. in Environmental Geography, M.Ed. in Learning and Instructional Technology, Ph.D. in Instructional Design for Online Learning, and a graduate certificate in Advanced Analytics in Higher Education.
- Gratitude: Thanking faculty for their role in OER
- Exploring the Tools of Open Education to Make Classrooms Antiracist and Inclusive
- Exploring the Tools of Open Education to Make Classrooms Antiracist and Inclusive

(Session Chair: Capacity Building #3 - Tues 11:00)
Médico y Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas, con más de 20 años de experiencia en temas de salud y educación superior. Ha colaborado activamente en proyectos de salud pública, centrados en prácticas preventivas y soluciones sanitarias oportunas.
Es revisor de textos de Fisiología para diversas editoriales, así como miembro de asociaciones científicas nacionales y mundiales relacionadas con la fisiología, las neurociencias y las enfermedades neurodegenerativas.
Asimismo, se ha desempeñado como asesor de salud de organizaciones educativas privadas, organizaciones no gubernamentales, así como comisiones de salud del gobierno federal en México.
Es miembro de la Cátedra UNESCO-ICDE en Movimiento Educativo Abierto para América Latina del Tecnológico de Monterrey y del equipo Proyecto SALUS: Nodo COVID-19 y Red PHAROS, ambos son esfuerzos multinacionales sin fines de lucro a favor de los ODS y la educación abierta. Estos proyectos fueron galardonados con el Open Resilience Award 2020 y Open Collaboration Award 2021 de los Open Education Awards for Excellence.
- PHAROS, Red de Difusión del Conocimiento
- Proyecto SALUS: Nodo COVID-19

Associate Professor of Digital Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University, coordinator of the Cyberimaginary research group, and co-editor of the scientific journal Icono14. Specialist in digital communication and elearning he has been IP of 8 competitive national and international research projects and has participated in more than 20. He has an extensive scientific production with more than 110 publications including research articles, book chapters and monographs.
He has been Vice Chancellor for Quality, Ethics and Good Governance of the URJC (2018 -2021), Academic Director of the Center for Innovation in Digital Education of the URJC (2013-2017), Technical Advisor of New Technologies (2003-2007) and Head of Service of distance education of the Ministry of Education (Spain). He has taught at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1999-2002), Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (1999-2003) and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2003-2007).
- Conocimiento abierto para combatir la desinformación. Una metodología para producir Objetivos Educativos Abiertos (OER)

Lecturer Professor of Digital Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Professor of the Master in Digital Journalism and of the Master in Digital Teacher Competence and Computational Thought, both of the URJC. She has been Academic Coordinator of Educational Innovation of the Center for Innovation in Digital Education; researcher at the Spanish Subtitling and Audiodescription Center of the Carlos III University, in the area of Multimedia Guides for Museums adapted to people with disabilities (GVAM Project), and Accessibility to Digital Television (ACANTO Project); Project Coordinator of the CNICE (current INTEF of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports); Professor of the Master in Tourism, Communication and Social Networks (URJC); Teacher of the Master in Educational Computing (URJC). She is the Deputy Editor of the scientific magazine ICONO14 and member of the Cyberimaginary Research Group.
- Conocimiento abierto para combatir la desinformación. Una metodología para producir Objetivos Educativos Abiertos (OER)

Marianne Dubé coordonne la fabriqueREL, un projet
interétablissements qui vise à promouvoir et à produire des
ressources éducatives libres pour le secteur de l’enseignement
supérieur francophone au Québec.
Marianne Dubé a enseigné le français langue seconde en
francisation pour adultes au Québec, en Chine pour l’Université de
Jianghan à Wuhan. Elle a été enseignante virtuelle pour les écoles
en tournée du Cirque du Soleil ainsi que formatrice en langue
seconde et en compétences essentielles pour les employé.e.s inuit de la mine Raglan au
Nunavik. Elle est maintenant conseillère pédagogique pour l’Université de Sherbrooke, ainsi
affiliée au projet de la fabriqueREL.
Marianne Dubé est titulaire d’une maitrise en éducation, concentration formation à distance
et d’un baccalauréat en enseignement du français langue seconde, concentration
- Les ressources éducatives libres (REL) en enseignement supérieur : une mise en application concrète et collaborative du développement durable
- Optimiser l’impact du soutien à la création et à l’utilisation de REL en enseignement supérieur
- S’initier au processus de création de REL de la fabriqueREL : une approche structurante qui stimule la créativité pédagogique
- Valoriser les productions étudiantes : apprendre à produire et diffuser des REL, un levier pour favoriser la motivation et la persévérance
- De l’expression des sentiments dans la sphère publique twitter aux regards croisés d’une communauté d’intérêt sur la place des REL dans l’enseignement supérieur francophone

