Alastair is a full-stack developer for Bloomberg's news product. With a background in pure mathematics, he is a fan of big numbers, algorithmic efficiency and cleaning up code wherever he can.
- Meta Generators: Playing Safe with Long Sequences

Hi, I'm Astrid, a self taught software developer working for Current Health.
I started my programming journey about 6 years, teaching myself Python. Nowadays, I'm mainly fighting with Java and JavaScript, but I do still like to build Python projects in my free time.
- Build an automated watering system

Aya Elsayed is a software engineer at Bloomberg. She’s a leader in the company's Python Guild, which aims to support Python engineers at Bloomberg to innovate, develop Python packages, and stay connected to the broader Python community. Aya also co-leads a local Women in Tech community that supports women to grow their technical careers at the company.
- Creating your first documentation site for your Python code

I am a software developer at the Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science, working on the OpenSAFELY platform.
bennet.ox.ac.uk | opensafely.org
- OpenSAFELY: a python powered response to the COVID pandemic

Ben is a software engineer building prototypes at BBC News Labs, an innovation team within BBC R&D.
Previously, Ben worked at the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
- Rapid prototyping in BBC News with Python and AWS

I am a Software Engineer at the Micro:bit Educational Foundation, where I get to help enable the next generation to create with technology.
I love working at the intersection between the physical and the digital world, and to explore the technologies that converge on this territory.
- Python on Hardware Community Showcase (Open Session)

Before working in Developer Relations, Cheuk has been a Data Scientist in various companies which demands high numerical and programmatical skills, especially in Python. To follow her passion for the tech community, now Cheuk is the Developer Advocate for Anaconda.
Besides her work, Cheuk enjoys speaking at various conferences. Cheuk also organises events for developers. Cheuk has organised conferences including EuroPython (of which she is a board member), PyData Global and Pyjamas Conf. Believing in Tech Diversity and Inclusion, Cheuk constantly organizes workshops and mentored sprints for minority groups. In 2021, Cheuk has become a Python Software Foundation fellow.
- I hate writing tests, that's why I use Hypothesis
I'm a Director of Engineering at Canonical, where I am working to transform documentation practice across 40-plus engineering teams. I love documentation, Python and PyCons.
I am the author of the Diátaxis documentation framework, a core developer of the Django Project since 2013 and I served as Vice President of the Django Software Foundation for several years.
I've been involved in the African Python movement for several years. I have attended multiple PyCons in African countries, and I was part of the organising team that held the first PyCon Africa in Ghana in 2019.
- Introduction to Diátaxis
- How to wag a dog

With experience in big data, data science, and machine learning Dash is able to apply 18+ years of full-stack, hands-on software engineering skills to help build solutions that solve business problems and surface trends that shape markets in new ways than imagined before. As a developer advocate, he is passionate about evaluating new ideas, and helping articulate how technology can address a given business problem.
Dash has worked for global enterprises and in agile environments–for tech startups in the Bay Area in varying verticals, such as VoIP, Online Gaming, Digital Health, NoSQL database, and Data Cloud platforms.
- Training, Deploying, and Running a ML model using Python and Snowpark

Dom is a full stack cloud software engineer based in central London. He works as an independent contractor, primarily in financial services, and is a Principal Associate at Decision Lab, a consultancy with expertise in simulation, optimisation, and machine learning. Dom's primary expertise are in Python and Javascript, graph and relational databases, and IaC in AWS using Terraform.
Dom studied at the University of Cambridge and King's College London. Outside of work, Dom is interested in languages and travelling, and holds a voluntary statutory appointment monitoring the welfare and dignity of prisoners in a challenging North London jail.
- It's Your Call(able): a tour of Python's callable (function) interface

Eli has been a nerd for their entire life, and has now been working in tech for 6 years after being released back into the wild from university.
These days they can be found at Anvil, where they yell about Python and the web and get paid for it. In their spare time they enjoy hanging out with their cat, knitting, and trying to stop their cat from eating their knitting.
- Pointers? In my Python? It's more likely than you think

Emma is a developer advocate. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and learning from fellow developers.
- Property-Based Testing the Python Way

Hallo! I live in Cambridge and I'm a Developer Advocate at Anvil. I like tinkering with Raspberry Pi, playing German board games and ranting about legacy code. My family are remarkably tolerant of my obsession with Python3 and emoji.
- Unexploded Bombs

