WikidataCon 2021

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  • Govdirectory - just another WikiProject?
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Adam Shorland

Tech Lead for the Wikidata & Wikibase Team at Wikimedia Deutschland

  • Scaling Wikidata Query Service - unlimited access to all the world’s knowledge for everyone is hard
  • Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges
  • Pre-launch Announcement and Preview of Wikibase.Cloud
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Adele Godoy Vrana

Adele Godoy Vrana is an Afro-Brazilian feminist, social justice activist, and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?, who joined the Wikimedia movement in 2012. As the former Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Wikimedia Foundation, she led initiatives to help increase access to Wikipedia in the Global South. Wikimedian against-all-odds, she decided to stick around to make the point that black women belong everywhere, with or without an edit count. She first learned of Wikipedia in her mid-twenties when she couldn’t afford to buy books, and remains determined to make the knowledges of people like her visible, heard, and affirmed in this movement.

  • Decolonizing the Internet's Structured Data follow up
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Aisha Khatun

Data Analyst for Search Platform at the Wikimedia Foundation

  • Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges
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Alberto Leoncio
  • Description from Wikidata on sister projects and concerns about vandalism
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Alexander Derveaux

Project associate in the photography museum of Antwerp(Belgium). Working on project that wants to make a knowledge base around photographic paper using wikibase.

  • Demo of upload process for a wikibase instance
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Alex Lum / Canley

Alex Lum (User:Canley) is President of Wikimedia Australia.

  • Wikidata in Australia showcase
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Alice Faria
  • eViterbo: Implementing an open platform in academia
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Alicia Fagerving

Alicia Fagerving is a developer at Wikimedia Sverige, working with Wikidata and GLAM partnerships.

  • Wikidata for authority control: sharing museum knowledge with the world
  • Become a Wikidata lexicographer! How to get started editing Lexemes
  • Structured data, structured photos – SDC for WLM
  • Wiki Loves Monuments discussion
  • Languages discussion
  • Please don’t get hit by a bus! Towards a resilient and sustainable Wikidata tool ecosystem
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Amanda Chevtchouk Jurno

I hold a PhD and Master degrees by the Post-Graduate Program in Communication at Federal University of Minas Gerais – Brazil. I am also a journalist with a degree from the same University. Researcher at the R-EST – Studies of Sociotechnical Networks (UFMG) and GAIA – Group of Arts and Artificial Intelligence (C4AI-Inova USP). I am interested in researching platforms, algorithms, artificial intelligence and digital media in relation to communication. I also serve as a Production Manager of the WikidataCon 2021 at the wikimedia user group Wiki Movimento Brasil

  • Decolonizing the Internet's Structured Data follow up
  • Brazilian culture session: let's celebrate!
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Amanda Rust
  • Wikidata in the Classroom: Updates from North America
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Ami Clarke
  • Using Wikibase to build The Digital Archive of Artists’ Books (DAAP)
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Amir Aharoni
  • Global templates: Towards a New Age of Cross-wiki Data Collaboration
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Amy Ruskin
  • Wikidata in the Classroom: Updates from North America
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  • Wikidata supporting open student research projects in plant chemistry
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Anasuya Sengupta

Anasuya Sengupta is an Indian feminist activist, scholar, and co-founder of Whose Knowledge?, who lives and works across multiple continents and online as a Wikipedian. She joined the Wikimedia Foundation in 2012, became Chief Grantmaking Officer, and then began in earnest to edit and amplify marginalised knowledges on Wikipedia as a volunteer. She has led and supported social justice initiatives in India and the United States, particularly against caste- and sexuality- based discriminations, religious fundamentalisms, and gender-based violence. She acknowledges the multiple positions of power and disempowerment she holds, especially as an “upper caste” savarna brown woman from the Global South.

  • Decolonizing Wikidata: Q&A session
  • Decolonizing the Internet's Structured Data follow up
  • Decolonizing Wikidata: why does knowledge justice matter for structured data
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Andreia Nogueira

Andreia Nogueira is currently engaged in critical and reflexive work on the meaning and significance of our contemporary cultural heritage (in between music and the visual arts) and on the articulation between sustainable development and creative conservation and the way it intersects with issues of open access and copyright. She is conducting the project "ARTinBetween: Bridging the gap for the long-term sustainability of multimedia artworks in between music and the visual arts" (2021-2024), hosted at Techn&Art research centre from the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal.

  • Why copyright and open access matters in contemporary art conservation?
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Andrew Lih

Andrew Lih is Wikimedian at Large for the Smithsonian Institution in the United States and the Wikimedia Strategist for The Met Museum in New York City.

  • Improving Women's Biographies through Wikidata - Experiences from Women in Red and the Smithsonian Institution
  • Wiki API Connector - Simplifying ETL workflows from open APIs to Wikidata/Commons
  • The Met Museum's Work with Wikidata and Structured Data on Commons
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Andrews Lartey

Andrews Lartey (Andrews Nii Awuley Lartey) is a computer scientist with 6 years plus work experience in education and tech. He is passionate about education for all, circular economy, technology for development and doing business as a force for good. His experience spans project and program management, branding and communication, entrepreneurship and technology for SMES and enterprise level. When you do not find him playing soccer or cooking, you will get him coaching or mentoring the youth on their career path.
Connect on LinkedIn via:

  • Phrasal Inversion Technique
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Anjali Shekhawat
  • Wikidata supporting open student research projects in plant chemistry
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Anne Richardson
  • Linking the Art in the Christian Tradition (ACT) database to Wikidata
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Ann Reynolds
  • Improving Women's Biographies through Wikidata - Experiences from Women in Red and the Smithsonian Institution
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Antonin Delpeuch
  • Please don’t get hit by a bus! Towards a resilient and sustainable Wikidata tool ecosystem
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Ari Häyrinen

In my day job I work with GLAM data and I'm constantly searching and developing tools to make things easier.