María Soledad Ramírez Montoya, es profesora investigadora del Tecnológico de Monterrey (México); dirige el R4C-IRG Interdisciplinary Research Group: Scaling Complex Thinking for All
Institute for the Future of Education. Coordina las Cátedras UNESCO e ICDE: Movimiento educativo abierto para América Latina. La Dra. Ramírez-Montoya se centra en la investigación y la innovación educativa de la educación abierta, sus líneas de investigación son las estrategias de enseñanza, los recursos tecnológicos para la educación, la formación de investigadores educativos y el movimiento educativo abierto. Su interés se ubica en la dinamización de iniciativas para la educación, con innovación, investigación y sentido global, como medios de transformación social e impacto para la formación a lo largo de la vida y el desarrollo sostenible.
- Plataformas abiertas para movilizar prácticas STEAM en el marco de la complejidad

Marja Versantvoort is a perioperative nurse since 2003. After University she
also got here first degree of educator/coördinator and start working at Fontys
University of applied sciences in 2010. In 2014 she got her master degree
Master of education. In 2017 she was asked by the government to become
the project manager for the flagship project Bachelor of Nursing. She's still the
project manager now for project SAMEN Bachelor of Nursing with 17
universities. And works at the HAN University of Applied Sciences.
- The Truth is Out There: Dutch Nursing realized sustainable adoption of OER

- The Role of Brokers in Cultivating an Inter-Institutional Community around Open Educational Resources in Higher Education

- Dancing with the Machines: the Assessment of Embodied Knowledge in Fab Labs
- Welcoming Contribution: Opportunities for involvement in OER development as reflection of Knowledge Commons community values

- OER takes off!

Dr. Michelle Harrison is a Senior Instructional Designer and Assistant Professor at Thompson Rivers University—Open Learning and is the past Chair of the Learning Design and Innovation department. Her research interests lie in learning design, open educational practices, and designing learning spaces with emerging educational technologies. She has a PhD in e-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning from Lancaster University in the UK, where she focused on exploring how we perceive and use space in networked learning environments.
- The cartography of an OER. Towards a more permeable and organic OER ecosystem.

(Session Chair: Librarians - Mon 16:00)
Michiel de Jong is the Open Education Coordinator for the TU Delft Library. This role was developed to promote Open Education throughout campus education within the university. Michiel also heads the Open Textbook project within the university, as part of TU Delft Open Publishing. Other activities include organizing the open education week on campus, teaching the MOOC Open Science: Sharing Your Research With The World and promoting open education in the various departments. Michiel is also part of the national acceleration plan for education innovation with ICT, in the zone "towards digital open educational resources" and member of the Special Interest Group Open Education, which focuses on developing an Open Pedagogy framework in The Netherlands.
Michiel obtained his PhD in chemical engineering at TU Delft and has taught Chemistry at the Utrecht university of Applied Sciences. He started this role in 2017 in order to maximize his impact on the future of a sustainable digitalization of education, through open means.
- An institutional OER policy as a basis for systemic change in the adoption of open education
- Vers des scénarios ouverts pour une pédagogie numérique égalitaire
- نحو سيناريوهات مفتوحة للتربية الرقمية القائمة على المساواة
Information specialist in the broadest and most open sence of the word. Working in the University Library of Nijmegen (the Netherlands). Studied classical languages.
- How about reconciling Babel? Inclusive approaches to advocacy tools. OE Benefits: an ENOEL Toolkit goes multilingual.