Ian Thomas is a Senior Software Engineer at Anaconda. Originally an ocean modeller, Ian has many years' experience analysing and visualising data. Ian is an Open Source contributor to a number of libraries, most notably Bokeh, Matplotlib and more recently Datashader.
- Visualising large datasets: everyone in the UK Census

I am a CPython Core Developer and a member of Microsoft's faster-cpython team. My work focuses on the interpreter core.
Among my contributions to Python 3.11 are the implementation of PEP 654 (Exception Groups and except*) and PEP 678 (exception notes). In addition, I worked on a number of non-functional changes to optimise and simplify the interpreter's exception handling.
- Exception Groups and except*

Dr. Jodie Burchell is the Developer Advocate in Data Science at JetBrains, and was previously the Lead Data Scientist in audiences generation at Verve Group Europe. After finishing a PhD in Psychology and a postdoc in biostatistics, she has worked in a range of data science and machine learning roles across search improvement, recommendation systems, NLP and programmatic advertising. She is also the author of two books, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ggplot2" and "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Plotnine", and writes a data science blog.
- Vectorise all the things! How basic linear algebra can speed up your data science code

Kaxil is a committer and PMC member of the Apache Airflow Project. He is currently the Director of the Airflow Engineering Team @ Astronomer.
He was instrumental in adding DAG Serialization, support for Scheduler HA, Secrets Backend to Airflow and releasing Airflow 2.0.
He did his Masters in Data Science & Analytics from Royal Holloway, University of London. Started as a Data Scientist and then gained experience in Data Engineering, BigData and DevOps space. He began working on Airflow in 2017 while working at Data Reply as a BigData consultant and became PMC member in 2018.
- Getting started with Apache Airflow

Marc-Andre is the CEO and founder of eGenix.com, a Python-focused project and consulting company based in Germany, specializing in the data, finance and database space. He also is a Python Core Developer, designed and implemented the Unicode support in Python.
Marc-Andre is a EuroPython Society (EPS) Fellow, a Python Software Foundation (PSF) founding Fellow and co-founded a local Python meeting in Düsseldorf (PyDDF). He served on the board of the PSF and EPS and loves to contribute to the growth of Python where ever he can.
More information is available on https://malemburg.com/
- An introduction to async programming - Writing a Telegram Antispam Bot in Python

Mark is a data scientist who has worked in tech companies and consultancies, in areas such as SaaS, healthcare and ecommerce. He has developed two popular Python packages, including Obsidiantools recently. He has been studying MPhil Population Health Sciences at Cambridge and specialised in Health Data Science. Over the course of his programme he wrote all his notes in a digital vault via Obsidian.md software.
- Connecting those thoughts: Personal knowledge management with Python

Mark Smith is a Senior Developer Advocate for MongoDB, and lives in Scotland.
He's been coding and teaching coding for over 25 years.
These days he specialises in MongoDB, Python, and Rust.
When he's not sitting in front of a computer, you'll find him 3D printing, building mechanical keyboards, or doing DIY.
- Intro to FARM Stack: FastAPI, React & MongoDB

Michael is a consulting software engineer who helps product teams to develop Python software in the cloud. He worked with many different teams from various industries, but none of them practised property-based testing and only few were familiar with the concept.
This prompted him to spread the word about property-based testing and Hypothesis in an effort to help others write more robust and maintainable software.
- Bulletproof Python – Property-Based Testing with Hypothesis

Olga Matoula is a senior software engineer at Bloomberg, where she is creating a chatbot framework for Instant Bloomberg, the company's chat tool. Before that, she worked in different engineering teams at Bloomberg and Microsoft, and had previously co-founded Code It Like a Girl, an award-winning social enterprise where she taught women and children in Greece to code. Olga is a Python enthusiast and loves participating in tech community events. She also enjoys exploring London’s music and swing dancing scene.
- Creating your first documentation site for your Python code

Peter is a software engineer that has contributed to test automation on a variety of software projects in embedded systems, web services and satellite communication software.
Peter holds Computer Science degrees from the University of Hertfordshire and has an interest in HCI and web accessibility.
- Using python to create a prototype for web accessibility research
Peter works as a trainer, but still tells people that he's a programmer. He lives in West Yorkshire with his wife and son, and has spent a lot of the past few years in the cellar. His interests include... mostly just computers to be honest.
- Alternative History Retrocomputing