  • Introduction to GLAMpipe, a flexible tool for reusable data
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Barbara Clausen

Curatorial Research Director of the Joan Jonas Knowledge Base

Barbara Clausen is associate professor and the vice dean for research and creation, Faculty of the Arts, University of Quebec, Montreal. Since 2000 she has curated, lectured, and written extensively on the historiography and institutionalization of performance-based art practices and the parallel discourses surrounding the politics of the body and the archive. She is the curatorial research director of the Joan Jonas Knowledge Base and is coediting a monograph on Joan Jonas in conjunction with the exhibition at Dia Beacon.

  • Enriching the Joan Jonas Knowledge Base with linked open data via Wikidata
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Barbara Fischer

Originally trained as a historian I am today a committed art manager bringing people together to enhance the impact of arts, culture, and heritage. I started my digital trail working on Wikimedia projects. Co-creating formats like the popular hackathon Coding da Vinci partnering GLAMs and Coders. Thus I am 100% wikified: I endorse volunteer communities and free licenses fostering visibility of digital GLAM content. This is why I work as Liaison Counsel at the German National Library’s Agency for Standardization (DNB) to encourage cooperation and openness in digital transformation. I am the head of the DFG-research project „GND for Cultural data“ and the communication manager for „GND meets Wikibase“. On behalf of the DNB, I initiated the WikiLibrary Manifesto. I work to increase the quality of metadata through Authority Control to foster retrieval and linked data. (Oct 2021)

  • How to open Authority Control system - The GND & Wikibase
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Beatrice Melis

Beatrice Melis (she/her) is a twenty-three years old Digital Humanities Graduate and Master's Degree Course Student at University of Pisa. Her interests in current and future studies concern the possibility of studying the poetic and literary heritage through digital-storytelling tools.

  • Wikidata-based narratives for research and education
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Benedict Udeh
  • IG WIKIDATA HUB - The Journey towards building a WIKIDATA community in Nigeria
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Bert Spaan
  • Wikidocumentaries - Invitation for collaboration
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  • Wikidocumentaries - Invitation for collaboration
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Brit Johnston
  • Respectfully representing Indigenous knowledge in Wikidata
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  • Learning Wikidata in 8 Weeks as a Smithsonian Intern
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Carla Toro
  • Engaging educational communities with wikidata in Chile: the challenges that remains [es, pre-recorded]
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Caroline Silveira Bauer

Professor at the Department of History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, member of the Laboratory for Studies on Political Uses of the Past (Luppa).

  • Producing data, writing histories and memories: an experience about the disputes of the past in Brazil
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Cecilia Mondolo
  • Publicación, intercambio y uso de datos abiertos relacionados con el control gubernamental [es]
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Charlotte Lew
  • Linking the Art in the Christian Tradition (ACT) database to Wikidata
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Chiara Paolini

Chiara Paolini (she/her) is a PhD student in Linguistics at KU Leuven, under the supervision of Benedikt Szmrecsanyi.
She is involved in the FWO project “How much does meaning matter? A fresh look at grammatical alternations”, where she is investigating how the choice between competing constructions in the grammatical alternation phenomenon depends on the semantic characteristics of the lexical context in which those variants are embedded, using quantitative and corpora-based methodologies.

Chiara obtained both her degrees in Digital Humanities (BA) and Applied and Theoretical Linguistics (MA) at the University of Pisa, under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Lenci. In her master’s thesis, together with dr. Denis Paperno (Utrecht Universiteit), she implemented a distributional model for the exemplar representation of derivational meaning, taking as case study the Italian action nouns -ata, -zione and -mento.

Chiara’s research interests include usage-based theories of language, distributional semantics, lexical semantics, and language change, as well as inclusive and gender linguistics.

  • Non-binary gender identities in Wikidata
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Chico Venancio
  • Wikidata birthday presents lightning talks
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Christa Strickler

Christa is an Associate Professor of Library Science and Resource Description Librarian at Wheaton College in Illinois. She has enjoyed experimenting with Wikidata since 2013.

  • Challenges and Lessons from a Pilot Project: Christian Hymns in Wikidata
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Christopher Petrillo

Chris is a Knowledge Architect at Amazon Alexa working on knowledge accessibility, Wikidata and Wikipedia.

  • Knowledge Quality In Wikidata: Vandalism Insights and Data Collaborations
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Dalton Martins
  • Please don’t get hit by a bus! Towards a resilient and sustainable Wikidata tool ecosystem
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Daniele Metilli

Daniele Metilli (they/them) is a Research Fellow at the Department of Information Studies of UCL, London, working on the Sloane Lab project. Daniele works at the intersection of knowledge representation, digital humanities, and collaborative online projects. They hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic of Milan, a Master’s Degree in Digital Humanities from the University of Pisa, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pisa. Over the years, they have been active in several Linked Data projects, including DanteSources, Hypermedia Dante Network, and Mingei. They have also been an administrator of the Wikidata and English Wikipedia projects.

  • Wikidata-based narratives for research and education
  • Non-binary gender identities in Wikidata
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Daniel Mietchen

Biophysicist and data scientist whose contributions to Wikimedia projects center around topics related to research, sustainable development and disaster management.

