
Just like our features, our prices are chosen to fit your needs. pretalx offers dynamic pricing based on conference sizes, and discounts for comunity events.

pretalx is open source software, which means you can host your own instance without paying a dime … apart from your time, and your nerves, and the server costs, that is.

You can instead choose to use our hosting service here at This will allow you to get on with running your conference, while we look after all the day-to-day operations. We will take care of backups, certificates, the smooth running of all operations, frequent updates, and will be happy to assist you if you run into any problems.

Apart from our usual standard rate for events, we also offer a discount of up to 25% for community events. Community events are those events that don't aspire to make a profit, are run by community volunteers, and aren't backed by a company. If you consider yourself a community event, please contact us after creating your event.

You'll pay EUR 0

+ EUR 0.00 if German VAT applies to you

You can take a look at pretalx without any cost – you'll only have to pay once you want to make your event public.

If your event's revenue is generated by other means than your ticket price, please get in touch so that we can figure out a fair price together.

Features Self-hosted
Flexible Call for Papers
Customizable rating and selection process
Unlimited users and submissions
Communications with speakers
Build and release a schedule
Full API access
Email support
( with a support contract)
A team keeping your site running
Free, up-to-date HTTPS certificates
Fast, automatic updates
Backups and monitoring
Get started Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the pricing apply per event or per year?

The price applies per event – but if you plan to have more than one or two events per year, please get in touch, and we'll figure something out.

What happens to our event schedule once the event is over?

While we only guarantee to make your schedule and event pages available for six months after your event in our usual Terms of Service, we do not usually deactivate events – should we ever start, we will contact you ahead of time, and will provide you with a static export of all data.

What if our attendee numbers or ticket prices change after registration?

We're trying to go for a balance act between fairness and some financial security for us. If your number of attendees or ticket prices change after you registered your event by more than 20% in a way that would have changed your fee, you will have to pay the difference if the fee would have been more, but we will reimburse you half the difference if the fee would have been less.
It would be nice to offer you a full refund, but that would mean living with potentially large refunds for lots of events for a long time, and we can't offer to take the full risk for this, currently.