- Président de France Immersive Learning
- Président de l’Immersive Learning Lab
- Vice président XR4Europe
- Administrateur et expert Technologies Immersives de Cap Digital
- 17 ans au service de l’Éducation nationale
- 6 ans professeur de lycée professionnel
- 4 ans technicien informatique pédagogique
- 7 ans ingénieur pédagogique numérique (conception et déploiement Environnenement Numérique de Travail Tout@tice [300 établissement] - promotion usages des logiciels libres ([ céarion et diffusion CD Ressources libres 250 000 exemplaires])
- 2 ans directeur du développement de la Web@cadémie, une des matrices de la Grande École du numérique (Lauréat Vague 1 La France s’engage
- 4 ans consultant en stratégies et projets numériques emplois/formation pour les collectivités territoriales
- Open up the Metavers!

Nicole Will is head of Education Support at the TU Delft Library. She has adopted and adapted Open Education since 2009 when she started developing a set of online information literacy skills courses (from Bachelor to PhD level). Nicole’s focus is currently the adoption and implementation of Open Science and open education in particular. She is involved in the development of services, such as a copyright information point and an Open Textbooks publishing platform, to support and strengthen researchers, teachers and students in their daily practice. She worked also on the TU Delft Open Educational Resources policy (OER) to provide a solid foundation for open educational project. Nicole is member of the Dutch Acceleration plan workgroup “Towards digital (open) educational resources”
- An institutional OER policy as a basis for systemic change in the adoption of open education

Paola Corti is the Open Education Community Manager of the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL) and she supports librarians in taking action to implement the UNESCO OER Recommendation. She is also a project manager in METID - Politecnico di Milano (Italy).
Paola has been working in distance learning since 1998. She has been a passionate advocate for Open Education (OE) since 2016 developing MOOCs and OER in Politecnico di Milano. She is also an experienced and keen OER teacher and trainer. Paola has the CC certificate for Educators and CC Certificate for Facilitators to help others make open educational resources more reusable. Paola’s work tries to link social justice and Open Education. She helps bridge the gap between educators and librarians in achieving more open access to education.
- How about reconciling Babel? Inclusive approaches to advocacy tools. OE Benefits: an ENOEL Toolkit goes multilingual.
- A little less conversation, a little more action, please! Turning SPARC Europe's report “Open Education in European Libraries of Higher Education” recommendations into reality.
- Bringing home the message: Europe’s OE Champions discuss the UNESCO OER Recommendation

As a Senior Adviser in change management at a large vocational school in Amsterdam, I truly love the dynamics of Dutch vocational education and training (VET). VET is the true backbone of society and takes a leading role in the innovative educational movement. I love being right in the middle of this rapidly evolving world with lots of opportunities and chances. My special interests are Open Educational Resources and Open Pedagogy, as well as the professionalisation of our teachers and change management. My extensive experience in both operational, tactical and strategic positions in VET and Higher Ed has granted me a broad perspective on the digital transformation we are in.
- OER takes off!

Paul Hodgson is the Product Manager of MoodleNet and has over 20 years experience in education, technology and software product management. Paul was an education technology director in higher education for 10 years and has been working with Moodle products for over 14 years as a host, administrator, developer, teacher and trainer. He has also been responsible for digital content and educational innovation using digital technologies.
Paul has a postgraduate degree in Information Technology.
- MoodleNet: An Update - Our platform for sharing Open Educational Resources in line with UNESCO's SDG4

(Session Chair: Capacity Building #1 - Mon 14:00)
Perrine is member of the board of Open Education Global since 2020 and is the founder of the network Open Education Global Francophone, currently amounting 1400 suscribers of its newsletter and monthly webinar. She has been co-organising the Open Education Leadership Summit in December 2018 together with OEGlobal and ICDE, on behalf of the Ministries for National Education and Higher Education. She is also the representative of France in the governmental European Blockchain Partnership.
- Blockchain technologies achievements in pan-European education
- Open up the Metavers!