  • Integrating Wikidata into education
  • State of WikiCite in 2021
  • Scholia updates 2021
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David Abián
  • Scientific greetings
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David Causse

Senior Software Engineer for Search Platform at the Wikimedia Foundation

  • Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges
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David Lindemann


  • LOD-ifying bibliographical and lexical data using wikibase
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Deena Engel

Technology Research Director of the Joan Jonas Knowledge Base

Deena Engel teaches undergraduate computer science courses on web and database technologies and undergraduate and graduate courses in the digital humanities and the arts. She also supervises undergraduate and graduate student research projects in the digital humanities and the arts. Co-director of the Artist Archives Initiative, she researches and collaborates with museums on the conservation of time-based media and software-based art while pursuing a PhD at the Bard Graduate Center, New York.

  • Enriching the Joan Jonas Knowledge Base with linked open data via Wikidata
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Demian Katz

Demian Katz is the Director of Library Technology at Villanova University, where he leads a team of four software developers and contributes to various open source projects, including the VuFind discovery layer. Outside of software development, his research interests include dime novels, series books and print-based interactive fiction, and he contributes with some regularity to Dime Novel Round-Up. He also manages the online bibliographies at and

  • Pre-ISBN/ISSN bibliographic data
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Dennis Diefenbach

Dennis Diefenbach is a PhD researcher and entrepreneur in the area of Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs.

He did his PhD under a Marie Skłodowska-Curie action, Europe's most competitive and prestigious research and innovation fellowship. He worked for IBM and SAP.

Dennis Diefenbach published over 20 publications in the area of QA over Knowledge Graphs in renowned Conferences and Journals like the International Semantic Web Conference and the Semantic Web Journal.
He is the main contributor of QAnswer, the first AI driven platform to query Knowledge Graphs in natural language.
Currently his main goal is to bring these exciting technologies to industry!

  • Wikibase as an infrastructure for Knowledge Graphs: The EU Knowledge Graph
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Dennis Raylin Chen

Taiwanese OpenStreetMap mapper and Wikidata contributer, recently speaking in Taiwanese Hokkien during talk on conference

  • Arrange river data in Taiwan by Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
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Denny Vrandečić

Head of special projects at the Wikimedia Foundation, Product Manager of Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia, founder of Wikidata.

  • Igbo and Abstract Wikipedia - a conversation
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Dragan Espenschied

I'm the preservation director at Rhizome.
Rhizome was the first institution that deployed a mission-critical Wikibase.

  • Open meeting of the Wikibase Stakeholder Group and interactive roadmapping session
  • ArtBase: the latest updates on Rhizome's self-hosted Wikibase
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Éder Porto

I'm a software developer based in São Paulo, Brazil, and I'm a Products and Resources Manager at Wiki Movimento Brasil, where I'm also a volunteer member. I've been a Wikimedian since 2016 and I'm very interested in everything that involves Wikidata.

  • Wiki Loves Monuments discussion
  • Wikidata at the heart of Wiki Loves Monuments: a Brazilian experience
  • From Google Scholar to Wikidata: The RIDC NeuroMat Experience
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Effie Kapsalis
  • Improving Women's Biographies through Wikidata - Experiences from Women in Red and the Smithsonian Institution
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Elan Hourticolon-Retzler
  • Google keynote: Improving knowledge availability for Buddhist entities through Wikidata
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Érica Azzellini

Communications Manager at Wiki Movimento Brasil and organization lead for the Brazilian team of the WikidataCon

  • WikidataCon 2021 opening
  • Latin America and Caribbean gathering
  • Decolonizing the Internet's Structured Data follow up
  • WikidataCon 2021 closing session
  • Reimagining Wikidata from the margins
  • Reimagining Wikidata from the margins: listening session
  • Brazilian culture session: let's celebrate!
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Semantic Web health care informatics geek.

  • Writing schemas for Wikidata
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Erika Guetti Suca

Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science and Technical Assistant at NeuroMat
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics
University of São Paulo, Brazil

  • From Google Scholar to Wikidata: The RIDC NeuroMat Experience
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Erwin Ramirez
  • Publicación, intercambio y uso de datos abiertos relacionados con el control gubernamental [es]
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Eugene Alvin Villar (seav)

Eugene is a long-time Wikimedian and OpenStreetMap volunteer who is invested in linking the Philippine Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap communities and in linking Wikidata and OSM data as well.

  • Launching the Philippine LGU Data project
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Evelin Heidel
  • SDC Discussion
  • Copyright evaluations to Commons
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Florence Devouard

A Wikipedian since 2002, a former Chair of Wikimedia Foundation and a founding member of Wikimedia France. She is a free knowledge advocate, a public speaker and a consultant.
Since 2013, Florence is the co-leader on projects related to Wikipedia and Africa, as part of the WikiAfrica movement, such as Wiki loves Africa, Wiki Loves Women, WikiChallenge Ecoles d'Afrique etc.

  • ISA: run challenges within your community to add structured data to Commons images
  • SDC Discussion
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Frances Whorrall-Campbell

Frances is an archivist with the Digital Archive of Artists' Publishing (DAAP).

  • Using Wikibase to build The Digital Archive of Artists’ Books (DAAP)
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Franziska Heine
  • WikidataCon 2021 opening
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Frédéric Julien

Frédéric Julien works in the performing arts as an administrator, a researcher and an activist. He currently holds the position of Director of Research and Development at the Canadian Association for the Performing Arts (CAPACOA). Since 2018, he leads the Linked Digital Future Initiative, which deploys a range of activities fosters a data-centric transformation digital transformation in the performing arts. Wikidata is an essential tool in this transformation.

