Welcome Session
Why learn things? Learning things is boring, and hard, and you can always look up things on StackOverflow, or ask GitHub Copilot, and things will work out in the end, right?
MVC is an architectural pattern with a 50-odd year history that also left an imprint on Django. Can its continuing relevance teach us something about fundamental software design principles?
TDD is a design methodology that is based on first writing tests, then writing source code that successfully passes those tests, and finally refactoring the written code. Let's do it in Django!
It’s one thing to read the Django security page and follow the recommendations. It’s something completely different to actually understand why those recommendations exist.
As creators of software, we're repeatedly told that we're not merely imagining the future of the world, but bringing it into being. Let's suppose that's true. What, exactly, are we imagining?
Ever wondered how accessible your sites are? We’ll go through what we learned working with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), rebuilding their website with Wagtail and Django.
Do you want to deploy your Django app to multiple devices with native UI? Let's learn how to do it with BeeWare.
What started as a Website to show the schedule of a free radio, has resurfaced as the back-end of a radio automation software suite that provides the schedule and acts as an OpenID Connect provider.
Last year talk "Why would anyone use Snowflake as a backend for Django?" showed why Snowflake can be a great backend for Django and massive data. Now let's make it happen in this workshop.
Teams in the Django Community: Strategies for Collaboration. Learn collaboration and communication strategies to improve productivity and community engagement.
We will explore how children gain programming knowledge, how to keep them interested and excited, and how this might inform the way we support adult newcomers to programming.
Lightning Talks
Welcome Session
What do you do when faceted search over your data isn’t enough? I’ll demonstrate how to build a powerful search tool over limitlessly related models and their fields.
Are there some simple techniques that could make the code review process more efficient and more enjoyable for everybody? Come to the workshop to see some.
How to cache things everywhere. From basic Django cache framework to function memoizing, custom application caching, django-cacheback, webserver caching, CDN, geolocation tricks.
At the start of the pandemic, there was a large need for accurate information to combat misinformation. This is how we used Django as part of our South African WhatsApp service "ContactNDoH"
A coding brontosaurus teams up with other Open Source dinosaurs and unite as a community to advance their project. Let's dive into a fun approach to personas, developer experience and OSS.
Writing tests for our web apps can be painful, slow, and boring. In this talk we look at 10 tools and techniques to make writing django tests a consistently pleasant experience.
Channels has been around for a while now and we’ve built a virtual event platform with it. Let’s have a look at the challenges involved in serving thousands of concurrent users with it.
While regular expressions can certainly look like hieroglyphics, once you understand the basics, you can unlock massive amounts of power in your searches and work.
What causes website outages? Even with all the best practices, your site may fail due to bad assumptions from leaky abstractions. This talk looks at what an outage taught us about leaky abstractions.
"Let me just do this first…" — A familiar story, but the one I've been living since stepping down as Fellow. I want to share that with you, and how I think it points to the future of Django.
Exploring the role of Django Software Foundation, and how Django governance works.
PostgreSQL "just works" as a database for your Django applications, but with knowledge of a handful of configuration parameters, you can make it work even better!
The djangoproject.com website is the showcase of the Django project and is the result of contributions from many people. In this talk we will update on its development and learn how to contribute.
Lightning Talks
Welcome Session
I develop software for biodiversity research. From cataloging butterflies to monitoring skies, I found Django to be an excellent fit for creating these small, but surprisingly long-lasting tools.
How to write complex and efficient queries using Django and PostgreSQL, going beyond the usual N+1 problem and other simple optimizations
Mozilla has been promoting WASM for years, on the other hand, HTMX is gaining attraction. Question is, do we want more frontend or more backend? Do we still need to write JavaScripts?
An environmentally friendly approach to development in django (Green Coding with django), rarely does anyone consider the impact of application performance on our planet.
Fully static sites have clear benefits – and limitations. Rather than going fully static, let’s try using Next.js in combination with a Django/Wagtail API backend to make the most of both platforms!
If you render forms server side then this talk is for you! How to make best use of Django’s form rendering features introduced during the 4.x series to help you simplify your form logic.
It takes a supportive and inclusive community to raise the next generation of developers. DjangoGirls is a an example of how a community can come together to provide guidance to underrepresente groups
In a hands-on workshop I'll introduce some of the tools and methods I have developed to help an organisation improve documentation consistently and effectively, at scale.
Incidents and outages are an inevitable reality for software engineers. While there are always many lessons to be learned from them, there are certain lessons that are often overlooked.
Did you know that originally programming was a female-heavy field?
How did we get to the stereotype of the antisocial programmer?
How the stereotype is still affecting our tech industry today.
Why the world's most popular database is a good option for your app in production, despite the advice of the official Django documentation.
Lightning Talks
Sprints Introduction
Closing Session