PhDOOC is a non-profit organization that was founded in September 2016 to provide training and support to PhD candidates and holders in their career development. PhDOOC also strives to create a solidary and inclusive community around an innovative virtual and free training service, that is accessible to all: the ‘PhD & Career Development’ MOOC. In alignment with the values of PhDOOC’s pedagogic team, the MOOC community, made of almost 15,000 participants over 5 years, gathers PhD candidates and holders from France and many other countries in Europe and in the rest of the world. The proportion of participants who enroll in the MOOC from outside of France is about 25%.
- Comment améliorer la constitution de groupes d'entraide et leur fonctionnement avec des REL : focus sur le dispositif DocToDoc du MOOC Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière

Research engineer at Université Lyon 1
- Blockchain technologies achievements in pan-European education

- Advancing Social Justice through Open Educational Practices
- Introducing KPU’s Professional Program in Open Education
Senior Research Fellow at The Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University (UK).
Co-ordinator for the Global OER Graduate Network.
Innovation lead for the European Network for Catalyzing Open Resources in Education (ENCORE+)
- A Framework for Understanding Innovation with OER
- The Global OER Graduate Network: Open Research, Open Community, Open Values

- The Truth is Out There: Dutch Nursing realized sustainable adoption of OER
- Some thoughts about sustainable OER. It’s all about ownership!
- The Role of Brokers in Cultivating an Inter-Institutional Community around Open Educational Resources in Higher Education
Rory McGreal is a Professor in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies at Athabasca University (AU), Alberta Canada. He is also the UNESCO/International Council for Open and Distance Education Chair in Open Educational Resources and Director of the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI). In addition, he is the Editor-in-Chief of Canada's first open access journal, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL). As part of his work as a Chair in OER, he has been responsible for creating the OER Knowledge Cloud, a database of scholarly articles and reports related to OER. He is the recipient of several international awards, conducted workshops in more than 60 countries, and been an invited speaker in more than 40.
Previously, from 2001 to 2011, he was the Associate Vice President, Research at AU. Before then, he was the executive director of TeleEducation New Brunswick , a province-wide bilingual (French/English) distributed distance learning network. Before that, he was responsible for the expansion of Contact North (a distance education network in Northern Ontario ) into the high schools of the region. His Ph.D. degree (1999) in Computer Technology in Education at Nova Southeastern University 's School for Computer and Information Science was taken at a distance using the Internet.
Rory was the founder of the world's first e-learning website and one of the world's first metadata learning object repositories, the TeleCampus. In the past, he has worked in Canada as a teacher and teacher representative, and abroad in the Seychelles, the Middle East and Europe in various capacities.
- How to get published in OER Research

Instructional Designer with over 20 years of experience, for the past 12 years Rosario has been serving as Instructional Development Consultant at the Learning and Teaching Centre (LTC) at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), a post-secondary polytechnic institute in Vancouver. In this capacity, Rosario designs interactive content for online courses including the conceptualization of 3D objects and virtual and augmented reality interactions aimed at enhancing students' learning experiences.
In addition, Rosario guides faculty though the development of new educational programming and the cyclical review of existing programs, from diplomas to master's degrees. Rosario is passionate about quality in teaching and learning, and works closely with faculty to develop capacity and explore innovative approaches to instruction.
Through her own consulting company, Rosario has worked with The Commonwealth of Learning, the World Bank, The Commonwealth Secretariat and the Justice Institute of BC to support post-secondary institutions and Ministries of Education in Africa, the Caribbean and South America to develop quality flexible learning solutions.
Rosario is an unconditional advocate of Open Education and promotes open pedagogy practices at BCIT, where she co-chairs the Open Education working group. She is committed to working with organisations such as The Commonwealth of Learning, to contribute to the attainment of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and foster education for development.
- Open Education: Grant Programs and Sustainability at BCIT