  • How can we prevent conflictual P31 values?
  • Wikidata et l’écosystème de données ouvertes liées pour les arts de la scène [Wikidata and the Linked Open Data Ecosystem for the Performing Arts]
  • Sorting out industry classifications in Wikidata
  • Respectfully representing Indigenous knowledge in Wikidata
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Frieder Leipold
  • De Jonge Wiki
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Gabriel Coaracy
  • Dados para energias do futuro [pt-br]
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Gabriel Maia

Gabriel Amaral is a computer scientist, graduated summa cum laude from the Federal University of Ceará, a PhD candidate at King's College London and a Marie Curie fellow. He is part of the Marie Curie European training network Cleopatra, which delivers approaches and technologies to build and use large-scale, multilingual knowledge graphs. His PhD thesis tackles the quality of references and the verification of claims found in Wikidata.

  • Assessing the quality of sources in Wikidata across languages
  • Scientific greetings
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Galder Gonzalez
  • Global templates: Towards a New Age of Cross-wiki Data Collaboration
  • We can show lists, graphs, maps (somehow)... let's think on Timelines
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Goran S. Milovanovic

Cognitive and Data Scientist. An exact mind by training, a philosopher by birth. Data Scientist for Wikidata w. WMDE.

  • The Lindy Effect in Wikidata User Retention
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Guillaume Lederrey

Engineering Manager for Search Platform at Wikimedia Foundation

  • Scaling Wikidata Query Service - unlimited access to all the world’s knowledge for everyone is hard
  • Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges
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Hanno Lans

Working with Dutch museums to detect the copyright status of works by using WIkidata.

  • SDC Discussion
  • Copyright evaluations to Commons
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Harald Sack

Harald Sack is Professor for Information Services Engineering at FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB). His current areas of research include semantic technologies, knowledge discovery as well as applications of hybrid symbolic and subsymbolic AI. He has served as General Chair, PC Chair, and (Senior) PC member of numerous international conferences and workshops. Harald Sack has published more than 150 scientific papers in peer reviewed international journals and conferences including several standard textbooks.

He is a founding member of the German IPv6 council and has served as its general secretary since 2009. He has initiated the academic video search engine and is CEO at yovisto. Since 2014 he complements his university teaching with MOOCs on Semantic Web and Knowledge Graphs at OpenHPI. Furthermore, Harald Sack serves as speaker of the German DBpedia chapter.


  • Wikibase as RDM infrastructure within NFDI4Culture
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Hay Kranen

Hay creates digital things. He combines in-depth technical knowledge with a pragmatic approach and a creative angle. Designing, developing, tinkering and hacking on the thin line between art, data, technology and narrative.

Hay has been a Wikimedian since 2005 and created numerous tools, was the first Dutch Wikipedian-in-Residence, served on the Wikimedia Netherlands board and contributed to many Wikimedia projects,with text, images and data.

  • SDC Discussion
  • Depictor: add structured data to Commons using a game-like interface
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Houcemeddine Turki

Houcemeddine Turki is a long-term Wikimedian working since 2009 and contributing to Wikidata and sister projects. He is also an open science advocate promoting the use of Wikidata as a free resourceto develop real-life computer applications at a low cost from the perspective of science policy and scholarly research. As a Wikimedian, Houcemeddine has been among the first members of Wikimedia Tunisia User Group in 2014 serving as GLAM and Education Coordinator for the affiliate between 2018 and 2019 as the Vice-Chair of the group since 2019. Moreover, he has been involved as a member of the Programme Committee of the WikiIndaba Conference, the Premier African Conference of Wikimedia Community, in 2018 and 2019. Furthermore, he currently serves as a member of WikiIndaba Streering Committee, of Wikimedia and Libraries User Group Steering Committee, and of Wikimedia Foundation Affiliation Committee. In real life, Houcemeddine is a medical student and a research assistant at the University of Sfax, Tunisia. He is affiliated to Data Engineering and Semantics Research Unit, a local research structure that focuses on the development of knowledge-based systems based on freely available computer resources.

  • Systematic Review Automation driven by Wikidata
  • Languages discussion
  • Wikifunctions and Abstract Wikipedia: Community Perspectives
  • Wikidata & Education: A Global Panel
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Ina Blümel

  • Wikibase as RDM infrastructure within NFDI4Culture
  • Integration of Wikidata 4OpenGLAM into data and information science curricula
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James Hare

Old One

  • Wikibase for Citations on Wikipedia
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Jan Ainali

Users Ainali and Abbe98 are long time Wikimedians and fans of Wikidata. For the last year they are making almost weekly live streams of Wikidata editing, showing tools and sharing knowledge.

  • Govdirectory - just another WikiProject?
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Jan Dittrich

Anthropology and mixed-methods Research

  • The Lindy Effect in Wikidata User Retention
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  • Commons File Infoboxes based on Wikidata and SDC
  • SDC Discussion
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Jeannette Ho

Jeannette Ho holds the position of Cataloging/Metadata Librarian at Texas A&M University Libraries, where she catalogs monographs and participates in the management of metadata for the Libraries' digital projects.