Philippe works in Quantitative Research at JPMorgan. He has been working at the cross-point of technology, finance and mathematics for over 20 years, specialising in trading and risk management systems.
He is passionate about good quality code, testing, and how to deliver business benefit through technology.
- Giving Python to non-developers: A real-life story

2021-2022: senior software engineer at Sourcery AI working on code quality tools
2015-2021: senior software engineer positions at fintech companies
2005 - now: various software engineer jobs
- Living With Technical Debt: Acknowledge It, Specify It, Reduce It
Rita works in the Equities Quantitative Research team at JPMorgan. She focuses primarily on strategic initiatives to help the Sales & Trading functions become more data driven and is the global coordinator of the Markets Data & Analytics training. Prior to her role, Rita spent more than 4 years in the credit risk organization working on developing the next generation credit rating models and on portfolio analysis and regulatory capital modeling.
- Giving Python to non-developers: A real-life story

I'm a freelance software developer and open-source consultant. I'm a cofounder of HPy and I've been a PyPy core developer since 2012.
- HPy: a better C API for Python

I run coding/computing/technology/making workshops at Science Oxford, an education charity, working with young people, family groups, teachers & adults.
I'm definitely not a Python expert, but I love teaching it as it's an extremely accessible programming language!
Outside of work, my main obsessions are tea, fighting robots, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
- Coders: The Next Generation

Scott Irwin is a senior engineer and manager at Bloomberg, where he develops Python applications and libraries that are part of the tools used by the company’s clients to discover and use relevant functionality on the Bloomberg Terminal.
Scott is also a Python educator who teaches internal training courses at Bloomberg. He has also led live online training events hosted on the O'Reilly learning platform.
- PyScript and my journey to the Web

Hi folks
I am a software engineer at the Bennett Institute, working on OpenSAFELY.
I have been building things with python for a good while, with a focus on infrastructure and tooling. A long time Linux user, I previously worked at Canonical on Ubuntu for 9 years.
An even longer time ago I did a PhD in AI cloud scheduling, which explains why you might see me drinking a lot.
- OpenSAFELY: a python powered response to the COVID pandemic

Stefanie Molin is a software engineer and data scientist at Bloomberg in New York City, where she tackles tough problems in information security, particularly those revolving around data wrangling/visualization, building tools for gathering data, and knowledge sharing. She is also the author of "Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas," which is currently in its second edition. She holds a bachelor’s of science degree in operations research from Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in computer science, with a specialization in machine learning, from Georgia Tech.
- Introduction to Data Analysis Using Pandas

Tatiana is a Staff Software Engineer at Astronomer and builds open-source authoring tools on top of Apache Airflow.
In 2002 she started to study Computer Engineering at Unicamp, Brazil. Her first job was to build a 3D visualisation software that helped surgeons plan complex medical procedures. She learned how to develop scalable software while working for Globo, between 2010 and 2014. She moved to the UK to build educational applications at Education First and later became a Principal Data Engineer at the BBC, where she helped the company to build its machine learning platform using open-source tools.
- Getting started with Apache Airflow

After being a programmer for a good few years, I recently changed career to become a Developer Educator at Aiven (https://aiven.io). My favourite programming language is Python, my favourite markup language is reStructuredText, my favourite storage technologies are SQLite, PostgreSQL and Redis, and I've recently become all enthusiastic about Apache Kafka.
Find out more about my past at https://www.tonyibbs.co.uk/
- Fish and Chips and Apache Kafka®

Cofounder and COO of Sourcery. Helping to build tools to automatically improve code quality, cut down on tech debt, and help make everyone's code more Pythonic.
- Living With Technical Debt: Acknowledge It, Specify It, Reduce It
Vince Knight is a Senior Lecturer at Cardiff University in the School of Mathematics. His research interests are in emergent behaviour, probabilistic modelling, applications in healthcare and pedagogy. He maintains a number of open source research software projects, is a trustee of the UK Python association, is an editor for the Journal of Open Source Software, was awarded the 2017 John Pinner award for contribution to the Python community and is a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute.
- Do not trust my [or any] computational research.