
Get updated on pretalx, both the software and the hosting. All new releases are announced here. We will also use this space to talk about security incidents and our plans for the future.

Security release v2.3.2

March 7, 2023

We were hoping that our next blog post would be the announcement of the big new pretalx 3.0 release (which we still hope to release in the first half of 2023!), but sadly we have one security release to issue beforehand: pretalx v2.3.2 fixes a path traversal vulnerability in the "HTML export" functionality in pretalx.

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Releasing pretalx 2.2.0

Aug. 15, 2021

We've been working hard since January, and are happy to finally present to you: pretalx v2.2.0

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New Pricing and Plans in 2020

Jan. 13, 2020

Happy New Year! We used the first two weeks of 2020 to reflect on the state of pretalx and our goals for this year, and wanted to share the results with you

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Releasing pretalx 1.1 – one year of hosting!

Dec. 21, 2019

We're pretty excited to announce that we're releasing pretalx v1.1 exactly one year after 0.9, when we started our journey into commercial hosting services

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How pretalx works: Organization and funding

July 5, 2019

In this post, we'd like to tell you how the pretalx project is organized, how it is funded, and what you can do to help.

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