  • Wikidata at Texas A&M University Libraries: Enhancing Discovery for Dissertations
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Jennie Choi
  • The Met Museum's Work with Wikidata and Structured Data on Commons
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Jeroen De Dauw

Jeroen created the Wikibase software as part of the original Wikibase team. He held the position of Software Architect at Wikimedia Deutschland till leaving in 2019 to start his own MediaWiki company Professional.Wiki. In 2020 he launched The Wikibase Consultancy, and has since assisted various institutions such as the German National Library and the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture with their Wikibase adoption. He also created a number of open source Wikibase extensions and tools and is a member of the Wikibase Stakeholder Group.

  • Brief Intro To Our Wikibase Extensions
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Jessika Davis

Currently seeking M.S. in Museums and Digital Culture at Pratt Institute School of Information in New York City. Member or the Semantic Lab and LOD Fellow at MoMA.

  • Wikibase: Basecamp for Semantic Lab's Wiki Journey
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Jim Hahn

I am the Head of Metadata Research at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries leading linked data and metadata projects and research for the Libraries. Working collaboratively across the Libraries, my work is developing a vision for the services, technologies and policies to enhance discovery of collections, following international standards and best practices for linked data and metadata.

  • A process to roundtrip Wikidata into Alma using Alma Refine
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João Alexandre Peschanski

João Alexandre Peschanski is a Professor of Journalism at Faculdade Cásper Líbero, in São Paulo, Brazil. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is currently the chair of the User Group Wiki Movimento Brasil, and is a board member of the User Group Wikipedia & Education. He has served as the co-cordinator for WikidataCon 2021. His username across Wikimedia projects is Joalpe.

  • Brazilian GLAM panel: Wikidata for digital dissemination strategies
  • How can we reimagine Wikidata from the margins? Conversation with Maryana Iskander
  • Wikidata & Education: A Global Panel
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Johannes Michael Kissel
  • GIZ keynote: Together for a sustainable world
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John Samuel

John Samuel is Associate Professor (Enseignant-Chercheur) at CPE Lyon and is an active contributor on Wikidata.

  • Making Scholarly Articles Findable: Towards Ensuring F of FAIR Data Principles
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  • IG WIKIDATA HUB - The Journey towards building a WIKIDATA community in Nigeria
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Kat Thornton
  • Multimedia Biographies for Diverse Scientists with
  • Please don’t get hit by a bus! Towards a resilient and sustainable Wikidata tool ecosystem
  • Writing schemas for Wikidata
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Kelly Foster

Kelly has been contributing to Wikimedia projects since 2012 and is an active community organiser.

  • "Presumed Neutrality?" considering racialised slavery and freedom on Wikidata
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Kenneth Seals-Nutt
  • Multimedia Biographies for Diverse Scientists with
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Keren Shatzman

My name is Dr. Keren Shatzman and I am the academic and Wikidata coordinator at Wikimedia Israel.

  • How to model a newsreel collection?
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Kimmo Virtanen
  • Global templates: Towards a New Age of Cross-wiki Data Collaboration
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Lane Rasberry
  • Wikidata in the Classroom: Updates from North America
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Laurence "GreenReaper" Parry

Laurence is founder and curator of WikiFur, the furry fandom encyclopedia, and primary contact of the Wikibase Community User Group.

  • "A Wikibase for what?" - diverse users at the edge of the graph
  • Wikibase Community User Group meeting and track roundup
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Léa Lacroix

Community Engagement Coordinator at Wikimedia Deutschland and main coordinator of the WikidataCon

  • WikidataCon 2021 opening
  • WikidataCon 2021 closing session
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Leandro Nogueira
  • Dados para energias do futuro [pt-br]
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Liam Wyatt

Also known as 'Wittylama'
Program manager at the Wikimedia Foundation, responsible for the WikiCite program 2019-21.

  • Shared Citations - A proposed citation management database for Wikimedia
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LiAnna Davis
  • Wikidata & Education: A Global Panel
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Loren Koenig

European-educated computer scientist • • volunteer at Wikimedia NYC

  • Understanding Knowledge-Representation Inequities in Terms of Re-de-contextualization
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Lozana Rossenova

Lozana Rossenova is a research associate in the Open Science Lab at TIB (German National Library of Science and Technology, Hannover), where she is working on the NFDI4Culture project for a national research infrastructure of cultural data. She completed her PhD at London South Bank University in partnership with Rhizome, New York. Her research focused on data presentation and performativity in the online archive of born-digital art.

Rossenova is an active member of the Wikidata and Wikibase open source development communities, and a co-founder of the Wikibase Stakeholder Group. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of OpenRefine.

In 2020–21, Rossenova served as assistant director for linked data research at the Joan Jonas Knowledge Base.

  • Using OpenRefine with arbitrary Wikibase instances
  • Enriching the Joan Jonas Knowledge Base with linked open data via Wikidata
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Luca Mauri

First and foremost a geek and a Trekker, Luca Mauri is employed as an IT Manager. A Space Exploration enthusiast, avid reader and hobbyist photographer. INTJ

  • Wikibase and Semantic MediaWiki: why and how
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Lucas Lara

Mestre em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo. Bacharel e licenciado em História pela Universidade de São Paulo. Gestor Cultural pelo Centro de Pesquisa e Formação do SESC - SP. Foi pesquisador do Acervo da Discoteca Pública Municipal Oneyda Alvarenga (CCSP) e do Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo (MIS SP). Atualmente é Coordenador de Museologia do Museu da Pessoa. Dedica-se a pesquisas em Gestão Cultural, História Oral, Museologia Social e Museus Virtuais.