Salha Abdo is a dean, Faculty of Economics and Financial Sciences at Open University of Sudan; Also she is a Public and International Relations Director Sudanese Organization for Innovative Education System.
She has over 10 years of experience in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Student Support Services (academic and non-academic). She graduated with a Master’s degree in Economics from University of Khartoum in 2009. Salha is a PhD researcher in the of field Macroeconomics. She has followed graduated courses in economics and scientific research also she is active both national and international level, In Sudan her main activities include women's empowerment in education and economics, and research in Open and Distance Learning, design and development of e-learning courses, e-exams and. She built skills in using Learning Management systems, Student Support systems, etc, and focused her efforts on raising awareness of ODL issues. she is looking forward to be an African expert in Open Education.
In 2017 she was appointed to attend the International Visiting Scholar Program in the Shanghai Open University-China.
- The Role of Students in Open Education Case study Open University of Sudan
- Une feuille de route collaborative, transcontinentale, pour étendre l’éducation ouverte et libre par un dialogue pluriel
- Pour une ouverture des ressources à travers le prisme de l’accessibilité

I am a librarian whose research focuses on OER policy and student engagement. I teach and write about making and makerspaces, open sharing networks, and compassionate leadership.
- Dancing with the Machines: the Assessment of Embodied Knowledge in Fab Labs
- Welcoming Contribution: Opportunities for involvement in OER development as reflection of Knowledge Commons community values

Sjors works at the University Library as a project leader on various projects, regarding OER and digitalization of education.
- A smart way of visualizing your learning paths with existing OER.

Founder of h5pcatalogue.in (to offer an opportunity to teachers to
repurpose OER and publish Interactive
content) and Moodle Certified Educator.
Providing consultation services for e-content
development and Moodle administration.
Currently associated with Ethiraj College For
Women (Chennai India) as LMS advisor
● Associated with MERLOT-SkillsCommons
H5P Initiative as Senior Instructional Designer.
Developed a course on using H5P
to create interactive content in Moodle as part
of her OE4BW (Open Education For Better
World) project, can be accessed as a guest at elearn.justwrite.in
- Creating H5P Interactive Content with Open License

- The Liberated Learner

(Session Chair: Capacity Building #4 - Tues 14:00)
Una Daly is the Director of the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) at Open Education Global, a community of practice for open education with college members across the United States. CCCOER promotes the awareness and adoption of open educational policies, practices, and resources to enhance student equity and access while supporting academic freedom and faculty choice of openly licensed curriculum materials. Most recently they have launched the Regional Leaders of Open Education initiative to support open education leadership collaboration across institutional and state boundaries.
A national leader in the Open Education movement for over a decade, she has most recently partnered with both the California Community Colleges’ Zero Textbook Cost Degree program and Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree initiative to provide technical assistance and professional development to grantee colleges.
Prior to that, she served as the OER Library Services Manager for the California Open Online Library (COOL4Ed). She also served as an adjunct faculty in the Computer Technology Information Systems division at Foothill College and led the college e-Portfolio program.
She holds a Masters’ degree in Teaching and Learning with Technology from Santa Clara University with an emphasis on student e-Portfolios, an Online Teaching Certificate from @One Training, and the Non-Profit Management Certificate from California State University East Bay. Her undergraduate degrees are from the University of California, Berkeley in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. Her previous career was in software engineering and management with Apple Computer and Motorola.
- Exploring the Tools of Open Education to Make Classrooms Antiracist and Inclusive
- Bringing home the message: Europe’s OE Champions discuss the UNESCO OER Recommendation

Vincent Beillevaire est le délégué général de la Fondation UNIT, l'Université Numérique Ingénierie et Technologie. Il est aussi Trésorier de L'Université Numérique (France), qui réunit des grandes écoles et des universités françaises pour mutualiser les ressources éducatives libres dans l'enseignement supérieur français et francophones.
- L'innovation technologique au service de l'innovation pédagogique dans l'enseignement supérieur: de la recherche à la généralisation de l'usage
- Defining and Developing ‘Enabling’ Open Education Policies in Higher Education
- Développement d’OER au travers d’un Open Learning Lab
- Être acteur de l’Open Education : atelier