  • Histórias de vida como patrimônio da humanidade
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Lucas Piantá

Brazilian, wikimedian and historian. currently doing a master's degree in history and working for Wiki Movimento Brasil as a researcher on the Movement Strategy implementation in the Lusophone community.

  • Producing data, writing histories and memories: an experience about the disputes of the past in Brazil
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Luciana Conrado

Luciana Conrado (coordinator of network articulation for the Tainacan project): Historian, specialist in Museology and PhD in Education from the University of São Paulo (USP). She is currently the director of Percebe, professor of the Graduate Program in Arts, Heritage and Museology at the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI) and the coordinator of network articulation for the Tainacan project - a free software for the social construction of digital repositories. Luciana is also the coordinator of the Brazilian section at the Committee of Education and Cultural Action (CECA-BR) at the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

  • Brazilian GLAM panel: Wikidata for digital dissemination strategies
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Lucia Sohmen

As a member of the "Technische Informationsbibliothek" and its Open Science Lab, Lucia's interests lie in research data and open access. Her background is in library and information science.

  • Wikibase as RDM infrastructure within NFDI4Culture
  • Integration of Wikidata 4OpenGLAM into data and information science curricula
  • Using OpenRefine with arbitrary Wikibase instances
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Lydia Pintscher

Product Manager for Wikidata at Wikimedia Deutschland

  • Wikidata birthday presents lightning talks
  • Overview of ontology issues
  • Scaling Wikidata Query Service - unlimited access to all the world’s knowledge for everyone is hard
  • Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges
  • Wikidata pink pony session
  • Taking in feedback from re-users at scale
  • A world in which 99% of Wikidata’s editors never come to
  • Measuring and monitoring data quality
  • What happened and what’s coming around Wikidata and Wikibase
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Mahir Morshed
  • Languages discussion
  • Ninai (நினை) and Udiron (উদীরণ): text generation with Wikidata items and lexemes
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Manoj Karingamadathil
  • Creating Structured Data for Local Self Government with Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
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Maria Heuschkel

I'm Maria and I have been with Wikimedia Deutschland since 2016. Most of this time I have spent with the volunteer support team, working together with volunteers from the German speaking community and making their ideas reality. I am currently working with the product team of the Software Department at Wikimedia Deutschland. My main responsibility is managing 3rd party funded projects that Wikimedia Deutschland is part of.

  • Finding new pathways of collaborating for a sustainable Wikidata software development
  • Languages discussion
  • Digital Language Equality for all Languages in Europe - The ELE project
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Marie Léger-St-Jean

Marie is a book historian and digital humanist with a long-standing interest in open science and outreach. She researches 19th-century popular culture and is a freelance translator (Fr/En) based in Montréal.

  • Pre-ISBN/ISSN bibliographic data
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Martin Gerlach
  • The Lindy Effect in Wikidata User Retention
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Martin Poulter
  • Wikidata & Education: A Global Panel
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Maryana Iskander

incoming CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation.

  • How can we reimagine Wikidata from the margins? Conversation with Maryana Iskander
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Max Kristen
  • De Jonge Wiki
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Meg Wacha
  • IFLA Wikidata Working Group: Updates from the library field
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Melissa Narro
  • Publicación, intercambio y uso de datos abiertos relacionados con el control gubernamental [es]
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Mike Peel
  • Outreachy Internships to create Wikidata bots
  • Global templates: Towards a New Age of Cross-wiki Data Collaboration
  • Wikidata & Education: A Global Panel
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Mike Pham

Product Manager for Search Platform at Wikimedia Foundation

  • Scaling Wikidata Query Service - unlimited access to all the world’s knowledge for everyone is hard
  • Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges
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Minh Nguyễn

Minh Nguyễn has been an OpenStreetMap contributor since 2008 and a Wikidata contributor since 2012. He is also a comaintainer of the Name Suggestion Index, a project that uses Wikidata to help make OpenStreetMap more consistent

  • Look both ways: integrating Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
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Mohammed Sadat Abdulai (User:Masssly)
  • Documentation: Wikidata tools
  • Wikidata pink pony session
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Naveen Francis
  • Creating Structured Data for Local Self Government with Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
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Nils Casties
  • Integration of Wikidata 4OpenGLAM into data and information science curricula
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Olaf Janssen

Olaf Janssen is the Open Data & Wikimedia coordinator at KB, the national library of the Netherlands. In this role he stimulates and facilitates the collaboration between the collections, knowledge, open data and employees of the KB on the one hand, and the projects of the Wikimedia movement on the other, focusing on Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia.
He is also an active volunteer for these projects.

Before working on Wikimedia projects, he was a pioneer in the early years of Europeana and one of the founders of The European Library.

Twitter: @ookgezellig

  • 50 cool new things you can now do with our collection highlights
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Omer Yalcin
  • Measuring Political Elite Networks with Wikidata
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Paritosh Singh
  • Google keynote: Improving knowledge availability for Buddhist entities through Wikidata
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Paula Marmor (User:PKM)

Wikidata user since 2012, active in textiles, costume, decorative arts, and many other areas as the whim strikes me.

  • Crafting Communities
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Paula Scheidt
  • Dados para energias do futuro [pt-br]
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Paul Burley

I'm a metadata librarian at the Northwestern University Libraries in Evanston, Illinois, USA. My main areas of interest are in authority control and separately, but not unrelated, the photography of listed monuments (bens tombados) of the state of Bahia, Brazil. Wikidata qid: Q57979330.

  • Field photography in Bahia, Brazil before and after Wikidata as a tool to organize Wiki Loves Monuments in Brazil
  • Wiki Loves Monuments discussion
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Pedro Szekely

Dr. Pedro Szekely is a Principal Scientist and Director of the AI division at the USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI. His research focuses on table understanding, knowledge graphs and applications of knowledge graphs. He teaches a graduate course at USC on Building Knowledge Graphs, and has given tutorials on knowledge graph construction at KDD, ISWC, AAAI and WWW.

  • Creating subsets of Wikidata
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Prachi Singh
  • Wikidata supporting open student research projects in plant chemistry
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Priyangee Guha

Priyangee Guha is a human rights lawyer from India. She has represented victims of violence in court. Her interests are in reformative justice, healing and in creating better legal and social response systems to violence in our society.

  • Justice is a numbers game
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Rageshwari Singh
  • Wikidata supporting open student research projects in plant chemistry
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Raisha Abdillah

Technology Coordinator at Wikimedia Indonesia. Based in Jakarta, in Indonesia.

  • Indonesian Wikidata Community Meetup
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Rebecca O'Neill

I am Project Coordinator for Wikimedia Community Ireland, and I hold a PhD in Digital Media. I'm also a crafter, curator, feminist, nerd, museum and cat enthusiast.

  • Wiki Loves Monuments discussion
  • Wikidata in Ireland, WLM and beyond!
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Richard Knipel (User:Pharos)

Richard Knipel has served as Wikimedian in Residence at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, developing Wikidata and other projects there, as well as various wider GLAM projects through Wikimedia NYC.

  • Improving Women's Biographies through Wikidata - Experiences from Women in Red and the Smithsonian Institution
  • Crafting Communities
  • The Met Museum's Work with Wikidata and Structured Data on Commons
  • The GLAM Underground
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Robert Fernandez

Board member Wikimedia District of Columbia

  • Improving Women's Biographies through Wikidata - Experiences from Women in Red and the Smithsonian Institution
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Rocío Aravena
  • Engaging educational communities with wikidata in Chile: the challenges that remains [es, pre-recorded]
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Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight
  • Improving Women's Biographies through Wikidata - Experiences from Women in Red and the Smithsonian Institution
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Rui Jiang
  • Google keynote: Improving knowledge availability for Buddhist entities through Wikidata
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Sabine Müller

Sabine Müller is Advisor for Participation and Learning in the Digital World at Wikimedia Deutschland. She is committed to opening up education, cultural heritage and the research system.
Before she was Senior Advisor for the Humanities and Learning sciences as well as career development at the Leibniz Association. With an academic background in literature, (embodied) narratology and philosophy, she is enthusiastic about learning more and discussing the preconditions of our knowledge(s), cultural narratives and epistemological frameworks.

  • Decolonizing the Internet's Structured Data follow up
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Sadik Shahadu

Sadik is a regional ambassador for indigenous communities at Art+Feminism. He is a Co-founder of the Dagbani Wikimedians User Group.

  • Languages discussion
  • Wikidata And Minority Languages
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Sam Alipio

Product Manager for Wikibase Ecosystem at Wikimedia Deutschland

  • Pre-launch Announcement and Preview of Wikibase.Cloud
  • How can Wikimedia Deutschland enable an ecosystem of developers around Wikibase?
  • What happened and what’s coming around Wikidata and Wikibase
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Sandra Fauconnier

Wikimedia and GLAM-Wiki volunteer mainly active on Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons; OpenGLAM advocate; part of the OpenRefine team

  • SDC Discussion
  • OpenRefine tutorial
  • Structured Data on Commons for OpenRefine: what we're working on and what's coming
  • Please don’t get hit by a bus! Towards a resilient and sustainable Wikidata tool ecosystem
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Sebastián Pilo
  • Publicación, intercambio y uso de datos abiertos relacionados con el control gubernamental [es]
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Sergey Leschina
  • Global templates: Towards a New Age of Cross-wiki Data Collaboration
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Shani Evenstein Sigalov

Shani is an educator, lecturer, researcher and Free Knowledge advocate, interested in the intersection between education, Technology, Innovation and Openness.
She has been incorporating WD into the academic curriculum since 2015, both in her elective courses at Tel Aviv University, as well as by supporting other lecturers and faculty in integrating WD into their courses in various institutions both in Israel and worldwide.
In 2018 she opened the first, for-credit course in the world to feature Wikidata, called "From Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, from Wikipedia to Wikidata".
Shani is a PhD candidate at the School of Education, TAU, where she focuses on researching the Semantic Web as a learning platform, focusing on Wikidata as a case study.
Since 2019, she also serves as member of the Board of Trustees, Wikimedia Foundation.

  • A Wikidata university course? Lessons learned from featuring Wikidata in an elective course at Tel Aviv University.
  • Wikidata & Education: A Global Panel
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Shweata N. Hegde

I am an aspiring science communicator and a science education enthusiast with a love for open science. I am currently a third-year undergrad studying life sciences and education at the Regional Institute of Education, Mysuru. I've been an intern at CEVOpen (and openVirus) for about a year now.

  • Wikidata supporting open student research projects in plant chemistry
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Silvia Guttierez

PhD candidate at the Computational Humanities Group at the University of Leipzig, researching biases in literary canons through text mining / LOD advisor for the Digital Library of Bogotá, implementing a Wikidata workflow for the largest Colombian Digital Collection.

  • Igbo and Abstract Wikipedia - a conversation
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Simon Cobb

Simon is Q66538139

  • Pre-ISBN/ISSN bibliographic data
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Simon Villeneuve

  • How can we prevent conflictual P31 values?
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SJ Klein

SJ has been a Wikipedian since 2003, a former board member of the Wikimedia Founation, and the organizer of NEW and WOW. Currently a co-founder of the Knowledge Futures Group, working on collections of structured data about reliable sources and the interlacing of different scientific outputs.

  • WikiCite open discussion (panel + pink pony ideas)
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Solange Ferraz

Solange Ferraz de Lima (Former director of the Paulista Museum): Graduated in History from the University of São Paulo. Master and Doctor in Social History from the University of São Paulo. Associate Professor at the Paulista Museum and a professor at USP. Solange works in the field of History, focusing on Material Cultural and Visual Culture. She was the director of the Museu Paulista da USP between 2016 and 2020, the period in which the Paulista Museum GLAM began.

  • Brazilian GLAM panel: Wikidata for digital dissemination strategies
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Stacy Allison-Cassin
  • Wikidata in the Classroom: Updates from North America
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Stacy Allison-Cassin

Stacy Allison-Cassin is an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, in the LIS program. Her work is centered in the areas of knowledge organization, knowledge equity, and music. A Citizen of the Métis Nation of Ontario, she engages in work and research related to Indigenous matters in libraries and the larger cultural heritage sector and has been an active member of the Wikidata community since 2016.

  • IFLA Wikidata Working Group: Updates from the library field
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Steve Baskauf

I have been interested in Linked Data for over 10 years and have been serious about contributing to Wikidata for the past several years. Currently I'm working on several GLAM Wikidata projects and have been involved in a Wikicite project ( and biodiversity-related Wikidata efforts. I recently was a co-author of a paper about using tabular data to manage small Wikidata datasets:

  • Linking the Art in the Christian Tradition (ACT) database to Wikidata
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Steve Haffenden
  • Wikidata and OCCRP
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Stuart Prior
  • Using Wikibase to build The Digital Archive of Artists’ Books (DAAP)
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Susanna Ånäs

I am working for Open Access to cultural heritage at AvoinGLAM, connecting Creative Commons, Open Knowledge and Wikimedia in Finland.

  • Structured contest data for campaigns
  • Wiki Loves Monuments discussion
  • Wikidocumentaries - Invitation for collaboration
  • Please don’t get hit by a bus! Towards a resilient and sustainable Wikidata tool ecosystem
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Thomas Bauer
  • First Big Data research project back in 2015
  • Focus of work -> Data Science
  • Passionate in system thinking / solution design concepts
  • Expert in software prototype development (full stack)
  • How to open Authority Control system - The GND & Wikibase
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Thomas Shafee

Thomas Shafee [[User:Evolution_and_evolvability]] is an evolutionary biochemist, bioinformatician and data scientist. He's most interested in bridging the Wikimedia-academia divide. He is also the Chair of the WikiJournal User Group and Editor in Chief of WikiJournal of Science.

  • Wikidata and R: a perfect pair
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Tiago Lubiana
  • Scientific greetings
  • Wikidata community awards ceremony
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Toby Hudson / User:99of9

Associate Professor
Associate Head of Education
School of Chemistry, University of Sydney

  • A creative chemistry pathway to understanding
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Tochi Precious

Founder of: Smarter Language Hub, Co-founder, Igbo Wikimedians User Group, Wikipedian in Residence at Moleskine Foundation, initiated the launch of the Makhuwa Language Wikipedia in the Incubator (an African language with over 7 million speakers but no digital footprints).

  • Igbo and Abstract Wikipedia - a conversation
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Toni Schindler
  • Analyzing, visualizing and improving Wikidata using the Wolfram Language
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  • Global templates: Towards a New Age of Cross-wiki Data Collaboration
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Trudi Jacobson (User:TrudiJ)

TrudiJ has primarily worked in Wikipedia, editing articles about embroidery and other craft topics. She plans to become more active in Wikidata. She has also taught university students using the Wiki Edu program.

  • Crafting Communities
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Tuukka Hastrup
  • Wikidocumentaries - Invitation for collaboration
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Vera de Kok
  • Your favorite interface gadgets on Wikidata
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Veronica Stocco
  • Wikidata community awards ceremony
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Véronique Marino

Véronique Marino is co-owner since 2016 of LACOGENCY.CO, specializing in digital content and discoverability strategy. From 2004 to 2019 she has served as Director of the Interactive Media Program at INIS. From 1996 to 1999 she was development and operations associate for the first website for the broadcaster TVA.CA. From 1999 to 2001 she continued her career at Nomino Technologies heading their language recognition database. Her qualities as a manager and her understanding of innovation let her to Nurun where she undertook the development of several projects with the Groupe Québecor. She presents workshops and participates in conferences across Canada and France. She was selected by Quebec’s Femmes du Cinéma, de la Télévision et des Nouveaux Médias as 2012 Digital Media Personality of the Year.

  • Wikidata et l’écosystème de données ouvertes liées pour les arts de la scène [Wikidata and the Linked Open Data Ecosystem for the Performing Arts]
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Will Kent
  • Wikidata in the Classroom: Updates from North America
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Wikimedian from Tunisia.
Co-founder of Wikimedia Tunisia
Co-founder and board member of Wiki World Heritage UG.

  • Wikidata a starting point to generate mobile applications for Museums
  • From QRPedia to AudioQRPedia : how to improve QRPedia using Wikidata
  • The GLAM Underground
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Zbyszko Papierski

Senior Software Engineer for Search Platform at the Wikimedia Foundation

  • Wikidata Query Service scaling challenges